Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1325: Better come back a few times

This is the first time Chen Hao has seen an old European nobleman who has been passed down for hundreds of years.

A true count, his surname is not unknown in European history.

Although in the current Europe, the nobility has gradually withdrawn from the historical stage of real power, but you can never really know how they will show you how terrifying the power is when they really want to show their power.

From the big men in front of the stage to the big companies and capital forces entrenched in Europe, everyone knows that these nobles are not completely standing back. You need to guess who is standing back and who is still in control. These can shake the whole of Europe.

What Chen Hao can confirm is that this person in front has no power, otherwise he would not want to share a share in the film and television industry. Perhaps, except for the glory of the surnames of the remaining ancestors, this ancient castle may be its most proud place. Otherwise, he will not be invited here, only here, you will always not want him to be an old noble who has been passed down for hundreds of years.

"Hello, Earl Leicester." Before coming, Chen Hao also did a little work and greeted the other party in a very ancient manner.

The other person's face is full of smiles, and the eyes are full of inexplicable light. The respect of your family's inheritance from the guests will make the host feel respect and glory. This is also a very good signal, meaning that the cooperation between the two parties is no longer Need to talk about something else, just let the people below talk about the details.

"Hello, distinguished guest, please call me Bridge. My friends call me that." At the age of about forty, from dress to hair style to etiquette to the whole person's state, just like the two skimmers. Like a mustache, exuding a delicate aristocratic atmosphere.

The most typical European aristocratic procedures for receiving VIPs, from the old housekeeper who entered the door, all the way to the castle hall, to the dining table, each procedure is the favorite and most important of the nobles for thousands of years, different from them and civilians Something in between.

On this occasion today, Count Bridge Leicester wanted to show his aristocratic status and to give his guests the most honorable treatment, especially the performance of Chen Hao just now, which made him particularly happy. As a nobleman, he was unwilling Discussing cooperation with others in person will make him feel too marketable. Although the marketlessness has made him unable to sustain the count of a count, he is still making a final fight, and Chen Hao is his last fight. If it is unsuccessful, it can really only be done with the sale of some family property, which is equivalent to adding the title of shabby and downcast to the face of the nobleman.

On Chen Hao's side, this is the most suitable candidate for introduction by Red Dot.

The downcast aristocrat who supports the last point of face urgently needs external partners, which can support the face of his aristocracy without selling property, and can be an equal transaction range within his ability.

Having distant relatives all over Europe, one of the characteristics of the old nobles, you ask Bridge to borrow money from others, he ca n’t do it, but if it is his business, please ask a good relative to help him or her. It is for some business help, he will think that this is a state of mutual assistance between the nobles and will not feel shame.

The brand of aristocracy has a certain value when it can be played, and the debt of love is also the bottom line that this guy in Bridge can bear. Below this is the last piece of aristocratic shame. Open, he will, like many noble nobles, break the jars and throw down the family's reputation for hundreds or even hundreds of years.

Selling industry, selling antiques, selling collections, and selling the heritage of centuries.

If Bridget wants to do this, then he can at least guarantee that he and his son's generation can live comfortably without scourge. It is because of the pride of his family glory that he will be recommended by Yin Tianyang. Chen Hao, the other party has this willingness and also has a certain amount of interpersonal relationship. As long as he wants to do it and give him a platform for success, then he will let us in Europe and even parts of Africa, at least the projects within the scope of Red Dot are unimpeded. .

If it ’s just that I publish a movie, then I ’ll just look for an agent. I ’ll just sit at home and everything is settled. What I want to do is a large series of industries and a neighborhood where you have partners in Europe to fight for the best interests. It's much more profitable than sitting at home and looking for an agency publishing company.

There are more friends and more roads. From a young age, Chen Hao has been continuously instilled. Whether he is an ordinary friend, a wine or meat friend, a close friend, or a **** brother, will bring you greater or lesser benefits, and Non-enemy you have to watch out for each other.

I will see you by the way. You do n’t need to talk to Chen Hao to talk about this kind of specific affairs. The specific tempers of Yin Tianyang, Tian Ge, and others will not make you very tired. I have money, eyes, and control. The ability to hire professional managers to do well, you only need to give a general direction, the other party can give you a complete plan.

As a guest in Bridge's old castle, Chen Hao has not concealed the fact that he did not understand the etiquette of the nobility from the moment he took his seat: "The way of saying hello just now, I am selling it now.

This made Bridge feel more sincere, or he would not study the interests of the aristocracy to show respect for himself.

The old housekeeper is beside Chen Hao, in a reminding way that he will not be disgusted, from eating to drinking coffee to leaving the castle at the end, all the relevant etiquette will be informed, it is not important to listen, if you want to learn, write it down, do not want to Go through it too.

"Mr. Chen, these are gifts from Earl Leicester ~ ~ You only need a gift. Earl Leicester likes pure Tibetan mastiff, and can give it to Mr. Chen if it is convenient Earl of Leicester gave a Tibetan mastiff cub as a gift. "Of course, it is unrealistic to take the initiative to give a gift. The old housekeeper told Chen Hao in a very euphemistic way that you do n’t need to have psychological pressure. No one owes anyone else. At your value, buying a pure-blooded Tibetan Mastiff will not be too laborious. We can buy it ourselves, but we will inform you of such a simple way of returning gifts.

Chen Hao looked at the dozen or so beautiful boxes placed in the car. If it wasn't for his refusal, the black panther could be pulled away.

When he returned to the hotel and opened the box, he shook his head and grinned. He could understand what a skinny camel was bigger than a horse. Selling these things was enough for ordinary people to live for a lifetime. They were accepted by Bridge Leicester from an early age. In education, I can give each other as gifts, but I can't sell them out.

"It's really comfortable to deal with such a pedantic aristocracy." Kang Yan opened all the boxes and pouted, and held Chen Hao's contents in one hand to Chen Hao. See, even if Chen Hao didn't understand it anymore, when he was sure that this thing was real, he was really startled.

"It's best to come back a few times for such things in the future." Chen Gang laughed aside. To read this site, please use the latest domain name

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