Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1232: Giant pit

The Chen family is very lively. Liu Gangyun, a small steel cannon, and others are sitting around the sofa, holding each one in a state that they haven't seen in many years. They read a book from the perspective of a director, screenwriter, and audience. The thoughts of slowly reading are gone. At the moment, if you can't read the part of Chen Hao's dimension reduction attack, you will feel extremely regrettable.

When Chen Hao and Xiao Di came back, they saw the tangled faces of several people. "Three Body" was not a work that could be read at will. So calmly at home, brew a pot of tea and read slowly. In order to taste it.

The small steel cannon closed, pointing at Chen Hao: "Hao Zi, you are not too bad in spoiler in advance, I have not seen what you said, I have entered another pit, no matter what, I must take it away Yes, if you accidentally lose a few words to you, you think you're out of luck. "

Of course, no word will come out, this kind of thing is of course a joke.

Liu Zhenyun stood up and held it in his arms: "I don't want to eat rice, just take a bite when I go home."

There is something worthy of tasting. This is like many women who like to chase Korean dramas. They do n’t know what to eat. One day, they feel that they have no energy to do anything. They just want to go to the drama and eat anything.

A large group of people in Hulala. The two of them have two bags of ingredients, plus a lot of food in the refrigerator. There is no such thing as an audience who appreciates them. They all left with the book in hand. The only reason for not leaving was because they had to talk to the owner individually. It feels a little bad to walk directly.

There are very many discussions on the Internet about "Three Body". This time it was not only fans who favored it, but also many people in the industry came out to participate together. Well-known screenwriters, well-known directors, actors, well-known writers, large-scale People participated in this discussion. They have dug out many of the pits in the first volume and extended them from their perspective. Like a small steel cannon, I look forward to this science fiction large enough frame, looking forward to Chen Hao can give them enough surprises. Don't look at science fiction to the end, it is only those routines.

All guessing, all thinking, all talking.

At the beginning, there were still some people who thought that this was not fun enough, and what games seemed a bit unintelligible and a messy timeline.

Do n’t be afraid to understand something. The natural interpretation site of the Internet will directly tell you what you do n’t understand. You only need to be patient enough to listen to other netizens to decrypt it for you. Then you go back and go again. Finding a lot of content is not a problem for you.

There are quite a lot of viewers and readers who like to be paved, but it is undeniable that those who have to taste it slowly have more fun. The former is a more intuitive worship and the latter is more fun. Many tastings. But no matter which one, everyone admits that this time it really fell. The pit dug by Chen Hao is absolutely big enough.

The price of 20 yuan is based on the excellent production of the entire book, the absolute conscience of the industry, and the content can be guaranteed. This also makes the five million sales to Chen Hao not bring the title of best-selling author, but the absolute conscience of the industry. No one will think how much money he makes, and he feels that he will give back to his readers. He himself Send Weibo frankly: "I take a lot of money, some earn, some earn, you don't have to worry about me, just make less."

I dare not really tell the truth, I still make a lot of money. I really want to say this, but I'm cutting off the road of others. This kind of thing can't be done at any time. You have to find a reason to lower the price and give feedback. That's your business. Don't block others' roads.

At noon, Chen Hao and Xiao Di made three dishes and drank some red wine. In the afternoon, Xiao Di leaned on his arms. Although the two were watching a movie together, it was actually that Xiao Di kept holding a mobile phone to read the Internet. Some of the comments on it, but also read it aloud to the men around him, such behavior fully revealed her inner worship of her lover, and her pride was a mess.

Both people have their own careers. It is true that Xiao Di likes the tiredness of two people together, but she also has her own high emotional quotient and treats men. At this age, it is best not to hug each other. This feeling actually also Great.

In the evening, the two made a table of dishes with great interest. It was DIY's free imagination. Anyway, a lot of ingredients were put into their minds and realized. What they enjoyed was not the process of eating. The process of doing it.

After half of the meal, I was discussing the taste of a certain dish of lamb as the main ingredient. Chen Hao's personal cell phone rang and the mobile phone number of Lang Kuan, the vice president of Lele responsible for specific operations.

"Hey, President Lang." After greeting, Chen Hao opened his mouth and took a piece of lamb from Xiao Di.

"Haozi, I beg you for your help."

"Well, you say." Chewing in his mouth, Chen Hao would only behave in a way he knew very well.

"There will be an event tomorrow afternoon. Just in Yanjing and South Korea, a team came to do an interactive large-scale event with our anchors. There will be live broadcasts on Lele. The other teams are already running. They are about to debut. Trainees can use our platform to make an appearance throughout Asia, and our side is also a platform for anchors to show, and there will be corresponding supporting activities such as red carpets, interviews, live reviews, etc. As an honorary mentor announced before, you promised not to promise two words, you may come to rescue us tomorrow, and invite the star celebrities in reality, you will lose the taste, or we have to be self-produced, or you will not come, Let ’s be half as short as anyone else. ”In terms of Lang Kuan ’s current status, it is said that this matter will not turn into his head anyway, because Chen Hao ’s identity is too special, and no one else really asks. Appropriate, at least the vice president level.

"Uh, I'll take a look. Mr. Lang, please wait a moment." Chen Hao whispered to Xiao Di aside. "Help me check the flight to San Francisco tomorrow night, no, any nearby city will do."

On the other side of the phone, Lang Kuan also heard it. Both sides have been in contact for several years. Lang Kuan is very clear that Chen Hao is not a deliberate seller, and it will not be embarrassed by any accident. It seems to have helped a lot.

If he asks this, it must be that he has agreed to the American version of the "Into the Division", from the premiere of "Hong" to the sale of "Three-body". There is definitely no way to change the schedule at will, because everyone is waiting for him.

Little Di pointed at the screen of the mobile phone, and as you can see, there was a flight at 11:30.

"Mr. Lang said yes, I will be flying at 11:30 in the evening. If the event is late, I will go first."

"Well, I'll arrange the rest."

Chen Hao hung up the phone, and within 20 minutes, a message was sent from the bank's text message reminder, and the bank card bound to Lele himself had transferred five million cash.

From the introduction of Chen Hao to Lele to Gao Hongbo who has been docking with him since the beginning, now in the company of Huanju Times, he has been specifically responsible for the network guild business, which is equivalent to the president of the guild, and the president of the year, Anan Received a part-time job, and led some shares to live a 'care for the elderly'.

"Mr. Chen, the people in Lele have just confirmed your schedule with me. The money you just hit is a small fee." Gao Hongbo said that Mr. Chen has no pressure. He knows what it means to be glorious and lose everything. If there are many people who want to get an opportunity that they ca n’t get, they can be tied to Chen Hao, and it ’s not good to hear. When there is an irreconcilable conflict between Chen Hao and Huanju Times, he will not hesitate. Abandoning his current position, it would be better to be an assistant instead of Chen Hao.

Chen Hao gave a sigh and said nothing. It was very appropriate to convey this thing through Gao Hongbo, so as not to be polite to each other, or to look beyond the age of joyful gatherings and seem to be innocent enough. There is no problem calling Gao Hongbo. Whether your company pays a car or horse fee is a matter of your own.

Tian Ge has an admirable strategic vision, which can be seen from Chen Hao's shares. Now, only Chen Hao is free to do what he wants to do, like this kind of private activity. Arrange ~ ~ Even if he wants to give the company and let the company do the accounting normally, it will not be stupid enough for the company to do it.

It's all small money. Let's see what big money is. For any big production and participating in the era of joy, it is bound to be a steady stream of money. Not to mention the era of joyful gatherings. If any brokerage company in the world can hold a little Chen Hao's brokerage agreement in your hand, then you can shake up.

For a project, Chen Hao came in and named a few partners, but there were dozens or even hundreds of people who couldn't find the opportunity to deliver the door with money. Until he didn't have his first failed work, this little opportunity was worth millions.

A five-million car and horse fee for an event is really just a car and horse fee. What is owed is human favors, but not a little money. It is really necessary to give a fee for the field, etc. The 10 million jumps depend on whether Chen Hao has time.

It ’s not madness or pride, but time is really not enough. It ’s already been too long. When the newcomers like crazy received announcements to participate in the event, the red dot is equal to 10% of the shares that do not require any capital investment. The national bank's deposits are all about to grow hair. At this time, living more often is for the sake of liking rather than making money.

"You are going to leave the day after tomorrow, um, will you accompany me to play tomorrow afternoon?" Although Xiao Di did not show an unhappy look, but this way can get more tired of each other for several hours, making her look even more happy.

"Will you accompany me to watch an overnight movie at night?"

"Okay, but before you watch, tomorrow's exercise can be replenished in advance. You can exercise before 9 pm. After packing here, we will go to the gym and jog."

The girl who did not avoid laziness frowned again, but soon she got a chance to be lazy.

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