Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1231: 1 novel's madness

Until 10 o'clock in the evening, this signing sale will come to an end.

Not the end.

When Chen Hao signed the last book and looked up, all the seats in the hall were full, because the order at the scene was exceptionally good, and the security had never really driven out those fans who had no seats. The situation now.

Thousands of people were at the scene without even disturbing Chen Hao's signing. He was also shocked. Being able to maintain such quietness is the greatest affirmation of these people. As a fan, you can suppress your temper for you. This is the greatest happiness as an idol. In order to create a good signing environment for you, thousands of people just looked at you silently. Almost everyone on the scene tuned the phone to silent, so as not to make a sound that would affect you With this glory, Chen Hao stood up and faced all the people for the first time.

"thank you all!"

"No thanks, the boss worked hard." The noisy voices gathered at the scene and heard Chen Hao's ear saying this.

"It's late, why don't we leave, but I don't care about meals here. I can afford you to eat, but there isn't such a large space to accommodate us."

When I heard Chen Hao's words, there was a laugh at the scene. Everyone liked this atmosphere, and some people started shouting, "Boss, sing one, sing one, let's go."

The way of leaving that was accepted by everyone, from noisy and noisy to converging, and spent more than a minute, Chen Hao kept listening to everyone's voice with a smile, without making a show It means that being able to meet these supporters on the spot and listening to their voices on the spot should be an honor for any artist.

"it is good."

Chen Hao communicated with the people around him and said to everyone: "There is no accompaniment band at the scene, so I will clear you a string of skewers. I haven't sang other people's songs for a long time. I will imitate one for you. Sing the songs you like, just follow me. "

At that time, everyone ’s favorite parody show songs have never been performed in the way of clearing the scene. Even at the concert scene, they have not tried to use the clearing.

It ’s time to show the singing skills, the scene lights are dimmed, most fans have started the recording mode of the mobile phone, and some have turned on the flashlight function of the mobile phone, raised it above the head, and shake it gently, adding to the atmosphere of the scene.

There is no end of the skewer, Chen Hao sang for ten minutes, there is no limit to no accompaniment. He sang a short section, imitating the original song of the song, and chose all male singers to show him to the outside world again. Nearly perfect singing skills and powerful imitation ability.

Nowadays, more and more people can imitate singing, but most of them are comprehensive images. They are not purely vocal. They ca n’t imitate like that. It requires your throat to be able to do various pulls, but also to be able to imitate singing. Perfect control. It is already very difficult to do this, and it is even more difficult to complete it on the spot. Chen Hao once again proved to everyone with his strong strength that I can go to this day. There is no half-lucky element, everything is strength. .

It also indirectly tells those who question themselves that you must question me if I win the audience by my strength. Then I really want to question what your intentions are. Is it to help me? Don't continue to misinterpret the word help.

In the end, when Chen Hao sang "Family and Love the Family", the voice of the choir had been singing at the scene, and all the sounds came together. The scene lights turned on and Chen Hao stopped singing: "I watch you leave I am waiting for you to leave. Please keep order and pay attention to safety. Thank you for loving me. This is the greatest pride of my life! "

The fist hammered twice in the chest, raising it high.

All the fans at the scene learned that he did the same action. Chen Hao continued to sing this song. At the scene of thousands of people, all the security were senior security who had experienced various concerts and large-scale activities. They It's scary to have seen such a scene before.

Thousands of people can sing songs while walking outwards in an orderly manner according to the location of the safe passage, and sing while walking, while Chen Hao sings his own songs, which extends for a few minutes, until all fans at the scene They all walked out of the safe passage with the books in their arms. He left the scene and stopped singing. At the same time, the lights at the scene were half off.

The media knows that Chen Hao also knows that many fans also know that everyone leaving so quickly is not that they are hungry, but that they are distressing their idols. They have been signing books for ten hours since the afternoon. He just drank a bottle. Mineral water, got up and rested for ten minutes, and went to the toilet once.

Lotus was the first person to come in. She was with her for more than nine hours. She sat there and watched the men on the stage quietly. She felt that her boyfriend of choice also had some characteristics of idols. This happiness is to say Not coming out.


The overprinting and overprinting of the publishing house was severely out of stock throughout the country. The number of people who left a message to buy books on the Internet is still endless. According to the double statistics of online book purchases and actual book purchases, in the mainland of China, secondary printing is still in progress. Five million copies will be released on the market one after another to satisfy everyone's needs for this book.

The effect of this book sales event by Chen Hao, under the ferment and promotion of the media, completely took over the previous battle on Weibo. No matter how you say me, in reality my fans tell everyone with the most realistic scene, there is They are, no matter what kind of occasion, they can be the warmest Haomen party.

With Haomen, I ca n’t be knocked down.

It was only overnight that the media had a new wave of big news, cháo. From yesterday afternoon to the next morning, many people who have bought books have finished reading or read most of the first volume. Their feedback has come to the web.

"At the tip of the iceberg, I look forward to Mr. Chen presenting us with a larger world of science fiction."

"It is already foreseeable that a civilization such as the three bodies and the earth is by no means a mere collision. I look forward to how Mr. Chen's brain will eventually exceed my imagination."

"Just the beginning, I already have a strong sense of hunger for readers. I want to ask myself and all readers," Boss, do you dare to speed up the publishing pace, we still have to wait and see. "

"I want to know how cruel Mr. Chen can be in this book. The cold heart has already begun to appear. Compared with the coldness of the" Into the Master ", the coldness of the" Three Body "is more creepy. After reading The picture that can come up in my mind after this is exactly the final outcome of this war. I don't believe that Mr. Chen will create a world view and story that follow the same line as "The Heroes of the Galaxy". Look forward, look forward, look forward! "

"What I am most looking forward to is how Haozi will show the scientific and technological power of high-level cosmic civilization. At this moment, I am on the road. I ca n’t wait for it to be published. I want to go to his house to grab a manuscript. I think With several attack modes, I feel that the mainstream high-level civilization mode that has not yet escaped, I believe Haozi will give us a very different book. How good the story is set aside, I must first know about this. After you have watched it, I will give you a little spoiler. "Xiao Gangpao posted two Weibos before he could say what he wanted to say.

"Wait for me!" Liu Zhenyun, @ 小 钢 炮.

Many netizens are waiting, waiting for other people who have a good relationship with Chen Hao to send Weibo to join in the fun. After half an hour, no one updates. After Xiaodi had previously acted as a gunner, he sent another Weibo to face With those previous comments that went to her Weibo, she just thanked Haomen fans for their maintenance.

"The home is busy. We two went downstairs to buy some noon ingredients. He wants to show off his cooking skills. I have finished reading the manuscript of the book. I must come to grab a hot spot. What I know was scared after I saw it. If one day, I ca n’t imagine having such a civilization-level weapon ... ”

"Oh, don't say it, don't worry, your boss will not appetite you ~ ~ will be published as soon as possible."

How good can it be?

These are some people who don't believe that Chen Hao can really write across the ages. Even for science fiction, what amazing things can you write for Chen Hao? It's nothing more than the expansion of people's teeth. If you join the story editor that you are best at, can there be any surprises across the ages?

Is it ok?

Take a look at it with your own eyes. The first volume does not have too many crazy displays, but it is like the same famous painting. When you get the scroll, you are willing to slowly expand a little bit, even if you only see a corner of the scroll. I feel extremely happy. The strength of the entire painting will be displayed in every corner. The first volume of "Three Body" is the corner of the scroll. Although many contents have not been revealed, they have left enough suspense, Chen With his unique ability to write stories, Hao described some seemingly boring plots very well, allowing you to read word by word, for fear that your understanding would be misplaced if you missed a sentence.

It must be said that Chen Hao's home is large enough, this book really evokes the maggots that everyone has watched in one go, want to understand the entire story, want to see the entire universe to swallow the concept, and want to see what Chen Hao gave. A new definition of how science fiction is.

"Just got the book in my hand, and before opening it again, Chen Hao completely unfolded the whole thought in one sentence. He took the gap in the level of science and technology of the universe civilization to the extreme with his own imagination, crazy boy, too crazy, I Almost couldn't help typing out the two most important words in that sentence. "

Before Chen Hao and Xiao Di received the guests and went downstairs to buy food, he used a sentence to deconstruct the small steel cannon and told him one of the most crazy attack methods, which he believed he would not spoil. People.

"Dimensional reduction attacks. Attacking the solar system we live in reduces your dimensions to two dimensions and becomes a plane."

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