Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1059: Glittering gold mine

Chen Hao was thrown up to celebrate, not just the dance studio, the entire company now occupies the three floors of the building, and everything is being celebrated.

If you think about it, you can see how excited everyone is at this moment. Even those who have eaten and seen almost everything Tian Jinglin can hardly hide their excitement, let alone others.

This is really not a simple success. The meaning that it will derive will be unimaginable. If you do it well, it will be strongly recorded in the history books. You Jingtianlin people have seen the world, but you have also seen strong winds and waves, but you want them. I thought that one day I would be included in the chapters of history, I never dared to think about it, it was too far away, like a myth.

Today, what I see is no longer hope, what I see is the rising dawn. As long as you look in the direction of sight, it won't take long to see the real rising sun. For these people, In terms of being a part of history and being recognized by history, it is not too far away. A bright avenue is clearly in front of you, striding up, and moving steadfastly along this road, you will get your from I never thought of the honor I could get.

Can you not get excited? Well done, then among the peers, this group of people will be the ones who live most comfortably. The achievement is definitely not as good as those who have entered the career path, but they must be comfortable. Then they feel that all they have got now is really a fairy.

There are facets, power and wealth, and they can walk in the sun with a lot of money in their arms. Looking at the younger generation with the same status for so many years, who has himself and others to relax and spend the money he earned. Wherever we go, we shake in, and wherever we go, we pay for ourselves.

After some celebrations, continue to arrange for people to continue to observe, waiting for more accurate data to come up. Here are the arrangements for each brother, each one is a standard meal order for one person at noon, and the premium seafood buffet is one thousand yuan after work. One is another three-time overtime pay this month, and it is the employee who arranges the company's collective travel at the end of the year. Every brother has come up with his own reward to celebrate with everyone.

Achievement of the spiritual level, everyone has unparalleled expectations for the company's prospects, and the feeling of being in a whirlpool of storms creating history has also made many young people satisfy their spiritual struggle.

The material aspect has also been satisfied. From bonuses to rewards, big brothers are in a good mood. They have never been worse than these rivers and lakes. They do not need the constraints of a formal company to operate a regular company. They have the ability to let this company At least before going public, they can be executed by the strong internal construction level according to their wishes.

I didn't even bother to go at noon. A group of people were in the small restaurant of the cafeteria. While listening to the data report that came every hour, they held small glasses. From the initial excitement to the long aftertaste, the small wine was refreshing. Drinking slowly, the taste is different from the past, booze has the pleasure of booze, slow drinking has the taste of slow drinking, these people are not too excited, but also drink wine, drink five, drink six to celebrate, listen to the data , Each holding a small glass, do not have a unique taste in mind.

In the evening, the real big data began to come together. During this period, the number of people who watched the first episode of "The Lost" in the United States reached 8.3 million. The number and scale of favorable reviews can let everyone to the second episode and even All the way down the entire first season, there is a higher expectation.

In the evening, everyone did not arrange the bureau by accident, with results, with inner enthusiasm, and small 99 that belonged to everyone. This night they are going to show their results with some people who need to prove themselves. In the future, a systematic planning is carried out again.

At the same time, in the small conference room of the relevant department, there was also a meeting this evening. The success of "Lost" was not the success of a simple TV series. The setting of the whole Chinese class gave the entire TV series the characteristics of cultural output. Everyone can look forward to the future, there will be two, one will have three, and Chen Hao will succeed in the production of such a concept, and slowly begin to instill in the minds of those who do not believe him, then he will do it in the future. Where is it? Without him, how big can the simple project of "Lost City" be?

From Chen Hao, everyone knows that his goal is Disney. Although the target group is different, in the tourism and entertainment experience projects, the world ’s goal is Disney. Wanda is doing it, and many domestic brands are doing it. Yes, but in terms of the results that can be expected in the future, the "Lost City" later came on top, and it has become the most promising one in the eyes of the leaders. Once the international track of this project is completed, it can bring all benefits It is enough that it is worthwhile to carry out long-term planning by the corresponding major departments.

This night was the last night that Chen Hao could rest in peace. From the next morning, the broadcast situation in Europe was also reported. There was a good applause all over the world. In addition to the purely Chinese-made event, The rave reviews were enthusiastic, and some of the most questioned were some viewers who felt that such a script and a theme, all actors with yellow skin and black hair are a pity, so many wonderful designs, replaced by Western actors, will definitely have greater success.

Chen Hao got up in the morning and was directly notified that he did not need to come to the company. He specially arranged to rehearse in the small theater of his alma mater ’s movie theater. There is such a hot scene, both sides are the same, holding a little money in their hands and want to send it to your arms.

It ’s not the first day, but today it ’s especially crazy. It ’s not just the company. Near the site of the “Lost City”, it really has the meaning of a battle fortress. First, there are hundreds of cars assembled in front of the gate. Then, from the surroundings, slowly map out, find the entrance and enter the construction site. The entire construction site did not make any progress on the day. All the workers turned into security. Cooperating with the strict security, the entire construction site was sealed. Blocking.

There is no secret to fear. The key is a question of attitude. If you come in through formal channels, there is no problem. It will be open to tourists in the future. It does not matter that it is open to you in advance. Do n’t show it to you. Related data You can see the drawings for you. I'm not afraid of you imitation. We have this confidence that you can't be imitated.

On the company side, everyone from the company came with a check. The attitude now is completely different from before. How much money do you spend together in the era, we will be responsible for filling in the numbers on the check. Farewell them, the company's former partners are lining up now, Tiange's mobile phones have been exploded, there are dozens of related households alone, all of them are human, you are embarrassed to call directly Rejection. At this time, it is much better to have a background of the country and a group of people. Those who ca n’t refuse are naturally dealt with.

At this time, as long as it does not directly offend people, it is still good. Now that we are a super big gold mine, we have to follow us. Do you want to get angry with me or find opportunities to work with me to make big money?

The bustle outside was a mess. Some departments were meeting to study how to give support to the "Lost City". The propaganda department opened a vent to cover the "Lost" drama. Before, there was a "Focus Interview" promotion. This time, it was It will definitely land on the "News Network" and give it two minutes. It is absolutely an honor and worthy of its achievements in the world.

People like Jing Tianlin, Tian Ge, and Zhong Zhonghai know how to be entertained and are familiar with it. They are more willing to take this opportunity to expand the social circle. This excitement is very comfortable for them. Everyone must accompany the smiley face at me.

And those who have no love for this kind of thing, started what he is best at. I make products and you make the market, one product and one market, a bunch of products and one production and marketing body. The independent industry also prevents people who make products from being jeopardized. The people who make the market are restrained, which also makes the people who make products have more autonomy.

Back to the long-lost campus ~ ~ makes Chen Hao feel more comfortable breathing. Instead of being on his campus, he is more like a passerby. After a few days of class, he is almost not in the bedroom. I ’ve been there, I have n’t had much time to contact with my classmates. The only thing I can do is to participate in group activities as much as possible. As long as he has time, he will participate in the activities in the class, so do n’t look at him because he ca n’t take a few lessons in a class. The same relationship is still possible.

The clown is a textbook show.

Andy has risen to the level of film art. The performance departments of the three major art colleges in China have set the performance of several main characters in this play as the subject of performance class research.

The classmates, who did not go out to film, all came together to welcome his arrival. The students in other classes in the school also got the news. As the most proud group of people, they turned into a fan in front of the light emitted by Chen Hao. Brother and sister, ran to the school gate and near the small theater to block him, but it was not just a fan, it was like the old planner came to school to pick an actor, how Zhang Ziyi was so hot, and now Hao Zi is the same, "Lost" also has the second and third seasons. In order to increase the confidence in building the "Lost City", it was announced to the outside world. The script for the third season of the second season has been basically created.

Watching the first episode of this posture, I think that the previous star of Chen Hao also received the box lunch. If it were the film of The Walking Dead, there would be many, many roles, and opportunities would mean a lot. We dare not think about important roles. For small characters, three new colleges and universities are undoubtedly the best choices. Hao Zi is still a movie theater student, and she has a moon near the water tower. This opportunity may fall on her head.

Driven by worship, likes, and interests, Chen Hao's return to school this time is definitely the highest standard of treatment.

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