Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1058: On the stage of history

Social backgrounds such as Jing Tianlin and others are very normal to be asked for, but it is very, very rare to be asked by people with the same background. They have never thought of a concert ticket. , Can even be the reason for being asked.

Thanks to the fact that they knew how popular Chen Hao was, there was no overwhelmingness. After I came here, I heard that you can take as many tickets as you want. There was a feeling that my heart was suddenly put in my stomach. This is just a concert. You have to say that Michael Jackson ’s tickets ca n’t get my admission right now, and it ’s estimated that no one dares to see them. The concert here in Yanjing actually requires people to get tickets for them. Words are unimaginable, usually people are too lazy to look at gifts and tickets, even if the concert is so popular that no tickets, no matter how high the price of oxen, I still want to sit in any area.

Brothers and sisters in their teens and twenties, even nieces and nephews, not only call for tickets, but also guarantee that they can come, so that they can hang up with peace of mind. There is an additional sentence on the phone that requires two more better? How could this come from these people? Jing Tianlin was very fortunate that her quirky little aunt knew Chen Hao herself, otherwise, with her temper, she might call the next second after getting the news.

"You leave the phone to your elder brothers. If you want a ticket, give it now. On the day you go to the door to greet me at any time. I have a whole area left. It is also an area where the scene is not shot. If you add it temporarily, you can have three or four hundred. You have a lot of trouble with this seat, brother, security. "Chen Hao brought his two little assistants and told them to dock with the big brothers on the day of the concert. He must be too busy to answer the phone. Big brothers need When it comes to face, you must have full face. At the same time, he gave another brother to Tian Ge, security means that this area will ultimately be allocated by him. If the tickets are of high value, the position at the scene is also very high. Human value.

I nodded to the big brothers, the meaning passed on, then I won't entertain you, I will start the rehearsal.

"You're busy. Let's watch for a while and eat together at noon." Jing Tianlin found a spot and sat directly on the floor. He took the lead, and others didn't feel that there was anything on the floor of the dance studio, and they sat down one after another. .

Chen Hao nodded and began to focus on the rehearsal of the mind. There are undoubtedly the most rehearsals with dance groups and bands. Both parties need to find the original tacit understanding and go beyond the original tacit understanding to give everyone more surprises at the concert.

A dance troupe that dances with Chen Hao, not to mention that it is in Huaxia, and it will be a little bit of fame internationally. The number of jobs it can receive will certainly not be counted, and it will also make more money. I was mistaken. The leader of this dance group is a leader with strong personality and personal vision. He is not forbidding everyone to make money or money, but more to remind everyone that when you dance with Chen Hao, sometimes you ca n’t keep up. , More learning and progress are needed, otherwise Haozi's exclusive dance company will probably be snatched by others.

I went out to perform half of the time and spent half of my time practicing dances. This time I worked again. The obvious improvement also stimulated Chen Hao. His performance was stable. When he was able to play at a high level, his emotions were stimulated. .

"Come, get up, five six seven eight, two two three four ..."

The teammates around him are strong, can keep up with their own ideas, and can match their own pace. Chen Hao quickly became excited, no matter what the training or what he is doing now, the state of excitement will definitely make him jump to the fullest. In the field, he can't wait for the specified tracks, he has to jump more, just to find a better and more comfortable feeling of cooperation with each other.

Brother Tian arranged for two people to come in, find a good angle, take some pictures of dancing, and send it to Lele, so that all fans can see it quickly. When sweat and movement form a unique coordination, fans who see the video have a feeling of motivation. The boss is rehearsing for us. What should we do? Support him, no, making yourself stronger is the best support for him at this moment.

Only when you are strong and live well in real life, will you have extra spare money to give him gifts to support him, can you buy his posters, support each of his movies, and you can go to see his ticket sales? At concerts and events, there is information about where to film, and if you have money in your pocket, you don't have to go there to travel around, and see if you have a chance to get a closer look at the scene where the boss filmed.

The boss is working hard, and I have to work hard so that I can keep up with the pace of the boss.

"This dance is like this for the time being, come on, next, you need to arrange rotation for line dance. I don't need to rest here, come on, the next dance."

"I'm not afraid of you being in the limelight. You don't have to be behind me all the time. You can make a personal display based on your strength while you move."

"During the whole concert, Qi Ba brush did not need many rehearsal dances. I like to release my nature. Everyone plays in rhythm. I don't like Qi brush brush dance. It does not mean that I have no requirements for this. I am wrong. I review, you, every time you come, remember every action firmly, I do n’t want to make any mistakes on the scene because I did n’t work hard enough, I may not give you a cold bench, and you look back. The group of people sitting there, now I can joke to describe it in an online language, and I hope that none of you have the opportunity to make this joke come true. "

After a pause, while Jing Tianlin and others were all listening, Chen Hao uttered a word that made them sweat coldly. "So many years, you see how many people they have spared!"

A very cold joke, barely considered to remove everyone's internal pressure, played a warning role and did not let everyone feel heavy, at this time, the door opened quietly, Qiu Yu came in full of joy, he When it appeared, Jing Tianlin and others all stood up for a moment. Qiu Yu, who was busy with the concert, could not have any happy event, and there was only one thing that could let him temporarily put down the concert event and report it- The Lost US broadcast has a report that can serve as big data.

Is it a world-class super drama, it will be announced soon.

The music stopped, all the rehearsers stopped, and everyone didn't even move, just watching Qiu Yu, waiting for him to reveal the final answer.

Only Chen Hao, walked to the side, took a large towel and wiped his forehead, took a sip of water from one side, raised his chin at Qiu Yu who wanted to speak, and got Qiu Yu's approval, all over his face. It's hi joy to announce the news that has just been collected. "The major US websites and social software have a large area of ​​comments at the first time. Except for the time being, they have not fully accepted that this is a foreign film that is unknown to foreign countries. In addition to the fact that the actor is full of popular praise, the surprise is that the most mentioned vocabulary in most reviews. Some people have started to compare it with some popular modern dramas in the past. They are full of expectations for the development of the next plot. The design of the entire production of fine and action plays is all five-star praise, and ... "

Qiu Yu paused for a moment, and the one who was more irritable was not angry. It was such a mouthful that you deliberately dangled our appetite.

"What else, hurry up."

Qiu Yu also understood everyone's thoughts, and quickly uttered another good news that is of monetary interest. "Some of the weapon props and auxiliary props that appeared in the first episode were hotly debated by American audiences, so our" Lost "surroundings can be The second phase of development and production for foreign customers is underway. "


Even Jing Tianlin, whose heart was calm and happy, could not help but clenched his fists and waved it slightly.

Success is big success.

The simplest way to distinguish between great success and ordinary success is to look at the development of your work's surroundings, whether it can drive a series of industrial development, and the development of peripheral products, which means a lot of related from clothing to follow-up. Making money around industries will have a very good development environment.

'Lost City' is a big project. From the physical tourism experience to the comprehensive development around "Lost", a large series of industrial chains will be formed. Is UU reading Disney great? This group of Chen Hao people have ambitions to say that we are also a big one, but also know that there is only one Disney in the world, the probability of chasing is very low, the task is long and long. You will never know how low this probability is. If you don't go, you will never feel the end of the draw.

The first step of the Long March—the Lost World Wide Fire.

The second step-the surrounding area has a wide range of markets, which can support tourism promotion and publicity.

In two steps, a huge piece of cake is presented in front of people all over the world. All those who are lacking in confidence in the 'lost city' and are lagging behind, at this moment, are left with bare chests, to say that they are private I may give myself a few slaps. In the past, there was enough room for you to just take the money. Now even if you invest ten times the previous investment, you may not look at it here.

No, it's not possible to look down, it's really down.

There are hot comments in the United States. The film has received rave reviews, and the expected value has reached the standard of super big American dramas. The Lost City project and the follow-up filming of Lost, everyone knows that it will make crazy money, knowing that For the money-making projects, there is still a chance for people nearby to blend in a little bit. To say that the whole China can avoid risk blending, only the state power represented by the official.

When Qiu Yu's words fell, everyone turned their attention to Chen Hao. The future of this big project is bright, and a super huge media empire will gradually have the qualification to enter the historical stage because of this project.

"Come on, what are you polite about."

A mature and elder brother, the first one rushed to Chen Hao, and then everyone rushed to Chen Hao with a shout and laughter ...


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