Great Demon King

Chapter 918: Magic hidden valley Han home!

The chaotic land has not changed too much because of Han Shuo’s ups and downs. The struggle and looting are still the same theme of chaos. On the periphery of the chaotic land, small-scale and large-scale battles have never stopped.

Han Shuo’s talents with Han’s family have just appeared in the chaotic land, attracting the attention of many stocks and forces. However, when Han Shuo, who happened to appear in the crowd, they immediately became honest and immediately took their own How far can you escape?

In the chaos, Han Shuo has become a signboard, and no one dares to provoke.

The bloody, Bolanz, Gilbert three sexually fighting guys, as soon as they came to the chaotic land, were like dragons entering the sea. They left the big forces from time to time, wandering around, and returning every scar.

All three of these guys have cultivated magical powers, knowing the truth of warfare and warfare, and knowing that if they want to improve their own strength as quickly as possible, they will only grind themselves in repeated killings, and the place of chaos is obviously One of the best places for them.

They left Han Shuo. The three sometimes act together. Sometimes they go around and go around and find some small forces that are not particularly powerful. They will use their own death to sharpen their strength.

Han Shuo let them act, because he understands that the three people are good, and each one is very sinister and insidious, even in the chaotic land will not eat too much loss, those injuries are particularly serious, one or two days I can recover.

At the beginning, the three men were alone, and later they gradually brought some of the guardians of the Han family. The Han family guards were not good at the long-term tempering. The number of people was more than one, and there were three conductors. Killed, and when many of the forces behind them came to a close, they were far away.

"The land of chaos is not as terrible as I imagined. I haven’t seen too strong enemies all the way up." Blood Spirit has been arrogant in the past few days, and once again killed a guy in the middle of the upper middle. Confidence has expanded unprecedentedly, and even some people are in the air.

"Haha, we are too strong, but the chaotic land is really chaotic. You can see a big battle after a long walk. Those guys are more ferocious than this one. This place is really interesting. It is very suitable for our Han family!" Gilber He is also very excited. Here, he can vent his strength and constantly improve himself through repeated killings. Obviously, he likes this place very much.

Only Bolands does not swell like two people. I glanced at the two coldly. Dao: "The land of chaos is famous for the chaos in the mainland of the gods. There are a lot of fierce gods in the twelve gods of the gods. The five monarchs are definitely not the name of the waves. We did not encounter real enemies. On the one hand, it is because it has not really penetrated into the center of the chaos. On the other hand, the real forces are more or less aware of some of our origins. Because the power of the brothers and sisters does not dare to make a big move to us. You two. Everything is empty. I think the place of chaos is an easy place to deal with!"

From the **** spirit in the bones of the city, Gilbert began to find Shado desperately for him. Bolandz regarded the two as the most trustworthy friends. otherwise. Bolandz will never say so much to the two. For the average person, he was screaming at the end. Never waste your tongue.

Blood Spirit and Gilbert understand that the Bolandz character is like this. Never think that there is something wrong with his attitude. Listen to him saying this. Bloody smiled. Dao: "You old guy said that there is some truth. But I think the chaos is in addition to the other four monarchs. It should be really not too strong. As I see it, even without the help of Master's place name. We can also be in chaos. The land has its own foothold!"

"Yes. Some small forces are just the beginning of the upper god. No big deal. We three plus 50 guards. In the chaotic land, you can make a big difference. Or. Let's go to the deep valley alone. I I believe that we will not use the power of the owner. We can also easily reach it." Gilbert listened to the **** spirit. Suddenly excitedly proposed.

The **** spirits are bright. He said: "Yes. We can go ahead one step. There are masters in the back. The masters and the old men will not have any problems."

"No. In case there is a difference in the pool. I am not good to explain to the brothers!" Bolanz frowned. I didn't think about it. Clean and refusal.

"Oh, old guy, don't be so embarrassed, we will definitely not have something. Let's go, let's leave alone, go to the deep valley and wait for them first, anyway, we also asked the general position." Bloody haha Laugh, take the lead and step forward, not to put the danger ahead.

Gilbert is also a sly smile. In the past, he slammed Bolandz. "It doesn't matter, the master will not blame us. The chaotic land is the same thing. Hurry up, don't sweep everyone's interest. "When you talk, dragging Bolandz, no matter what."

A cold face.

If there is no blood in the bones and Gilbert is desperate for him, Boland will take the opportunity to refuse, and will definitely disregard and bring them back to the big forces.

However, now Bolandz regards Blood Spirit and Gilbert as the most trustworthy people besides Han Shuo. Seeing that the two are very enthusiastic, Bolandz is also embarrassed to sweep the two people, hesitating for a while, in Gilbert. Even if it is acquiescence in the practice of the two, it is only a faint feeling that it is not appropriate.

Xueling, Gilbert, and Bolandz, three people, and fifty Han guards left the Hanjia big army in a vast way, and went to the deep valley of the center of the chaos.

At the beginning, they encountered some small forces from the early and middle stages of the upper gods, under the pressure of the blood spirit, Bolandz, Gilbert, plus the horror of the Han family guards. The strength of the team, the three men ran rampage along the way, really did not encounter much to counter their power.

Blood Spirit and Gilbert are excited and excited. They forget the fact that the crisis is getting bigger and bigger. They rushed to the center of the chaotic land and wanted to enter the deep valley earlier.

However, the good times did not come. When they left the Han’s army, they were far away. Some of the larger forces did not know their identity with Han Shuo. In addition, they had intentional relations with Han Jia and did not use Han Shuo’s Strength, some fierce big collars gradually noticed them.

Finally, the fierce gods of the chaos, led by the superiors of the last gods, blocked them on the top of a mountain.

Moreover, there is more than one master of the last god!

A master of death, a master of the last gods who cultivated the power of the wind, plus the masters of the middle and early stages of the upper gods, and a group of middle and late princes with a middle-level god, this force has hundreds of people, and the overall power is far. Far more than the blood, Boland, Gilbert side.

"You have been addicted to this road, hey, even the adults of Rogge dare to move, and I really don't know how to write the dead words!" The cultivation of the death force, the bald son of the last realm of God, smirked. Looking at the **** spirits, Gilbert and others who were surrounded by the heavy, and then said: "There are two roads before you, either to become a believer of Rogge, or to die for me!"

Until this time, Blood Spirit, Gilbert realized that the land of chaos is not like the dark, death **** domain, here really masters like clouds, and one is not reasonable, there is no human touch. As long as you fall into the wind, they will rush like a wolf and tear you into pieces.

Blood Spirit Self-confidence can kill a strong man with the mid-term power of the upper god. However, he understands that there is no room for resistance in the upper realm of the upper god.

The enemy, not only has two superiors in the end of the gods, but also two or seven masters in the other realms. Such strength is not something that these people can deal with.

Blood Spirit, Gilbert ignored a look, the mouth is a bit bitter, and finally some regret the world's heroes.

"Friends, we are the people of the magic hidden valley Han family!" Bolanz stepped forward and looked at each other without hesitation, more calm than Blood and Gilbert.

At a critical time, the mood that Bolands had tempered through sinister setbacks played a role.

"What? The people of the magical valley Han family?" The bald man who just smirked his face, his face changed and said: "Who are you from Brian?"

"This is his apprentice!" Bolandz did not say himself, but only referred to the blood spirit.

At the sight of this person's attitude, Bolanz suddenly lost a heart, and his brother in the magical valley was really fierce. It seems that with the name of his brother, there should be no problem today.

The bald man looked dignified, and carefully examined the three of the Bolanz for a while, and measured it. He suddenly said: "All killed! Can't leave a living mouth! Otherwise, once Brian knows, we will be adults. Causing a lot of unnecessary troubles! Who dares to run one, I peeled his skin!"

"Do you dare?!" Bolands was shocked and shouted.

"Haha, what are you afraid? Do you think that with Brian's name, I wouldn't dare to move you? Haha, you can't escape today, he doesn't know who is moving, how can you find me? These foreign guys don’t know the situation of chaos. I tell you that the chaos is the madman who dares to kneel down. Nothing is dare to do it!” Bald haha ​​laughed, a mad look, sure enough. There is a bit of a taste of madness in his words.

"Hands!" After laughing, he waved his hand and made a decisive order.

Bolanz was in the cold and knew that this time the trouble was big. (To be continued, if you want to know what happened, chapter more, support &&!)

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