Great Demon King

Chapter 917: Human feelings

Empty **** domain, ethereal city.

Since Baum’s death and the replacement of McKinley’s position as the owner of the ethereal city, the trade and combat power of the ethereal city has not only not regressed, but has flourished, and it has progressed more than Baum’s life.

After McKinley took over the ethereal city, he reduced the taxes on various transactions in the city. As long as it is not a vicious and evil person, he welcomes to enter the ethereal city, and still adheres to the free environment of the ethereal city, and does not interfere with living too much private affairs.

McKinley's ability is superior to Baum's ability. Not only is he good at management, but he also knows how to draw people's hearts. Under his governance, the major families and business owners in the city are convinced. The original guards who followed Baum have hardly hesitated. Surrender to McKinley, for his proper care of the ethereal city.

In the ethereal city, such as today's pharmacy and Jinshi energy spar shops are very much taken care of by McKinley. With the help of his city owner, Tianzhu Pharmacy and Jinshi Energy Stone Shop have become the leaders of the two major industries of Air City. The benefits of the year are much higher than their peers.

The people of Phoebe, Emily and Han have come to the ethereal city for a period of time. In the ethereal city, they received a grand reception from McKinley. There is really a feeling of being at home. Unlike the Shadow City, the system here is loose. Not only is it very suitable for living, but because the masters of the strengths of the various departments are gathered together, the business is more prosperous than the Shadow City, and it is most suitable for the ambitious women of Emily and Phoebe.

With the help of the city owner of McKinley, and the wisdom of Emily and Phoebe, the momentum of the Han family’s pharmacy was extremely fast, and almost destroyed most of the pharmacy and energy stone shops in the city, becoming the unique business of the ethereal city. .

Scorpio Pharmacy, Phoebe, Emily, Blood Spirit, and Bolandz gathered together and exchanged their time to harvest.

"The ethereal city is a good place, but it is said that the chaotic land is the place we should go. We will not stay here for a long time, and we don't need to put too much energy into this place." The old demon Stasom said with a smile. .

During this period of time, Hanjia people feel very comfortable, and in the Shadow City, the Bone City, in the ethereal city, McKinley really regards them as their own people, and they are very hard to defend them. There is no bad thought, this is the Han family. The guys of the tyrannical giants can feel it.

"Well. McKinley really has nothing to say to us. I talked to him in two days. I divided the proceeds of the Scorpio Pharmacy and the Golden Stone Shop. This guy may be grateful for Brian's life-saving grace. Maintaining us. They are overdone. Those shop owners go to the city’s main house every day. They say that we have destroyed the existing trading rules of the ethereal city and he ignored it. It’s really interesting!” Feibi said with a smile. In the ethereal city she has a dragon into the sea. Feel free to enjoy your senses.

"We can't do too much. Anyway, Brian comes over. We are going to the chaos. If we are too fierce in the ethereal city, McKinley will be difficult." Emily always likes others. Think about it. If others are good to her. She will remember it in her heart. Looking for opportunities will return people.

"How did Master return? I don't know how it happened." Blood spirit frowned. It seems a bit worried.

He said this. Everyone is a little silent. They understand that it is very likely that they will face the terrible horror. To them. The **** of death gods is simply an unimaginably powerful enemy. The longer you stay in the mainland of the gods. The more they understand the terrible gods.

Although they have confidence in Han Shuo. However, it is very likely that Han Shuo will face an almost invincible presence. They will all be worried.

"Do not worry. The master will not have something. Even if the battle is not. It should be able to escape!" Black Dragon Gilbert is as blind as Han Shuo as always. I am not worried about Han’s safety. When he comes to see Han Shuo, there will be no problem.

"The possession of the gods and gods masters the most intrinsic power between the heavens and the earth, far beyond our understanding. In the vast expanse of the vast expanse, there are only twelve main gods with godheads, such characters, regardless of We can't guess how terrible they are, and hope that the brothers are fine." Bolandz sighed softly, and there were some rare concerns.

"Oh, don't worry, pack up and prepare. After a while, we will go to the chaos!" Suddenly, the loud voice came from outside, and a majestic figure suddenly appeared in the room, not Han Shuo. who is it?

"Brian, you're fine, how is the situation?" Emily snorted and hurriedly asked.

"Will is over, Hofes, Wallace, Laclesson, Ralph are all dead, rest assured, **** are dead!" Han Shuo smiled and looked at everyone, said: " It seems that McKinley is good to you."

"Well, compared to the experience in the bone city, it is almost one day!" Stasom smiled and looked really like this place.

Xueling, Emily, Phoebe, etc., I heard that Hill and others are all finished, and they are all happy.

I am so excited to call. For them, those people are different from the Korean family. Only when they are finished, the Han family can fight the sounds and there is no worries in the future.

"Well, you are ready, let me go to the capital city of McKinley. When I come back, we will leave for the chaotic land. Oh, the ethereal city is no better, it is the place of others, only the place of chaos. It’s our territory. When you get to the Magic Valley, you will love it.” Han Shuo said with a smile, and immediately waited for them to speak, and disappeared from here.

The ethereal city, inside the city government.

McKinley, who was sitting quietly in the practice ground, smiled and looked at Han Shuo who appeared in front of the awkward face. He was full of joy: "Brian, you have finally come over!"

McKinley has changed a lot, and after a long period of depression, it looks like a flying, it seems that he is very satisfied with the life of the Lord of the Air City.

"Oh, your old boy is not bad. It seems that your strength has improved. How can you enter the realm of the Lord God?" Han Shuo joked.

In recent years, Han Shuo and McKinley have been going for a long time. Although they don’t meet often, they are very close to the ethereal city because of the chaos. The correspondence between the letters is very frequent. Han Shuo knows the situation of McKinley very much. McKinley I also know Han Shuo’s big move in the chaotic land.

"The strength is improving, and you are not fast!" McKinley laughed and shook his head. He said: "You guy, when you were so weak on the mainland of Chio, it was so sharp when you reached the gods. I have reached this level in less than a hundred years, I really don't know what monster you are!"

"I am going to take people to the chaos. I promised to give me something to refine. What happened?" Han Shuo blinked and asked.

"I am ready for you." McKinley laughed aloud, a space ring flew to Han Shuo, "magic mirror, directional space scroll, space freeze lock, and..." When the space ring flew to Han Shuo, McKinley explained with a smile and told Han Shuo about the usage of those gadgets.

The magic mirror can make the communication between the parties far apart, which is very useful for the collection of Han Shuo's intelligence in the chaotic land. The directional space scroll is a life-saving baby, which can evade the space and escape instantly. Han Shuo does not need it, but Once some important figures in the Han family have space scrolls, the chances of living will increase greatly.

As for the lock of space freeze, as the name implies, it is a thing that can freeze the space. The strength of the general cultivation space is that there is a way to escape from the space. With this space freeze, the members of the Han family want to besiege people. It can prevent him from leaving alive.

In addition to these three kinds, there are other kinds of gadgets that can only be refined by the strength of the cultivation of space power. For Han Shuo, these gadgets are very useful, and Han Shuo specifically asked McKinley to refine it.

"Not bad, huh, huh, thank you." Han Shuo touched the space ring, there are dozens of magic mirrors, and there are more than a dozen volumes of directional space scrolls. Only space freeze locks and other small pieces are small. There are a lot of things to add to the seven or seven eight, which is enough for the people of the Han family.

"Brian, I heard that you had a big fight in Tunwan City, and you have done one with Yaros?" McKinley looked at him and suddenly asked, looking very interested.

Nodded, Han Shuo said with a smile: "Yes, the strength of Yaros has reached the realm of the Lord God. It is very extraordinary for people to do things. If it is not because of his brother Laclesson, I am very happy to make this friend. Unfortunately, now I can only be an enemy. Who told me to kill Lak Krissen?"

McKinley laughed and thought about it. Some of the embarrassed people said to Han Shuo: "Brian, I beg you for one thing."

Han Shuo stunned and said with a smile: "We have such a good relationship. If there is anything, even if it is to help you kill and set fire, it does not matter."

When this words came out, McKinley obviously had a bit of gratitude in his eyes. After silence, he said, "You know, my **** and the soul are separated because of the three great guards of Jal, Brian, I want to report. I hate this, I hope you can help me."

Jal is one of the three great guards of the Light God, the most devout believer of Guangming God. Many years ago, it was the strength of the last god. McKinley’s single fight is obviously not his opponent. If you want revenge, you can only find another strong one. Aid, and Han Shuo, is the most appropriate candidate.

"No problem, you determine the time and place, I will help you!" Han Shuo did not want to, and immediately agreed.

"Thank you!" McKinley looked at Han Shuo and thanked him with a serious look. He knew that this person was too big. "I will inform you after I understand the whereabouts of Jarre."

"Well, then I am waiting for your message, well, I will bring people back to the chaotic land." Han Shuo smiled and didn't take this matter too seriously, nor did he and McKinley have a lot of things. People are no longer there. (To be continued, if you want to know what happened, chapter more, support &&!)

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