Chapter 860: Heaven and earth

Han Shuo said that Salas is not only a strong enemy in the chaotic land, but also the key to breaking. This war Han Shuo goes all out, no matter what the outcome, he is the cheaper side. **中文网* Speeding up the latest novel chapters*() Even if it is defeated, he can use the magical blood stabs to escape, not only can he truly recognize the strength of a main god, but also gain a breakthrough in magic power. The place of chaos became famous, and the gods of all the chaotic places knew that there was a strong man who could resist Saras.

Weak challenge is strong, as long as you can guarantee that you are not dead, no matter how you look at it, it is very cheap!

Both hands squandered, the fierce gas of the dragon, biting the Salas that flew down from the nine days, the mind moved, Wan Mo Ding and the seventeen flying swords all flew back and gave up the small around The coffers of fish and shrimp put all their attention on Salas.

Saras was stunned by electric light and became an electric man who was entangled with horror currents. He slammed down the electric power and slammed it into the oolong formed by Han Shuo’s arrogant gas, which ignited the electric light. The thunder of the Tenjin Peak is roaring and earth-shattering.

Those of Saras’s men were afraid of being confronted by two peerless confrontations, and they shunned at the foot of the mountain, and gave the peaks of the gods to Han Shuo and Salas, and looked at the top of the mountain at the foot of the mountain. Change.

Really interacted with Saras, Han Shuo knows how terrible the power of a main **** is. Even with the help of all the power of Ding Ling and the flying of the seventeen flying swords, Han Shuo has made no effort. Can take the upper hand.

Salas's understanding and mastery of lightning elements has reached an extremely magical level. His gods are all over the thunder and lightning elements. Each hit has an endless power of thunder and lightning. Han Shuo forms an oolong formed by fierce atmosphere. After being hit by hundreds of lightning strikes, it quickly dissipated between heaven and earth.

As the area where Saras practiced, Tianshen Peak has more lightning elements than any other place. Above the Tenjin Peak, Saras can use more lightning elements between the heavens and the earth, plus the lightning power contained in his body. His strength is much stronger than in other places.

If it is not the strong and powerful of Han Shuo's magic body, if it is not Han Shuo's support with the spirit of the spirit, Han Shuo can't support it for so long under the lightning bombardment of the sky. The seventeen flying swords form a sword net, want to be Salas. In the cover, but Saras's ability to mobilize lightning is often hit on the seventeen flying swords, disrupting the trajectory of the seventeen flying swords, so that Han Shuo can not be arranged into a large array.

Han Shuo's eyes are dark red, the majestic body muscles are entangled, and the black and faint magical spirit is released from the body, like the fierce **** from the depths of hell. The ruined body is turned into a scorpion magic front, and is gripped by Han Shuo's right hand. And killed with Salas.

The field of the **** of Salas begins. The Tianshen Peak electric awning is falling vertically from the sky like a drizzle. The entire Tenjin Peak is spread over dense grids. There must be a lightning force at the connection of the power grid. In this space full of power grid thunder. Han Shuo will touch the grid without moving. Thunder into the body by the power of lightning.

Fortunately, it is as arrogant as the new field of the field of death and destruction. Forcing a space with Han Shuo as the center. The elements of death in the vicinity are rapidly gathering. Use the elements of death and the law of destruction to counter the realm of the gods of Saras.

In the confrontation with Saras. Han Shuo can feel that even if he makes full support, it will be very difficult. Moreover, Han Shuo also faintly felt that Salas did not really take the shot. This made Han Shuo as an enemy. Always ready to accept Saras to attack more violently.

The battle is still going on. gradually. Saras is a little impatient.

suddenly. Saras roared. I don't know what method he has made. I saw lightning in the field of his **** in the same drizzle. Suddenly stretched several times. A thunderous thunder rang in the field of his god.

Just a glimpse of that. Not only the realm of the gods of Saras. Even Saras himself seems to have several times more power. When he has not made a full effort. Han Shuo’s support has been a bit difficult. When his strength suddenly increased sharply. Han Shuo’s situation has suddenly become difficult.


From the mid-level planes where the gods do not know how much space is separated, all the creatures in these middle-level planes believe that Salas is the only god, and Saras will take these from time to time. The believer has the power to believe in it.

On these mid-level planes, the gods of Salas are enshrined, and they have worshipped the temples of Salas. Some of the devout believers have the power of demigods and even gods. They travel between the major planes. Under the will of Salas, Saras is spread all over the world, and Salas is charged more believers.

But at this moment, a few believers in Salas are the only believers in the sole face of God, all of which spit out blood and souls, and the power of faith in those souls spans the spatial distance, all of which are added.

On the mainland, above Salas.

The creatures on those planes are hundreds of millions. Everyone believes in Salas as the main god. But in a flash, all the souls dissipate. Several planes suddenly become a deserted planet. There is no trace of life.

On the mainland of the gods, the strength of Salas skyrocketed, and Han Shuo, who was squeezed in the field of his god, was unable to resist. The earth-shattering horror lightning was as thick as a hill, but all bombarded him in Han Shuo. Even the devil did not destroy the body. They all began to suffer, and the skin was cracked and the blood was not stopped.

The demon body does not have the limit of tolerance. When the power of bombardment far exceeds the limit of the demon body, the demon body does not resist all damage.

Just a glimpse, Han Shuo** suffered a heavy blow, dizzy, and there is an illusion that I don't know where I am!

"Master, wake up! Wake up!" Ding Ling's voice shouted in Han Shuo's mind.

The hustle and bustle of Han Shuo suddenly woke up. The next moment, he felt the tingling from the body. After he was invincible, he had not felt this tearing pain for a long time. At this moment, Han Shuo actually has a perverted sense of refreshment.

Han Shuo looked up and saw that the entire Tianshen Peak was full of lightning. The lightning seemed to connect the heavens and the earth, filling every space, like a downpour.

Saras looked down at Han Shuo in the cold, and looked at him coldly. Looking at him, he would never let Han Shuo escape from birth.

Thunder bursts, lightning is connected into a line. At this moment, Han Shuo’s knowledge is awkward. I don’t know why, he suddenly feels that there should be something to be born...

Han Shuo’s heart suddenly calmed down. At this moment, there was a kind of enlightenment in the heavens and the earth. It seemed as if a pair of eyes passed through the layers of space and walked through the long river of time. a kind of silence...

He looked indifferent, watching everything indifferently, and all kinds of savvy leaps into his heart. The cumbersome mouth is like breaking free from the shackles, turning into a ray of light in his gods, everything is initial, and the earth is silent. No one has nothing, chaos is not divided...

In the void, Salas no longer hesitated, ready to shoot Han Shuoge.

At this time, Salas suddenly lost contact with the power of thunder and lightning. Those thundering lightnings and lightning were no longer under his control. They began to wreak havoc throughout the Tenjin Peak, no longer limited to the Tenjin Peak. Top, even the mountainside, the foot of the mountain are not missed.

Those who hide at the foot of the mountain and peep into the changes of the top of the mountain, can't prevent many people from being hit by lightning. They don't have the horrible defense power of Han Shuo's magic body, and they are scattered on the spot!

Suddenly, the boundless elements of power come together from all directions, light, dark, earth, fire, wind, water, thunder, death, the eight main elements of strength, as well as the suffocating, fearful, unfinished souls scattered between the heavens and the earth. Power and so on, all kinds of power, as if by some kind of power, all rushed into the peak of the gods.

These forces seem to be uncontrollable by anyone, as if following the traction of the most primitive laws of the universe. After gathering at the peak of the gods, they attacked all the creatures of the Tenjin Peak, and the destruction of the world generally wants to destroy everything of the Tenjin Peak.

The enchantments and energy towers that Saras personally arranged were suddenly destroyed by Han Shuo, and the men of Salas at the foot of the mountainside were crying and screaming in the light, dark, earth, fire, and wind. Under the bombardment of thousands of strange forces such as water, lightning, death, etc., there are hundreds of dead people in the dead.

"Master, the day of the annihilation of the realm of the world! Be careful, don't worry about Saras, and fully resist the catastrophe!" Ding Ling still yelled, but Han Shuo did not seem to hear any sound, suddenly felt There is a kind of understanding in the knowledge of God.

When a meteorite suddenly came and directly bombarded Han Shuo in the hard rock of Tenjin Peak, Han Shuo seemed to wake up suddenly, and then he was born with a tremendous change in the gods, and the various forces in the world were in the gods. The peaks are raging, and the forces of light, darkness, earth, fire, wind, water, thunder, death, etc. are slowly accumulating the biggest wave of attacks.

And the goal, but all towards him!

He can clearly feel that the forces that seem to follow the most primitive laws of the universe have their own lives, and they are all locked in, just waiting for them to brew, and killing themselves and the entire Tianfeng peak into slag. .

Han Shuo feels that no matter where he flees, he seems to be able to avoid the attacks of these forces. All he can do is face it.

This robbery, however, his knowledge disappeared, and there is no such thing as Han Shuo or Brian in the world!

Supported, broke through to the realm of the world, the strength of the storm, become the real hegemon of the chaos! (To be continued, if you want to know what happened, ., more chapters, support **中文网*!)

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