Chapter 859: Crazy

Shenfeng, Han Shuo is killing the ring, hundreds of devils fly at the peak of the strength of only the median **** of Salas, bursting beads, Tianmo Biyan, 蛟龙毒云网,绿砂,幻幕All of them were sacrificed by Han Shuo. For a time, the peaks of the peaks of Tianshen Peak were bursting, and the ghosts were crying and wolfing.

Seventeen flying swords were sacrificed, staring at the real masters. In the new field of gods, a piece of ruined beads absorbed the elements of death, and Han Shuo tried to give life to the area where people were crowded. The souls of Saras’s hands are scattered.

When Han Shuo made all his efforts and used all the magic weapons in his hand, he found out how much damage he could cause! Explosive beads, Tianmo Biyan, 蛟龙毒云网, 绿砂, 幻幕幡 These Han Shuo's hand-made scorpion venoms, each with a group killing power.

The elemental soul that has just been mastered for a long time is very terrifying when the ruined bead bursts. With Han Shuo as the center, the roar of the ear is constantly coming from all directions, a body is torn and stunned. Out, the stump and the head are scattered with scarlet blood.

Just a little while, Tianshen Peak has flowed into a river, and more than two hundred gods died. The suffocating, resentful, and endless hatred of those who died after being killed by the flying sword of seventeen souls, the flying sword of seventeen The suffocating gas is getting heavier and heavier. Every sword comes, and the other party has not had time to defend it. Then they are captured by the smashing scorpion that condenses on the flying sword. Then the flying sword runs through the confidant and is on the spot!

Ding Ling cheered in Wan Mo Ding, and dragged the undissolved spirit into the Wan Mo Ding. After a while, there were more than two hundred souls being swallowed up. Ding Ling was very excited and tried to control the devil. Dozens gathered together to attack those of Saras.

Even if those of Saras have found a way to deal with the devil, but when dozens of hundreds of devils rushed together, they can not stop this fierce offensive, even those who cultivate firepower and The **** of thunder power was also eaten by the devil in an instant.

Tianshen Peak has become a **** on earth. The voices of ghosts and sorrows are high and harsh. The seventeen direct men in Salas’ hands have the strength of the last stage of the gods. However, this kind of offensive in Han Shuo is powerless and cannot be combined. When I came, I could only watch the ghost of Han Shuo, and I couldn’t grasp the trace of Han Shuo.

Han Shuo haha ​​laughed, his eyes gradually became dark red, and a heart gradually became crazy! Later, the fierce atmosphere between the layers of thick, like a misty halo around Han Shuo, the negative forces formed by the death of the dead in the moment of being killed, actually attracted by the evil atmosphere of Han Shuo Scattered!

In Han Shuo’s mind, there is only the idea of ​​endless killing, and any life that appears in them will kill him – he is enchanted!

After Han Shuo broke through to the realm of the demon. He has already been able to control his own state of mind. This time the magic is different from the past. In the big open to kill the land. Han Shuo suddenly found himself losing control of his own consciousness. Everything happens so naturally. There is no slight dissonance. It seems as long as he shoots. It is necessary to kill all the creatures in the world!

this moment. Han Shuo lost control of his own constraints. However, it is free to use any magical secrets that you know. At this time, Han Shuo became a fierce god. There is only the thought of destroying everything in my heart.

The more you go back. Han Shuo is more crazy. The dark red eyes shone with the murderous light. No longer care about those who fall to the ground to attack. The Devil does not destroy the various attacks. Make his magic body free from a trace of damage.

At this time, Han Shuo is undoubtedly very terrible. He looks like he wants to destroy all creatures. There is no pity in my heart. No hesitation. There is no sense of confession. Only one has to go crazy!

One by one, the gods were torn in his hands. One by one, the soul of the **** was smashed by the light in his hand. Han Shuo is not afraid of various attacks. But the clothes on his body were turned into cloths in various attacks. At this moment, Han Shuo’s body is almost naked. The majestic body is exposed by a piece of meteorite-like muscle. A small snake is clearly visible in the blue veins.

Such as the demon god. Han Shuo’s every hit is earth-shattering. No one dared to take a random attack on him alone. The three cultivators claim to be the most powerful force of the defensive power of Salas. All have the strength of the last stage of God. Join forces to resist Han Shuo’s random bombardment. But he was directly blasted into the depths of the earth by his terrible power.

On the Tenjin Peak, Han Shuo at this moment is invincible!

"Why isn't Saras a man still not here? This madman, who can stop him!" A Salas's man was afraid of retreating with his face, but shouted in his mouth.

"Let's evacuate Tianfeng first! If I have stayed here, I am afraid that we will not see Master Salas!" The other person was bitter, far from Han Shuo's helpless proposal.

"Who is this guy? In the chaos, when did you come up with such a crazy horror guy?


All sorts of voices were drunk in the mouths of those of Saras, and they could see that they were really scared!

Suddenly, there was a thunderous thunder in the void, a stunned electric light that was several times stronger than the sun, and slammed into Han Shuo, who was in the devil.

Han Shuo, who has always been murdered and unbeatable, has a majestic body slamming, and a long hair that hunts and dances upside down, lining up his dark red pupil, and his look looks even more terrible and fierce.

No longer aimlessly chasing the little characters who fled, Han Shuo’s eyes are still dark red, but the lost mind is recovering from that power, looking up at the three-meter-high giant Han Salas, Han Shuo Double eyes are still dark red.

The mind returned to normal, but the form of Han Shuo’s enchantment did not disappear. When he recovered his consciousness, he immediately realized that he had just entered the magic in an inexplicable state. This enchantment state would become very dangerous because there was no self-awareness. There are people around him, he will kill even his own people!

However, there is also a state of enlightenment, you can control your own knowledge freely. Although it is not as calm as usual, but at least you can control yourself not to kill yourself. This kind of enemies is the last level of the nine realms. The devil is changing!

Han Shuo quickly adjusted himself, keeping the killings in his heart, and staring at Salas, who finally came over, whispered: "Salas?"

The muscles on Saras’s face trembled, and the anger of the sky was obvious. The body of the Tianshen Peak and the broken energy tower were enough to prove what Han Shuo had just done. As one of the five monarchs of the chaotic land, no one has ever dared for so many years. So arrogant in his Tenjin Peak.

Even Tyre, the strongest of the five great monarchs, did not personally deal with the ordinary gods of Tenjin, which is an unwritten tacit understanding between the five monarchs!

Today, as the symbol of his Salas identity and status, the Tenjin Peak is almost directly destroyed, and more than 300 people have been slaughtered. This insult has never been seen for Saras for thousands of years!

The fire of anger in Saras’s heart almost burned himself, and gasped for three seconds. In these three seconds, Saras took all the gods to the bottom of his eyes, and those scenes aggravated him. The strong thought of Han Shuo’s **** debts!

There was no nonsense, not even asking about the origin of Han Shuo. After three seconds of silence, Salas became a giant entangled in electric dragons, flying directly from the sky to Han Shuo.

When Saras moved, the sky was thunderous, and a deafening thunder bomb with strange energy fluctuations was attacked by Han Shuo. The thunder of the thunder was just remembered. Han Shuo’s side space exploded suddenly and violently. The thunder seemed to be always beside him, but only after the thunder of the thunder.

The thunder and thunder of the thunder, the explosive force against the body, this level of thunder and thunder, any upper **** was compacted, there will be no suspense on the spot to die, not even the day of thunder bombing, just that When the thunder hits, they can directly scatter the spirit of the general superior god.

However, the Han Shuo Tian Mou is not far from being able to compare with the general superior god. The deafening Lei Li sound wave is projected into the Han Shuo eardrum and the gods, which makes Han Shuo dizzy. Later, the violent explosion will be Han. The whole person is shrouded, and at that moment, the demon does not destroy the body and automatically defends.

The thunder has passed, Han Shuo’s body is black, and others are still standing still.

The thunder strikes the body, and the devil does not destroy the explosive force. But the Lord God shot is certainly not so simple. A faint ray of lightning flows into the Han Shuo body at that moment. With his own consciousness, once he enters the Han Shuo body, he has a direct discussion of Han Shuo’s knowledge of the sea, and seems to be ready to take the lead and break the Han Shuo’s knowledge.

That trace of lightning is also with explosive power, but it is hidden, and it is intended to rush into Han Shuo’s knowledge.

Han Shuo understands that the soul of the gods in this world is not as infinite as the gods of the demon. Once there is an attack that penetrates the surface of the body and falls into the mind of the mind, only a small burst or impact is required. The consciousness that caused the soul is dissipated, or the soul is flying away.

If you change any of the upper gods, it’s almost impossible to escape from Saras’s inside and outside.

However, for Han Shuo, who has mastered the magical powers, this kind of carving technique is natural, and the mind is moving. The magical force of the magical force flows rapidly in the body, and the lightning force that enters the body rushes to the mind of the mind, and is completely Intercepted, all the faint consciousness was directly killed by Han Shuo in the body.

Looking up, Saras, who was slamming at the time, just arrived.

"Happiness!" Han Shuo grinned, and flew into the sky, directly greeted Saras, grabbing both hands, and the sigh of sorrow and suffocation became two black dragons, fiercely biting to Sa Russ.

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