Chapter 857: Lushan

Asan Han Shuo went, but did not feel Han Hao, he searched: I could not detect a trace of Han Hao. **中文网* Speeding up the latest novel chapter* provides online reading (). From the news of the silk, if Han Hao has anything to do, the starting point must be the five monarchs of Salas!

Therefore, Han Shuo came to Tianshen Peak.

Above the Tenjin Peak, there is a direct line of Salas, such as a broad sword inserted into the sky of the Tenjin Peak, there are all kinds of protective enchantment everywhere, even Han Shuo, want to silently come to the peak of the Tenjin Peak It is impossible.

Looking up at the peak, Han Shuo’s knowledge began to expand, slowly extending outward, and the souls of one after another were felt by him...

Half-sounding, Han Shuo snorted. Through the exploration of the gods, he felt more than a thousand souls from the Tenjin Peak. Those who have the superior strength of the gods have dozens of them, among which the upper realm of the gods is strong. There are a total of seventeen!

Even if Saras is not at Tenjin Peak, the above-mentioned forces are not something that ordinary people can deal with. At the foot of the mountain, I carefully feel it for a while. Han Shuo did not act rashly and continued to carefully search for the position of Salas.

After a while, Han Shuo frowned, and his heart was a bit strange. He didn’t feel the presence of Salas on the top of the Tenjin Peak. Like Saras, he surpassed the superior god, as long as he was on the Tenjin Peak. Han Shuo can always feel more or less.

In fact, Han Shuo has used the Great Soul Artifact. Under the influence of the Great Soul Artifact, even the other monarch who is good at hiding himself, Osoi can’t escape Han Shuo’s eyes, but now Han Shuo I didn't feel the breath of Salas at all.

Can it be said that Salas is not in the Tenjin Peak? Thinking about it, Han Shuo was puzzled and wondered if he would like to go to Tianshen Peak.

Once you break into the Tenjin Peak today, it means that he and Saras are going to tear the face. From Han Shuo’s entry into the chaotic land, although he has killed a lot of people, he has not really opposed the Salas. Han Shuo is not sure that he can beat the five monarchs, so he will temporarily avoid enemies with them.

Today is due to Han Hao's reasons. The hostile relationship has been determined. Today, Han Shuo is making a big noise. He and Salas will soon start a big fight. Han Shuo had to be treated with caution.

Hesitated for a long time. Han Shuo finally made up his mind. Resolutely go to the peak of the gods!

"Who?" just entered Tianfeng Peak. One person sipped out. Then a small team of guardians of the Tenjin Peak walked out from the darkness with vigilance. The weapons in the hands all point to Han Shuo.

"I want to see Salas. Give me a pass." He glanced at the pair of guards. Han Shuo faintly.

"Don't dare to call the name of an adult. Look for death!" The guardian of the Tenjin Peak was used to it. I heard Han Shuo call the name of Salas. Without a respectful word. Immediately cold and cold: "Give me a chance!"

Ten team. A starter is surrounded by Han Shuo. Unfortunately, at the outermost periphery of Tianshen Peak, they only have a median realm. This kind of strength is undoubtedly a stone hitting stone. Looking for a dead end.

A look at the Tianshen Peak team of small guards are so mad, no one in sight, Han Shuo some understand why Xiao Han Han Hao will kill Saras's man.

Since it is known that it is not good enough, Han Shuo’s shots are unrelenting. The ten squad guards are not close, and they are wrapped in a huge bone flower. The Wan Mo Ding is separated from the body, and the emptiness of the ten squad The soul of the gods fluttered into the Ding.

With the increase in the number of devils in Wan Mo Ding, the power of Ding Ling is getting stronger and stronger. Now it is necessary to have Han Shuo’s hands. The general median **** is not dead yet, and the light shining from the inside of Wan Mo Ding is directly It was entangled in the spirit of the spirit by Ding Ling.

The Shiyan gray light smoke floated into the Ding, Xiao Ding wandered around, and did not return to Han Shuo body, but hovered beside Han Shuo, and flew with him to the direction of Tenjin Peak.

The three energy towers also overflowed with blue light at the same time, forming a blue faint barrier that blocked the road of Han Shuo. Before Han Shuo broke the barrier, a shadow of the shadows whizzed out from the Wan Mo Ding. On, tear the blue faint barrier directly.

Originally, only the size of the fist, Wan Mo Ding suddenly became a person, and he slammed it at a certain point between the three energy towers. He only heard a loud bang, and the three energy towers broke in a moment and became a stone. The shards are flying all over the sky.

"Whoever dares to come to Tianshen Peak to find death!" An angry shout, from the peak of Tianshen Peak, the rapid shadows of the road have fallen from the top.

One person and one person, ignoring the fierce **** who is flying down, still heads straight to the summit.

Wan Mo Ding opened the road, all the enchantment barriers encountered and the energy tower, under the power of Wan Mo Ding have been disintegrated, do not need Han Shuo trouble, along the way, the energy tower burst, the enchantment barrier is enchanted The tearing of the head made Han Shuo unimpeded.

Until now, Han Shuocai realized that after swallowing hundreds of thousands of gods and souls, Wan Mo Ding’s strength has indeed skyrocketed. Wan Mo Ding is originally a magic door to treasure. He is well aware of all kinds of magic arrays, the enchantment of this world. And a variety of barriers and some

In the same place, he was destroyed by the power of the devil and it seemed that it was not difficult to navigate.

At the beginning, Han Shuo was also worried about the ubiquitous enchantments and barriers of Tenjin Peak, which would make him difficult to move forward. However, the performance of Wan Mo Ding completely dispelled his concerns, with the enchantment and energy towers. Burst, Han Shuo's mind is gradually getting crazy and hot.

And the five monarchs will have to face each other sooner or later. Since Han Hao has already killed people, Saras will have to report his character, and this hatred has been settled. This is the end of the matter, to destroy the power of the other party to the greatest extent, it is the key to fighting, and if you don’t move, you will spare no effort!

Opened by Wan Mo Ding, the enchantment and energy towers of the road were destroyed one by one, and one person and one trip quickly approached the mountainside.

At this time, Saras, who came down from the mountainside, finally arrived. These people began to be filled with many upper gods, most of them in the early and middle realms. They were all angry and tore to Han Shuo. Preparation for smashing.

The five monarchs in the chaotic land are constantly fighting, but the practice of directing the other's home has never been born. The five monarchs will only let the men fight, or one-on-one confrontation, and rarely the five monarchs will deal with it. Things that others have.

Therefore, although the five great monarchs are in constant darkness, the Tianshen Peak has never been affected. And the average person, for the place where the gods of the gods are not too late to escape, it is impossible to come from the dead road!

Who is the peak of Tianshen? Salas! In addition to the five monarchs, who dares to arrogate the Tianfeng Peak? !

When the huge movements from the foot of the mountain were revealed, when they saw that the energy towers were broken and the enchantments of the Tianshen peaks were destroyed, these flying and savage Saras felt that they were really being beaten face to face. Face, but a very angry anger.

They flew down one by one. When the other party was just one person, there was still some tremor at the beginning, thinking that it was really one of the other four monarchs, but they soon became daring and not the other four monarchs. In this way, they are full of courage, they began to forget about it.

"Good come, come well!" Han Shuo smiled and smiled, and the seventeen flying swords roared out. The flying swords of the fate were sharp and sharp, and they were sore and cold, but they were killing people. The best weapon.

Those who first rushed to Han Shuo, just a face-to-face, were passed by the seventeen flying swords, and the body quickly melted into blood.

Ten fingers and one exhibition, the demon blade sharply protruded, Han Shuo laughed and rushed into the crowd, the devil's sharp edge pointed, the residual limbs flew, flesh and blood tear, there is no match!

Han Shuo has now reached the peak of the realm of the demon, plus the power of Ding Ling, there is no one God can stop him, Han Shuo suddenly wants to open, with his current strength to break through, only to find a comparable or better than himself Strong opponents live and die!

And Saras is exactly what Han Shuo needs most now!

Determined, Han Shuo’s heart is no longer a trace of fear. Instead, he began to hope that Saras will come to him and he will have a good fight. Even if he can’t beat Saras today, as long as he lives away from Tenjin, he also has great Opportunity to break through. Once he really stepped into a new realm, Han Shuo believes that the rules of the future chaos will be re-established by him!

This is an adventure challenge!

"Saras, where is Salas? Give me out!" Han Shuo gradually became crazy, screaming at Tianshen Peak, but his hands were unrelenting, and the cold-winged Devil's Blade tore apart one and another gods!

Under the super-defense power of Han Shuo's invincible body, those attacks from all sides could not take any effect. A sharp artifact was tied to Han Shuo, like a thorn on the strongest metal iron. Did not bring Han Shuo some harm.

Han Shuo haha ​​laughed, all the way rampage, whoever blocked in front of him, rushed straight to the top of Tianshen Peak.

Wan Mo Ding became a shadow of the gods, constantly earning one soul, and this time, there are dozens of souls disappearing in the tripod. One person and one trip, with tacit understanding, complement each other, to destroy the general momentum, straight to the peak.

There were more fierce gods coming out to intercept Han Shuo along the way, but no one could block Han Shuo’s footsteps and died in Han Shuo’s hands. More energy towers and enchantments were destroyed under the influence of Wan Mo Ding. The magic wand fluttered and looked like there was no power, but it helped Han Shuo solve the biggest problem.

"Master, be careful, the new barrier is very powerful!" Suddenly, Ding Ling summoned Han Shuo.

Han Shuo looked at it, and now the final gateway to the summit is full of horrible lightning. The lightning that “跳跃” jumps seems to have its own life, forming a huge ring around the peak.

There is no doubt that this is the last barrier that Saras has personally arranged! (To be continued, if you want to know what happened, ., more chapters, support **中文网*!)

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