Chapter 856: Let's do it!

The 885th chapter of the Great Devils!

The northwestern bottom of Asan. ★ Chinese network is updated quickly, the novel is complete ★ Han Hao is sitting alone.

Two years. He took the group of hunters around the chaos. Devoured several upper gods who cultivated the power of death. Finally, I have raised my strength to the middle of the upper god. In addition to progress in the power of death. The magical power of his cultivation is also amazingly improved.

Due to the special form of life. It is not easy to determine the realm of magical power. Same as Black Dragon Gilbert. The spirit of his body contains the nature of magic. And he is more clear than Gilbert in all the routines for magic. Plus his wisdom is amazing. Finally gave him a unique cultivation path that belongs to him.

A few days ago. Pass the Sarass. He estimated his general strength. Confidence even if you fight with the gods of the last god. You can also take advantage of your own magical skills to win.

Inside the sea. Han Hao did not gather death elements for cultivation. Instead, he will silence his heart. Into the ethereal and unthinking realm of thought.

In his body. The power that combines the power of death and the power of the magic slowly flows. When he was relaxed. He can feel that his cultivation is faster. I can find the kind of "feeling".

Stayed on the sea floor for five days. Han Hao gradually forgot everything. Including himself...

There are also strange creatures in the seabed. They passed by him. It is like not seeing him. Han Hao personally seems to be in harmony with the sea. Become a part of the ocean. It became a stream of water. A piece of constant rock.

this day. Han Hao’s soul suddenly swayed. Wake up from the retreat. Open your eyes. Eyes are evil. Wrinkled. He let go of the soul and feel the slight changes around him...

All life on the sea floor is gradually leaving by his area. Various exotic sea creatures of fish and shrimp are not known to be abnormally frightened. Don't flee away from the distance...

A weird wave of fluctuations. Passing through the sea floor. It is like thousands of invisible tentacles searching for something. The general low-level life is only an instinctive danger. Keep away from areas where the tentacles extend as quickly as possible. Han Hao’s soul has also cultivated magic power. Changed abnormally sensitive. Clearly aware of the weak electrical elements from those invisible and invisible filament fluctuations.

A move in my heart. Han Hao suddenly understood. The bone spear in the hand mentions a few devil heads that fly out of the bones consisting of seven bone spurs behind them. Gradually drifting away from the bottom of the sea.

Carrying the bone spear Han Hao feels that the silky fluctuations in the sea floor will hide all the breath of the body. Flying quickly on the seabed...

Over the sea. Sarah, who stood proudly, suddenly became one. Said to himself: "Sure enough!"

I am preparing to go to the sea. Salas suddenly found that his soul seemed to go to the other side's trace. The soul of the soul that is transmitted into the sea. They are also rapidly losing those intuitive inductive forces.

Coldly screamed. Salas 眸 electro-light is like a snake snake. The majestic body suddenly flew into the sea. According to the silky soul of the bottom of the sea. Pursue towards the goal of disappearing quickly. Even in the depths of the sea. The speed of Salas is also unaffected by the Changhong.

A sense of crisis as the shadows follow. Let Han Hao understand the identity of the person coming. I don’t dare to neglect. Use the special power of the body. Escape from the powerful enemy.

On the bottom of the sea. One party is full of strength. One side is chasing...

Half a day later. Han Hao flew out from the sea. When I came to a mountain full of dense woods, I gave up and continued to flee, but stood behind a big tree with a bone spear. Waiting silently for something.

After a few minutes, a skybreaking lightning formed. The giant figure of Salas slowly formed in the flash. Cold eyes stared at Han Hao, who was motionless. Saras sinked and said: "Sure enough, the hero is a teenager. I didn't expect to kill Ancico. It is Han Hao. In the last two years, you have become more and more arrogant in the chaos. Even my people dare to move!"

Xiao Han Han Hao is hanging down. No words at all. Just a spur in the hand.

"Han Hao. I will give you a choice! As long as you are willing to surrender to me. I can die around you!" Salas shouted coldly. In these years, Han Hao’s chaos has indeed done a lot of big things. Even Saras is a little heard. This time he was able to kill Anxi, who had the power of the last god. It is enough to prove the horror of this boy. This kind of talent is what Saras needs most. So even the most protected short Saras. Also moved the love heart.

Looked up and looked at Sas in indifference. Han Hao said faintly: "Do it!"

In addition to Han Shuo who refines him. He will surrender to anyone. Even within the Hunter League. He Han Hao is also a solitary. Not subject to anyone!

"It's a pity!" Sara sighed. A huge lightning ball fell from the sky. Straight to Han Hao.

The lightning ball has a hill size. a line of lightning entangled in it

. With dazzling glare. When the lightning ball is about to fall to the top of Han Hao | lasing thousands of electric lights. Form a huge grid. Cover all the space near Han Hao.

Although Salas did not have the Lord Godhead. But after all, it is the Lord God. He shot it. Thousands of miles of lightning elements in the vicinity all surged into the thunderbolt. The resulting grid is glaring. The energy is earth-shattering. All creatures in the nearby mountains are affected. Being bombarded by electricity.

The area covered by the power grid is extremely large. Han Hao can't escape the attack from the power grid. The power grid is 10%. The huge lightning ball rushed toward him. Han Hao will be killed at once.

Salas shot. It has changed everything. Space is distorted by electricity. Even Han Hao has a space scroll in his hand. I also miss the day of birth.

The horrible thunderbolt ball crashed. Just listen to a thrilling explosion. The huge rock creatures in the area where Han Hao is located have been crushed. A bald mountain is squeezed into a stone by powerful forces.

After a hit. Salas did not continue to shoot. When the storm subsided, he suddenly changed his face. Double-twisted electric light. Look around for a circle. He suddenly found that Han Hao disappeared without a trace. There is no trace of clues.

Under his attack. Even the upper **** who cultivates the power of space. It is also impossible to use space law to escape. Originally, Saras was suspicious of Han Hao. However, when Han Hao’s trace disappeared without a trace. In his heart | is beginning to be surprised. Han Hao immediately became a big worry.

The face is overcast. The Salas soul collection elements extend outward. Trying to find the soul position of Han Hao. but. do not know why. Salas can no longer feel the soul movement of Han Hao. Or Han Hao's distance is very far away. Either Han Hao finds a way out of his soul search.

In fact. Han Hao is only a thousand miles away from Salas. The reason why Salas can't feel his position. It is because Han Hao really understands how to change the shape of the soul. In this way, avoid the pursuit of Salas.

The breath from Salas appeared. And always enough to stare at him and not let go. Han Hao understands that Saras must have used what method to know his soul mark. I thought about it. Han Hao must have been what Saras left in the soul of Anxi. When he will kill Anxi. Saras felt his soul mark through Anxi.

Want to escape the pursuit of Saras. His only way is to change his soul. Only the shape of the soul has undergone a fundamental change. Saras could not continue to find him.

For the general gods. The soul cannot change at all. The mark of the soul is everything they have. Unless it breaks into a realm, some minor changes will occur. And rely on their own strength. Or in some way it is impossible to change the mark of the soul at all. Salas knows this. Only a special mark will be left on Ancico. So that he knows the soul mark of killing Ancicom.

The gods and souls of this world are hard to change. However, Han Haosheng has a special form. And also cultivated magic power. This is not a question for him. There is a magical secret that can change his soul mark. At the beginning of his life, he silently realized the magic trick. I continued to experiment while Saras was chasing.

at last. When Sarasley hit the ball | Han Hao successfully cultivated that kind of secret technique. Change the soul mark! But he knows that even the soul mark has changed. It is not an opponent of Salas for the time being. Therefore, the decisive opportunity to use the blood cracking konjac to escape.

Thousands of miles away. In a cave. Han Hao is bloody. Indifferently sitting in the corner and motionless.

After the soul mark is changed. Han Hao no longer has the feeling that he has always been seen. However, after using the blood cracking konjac. His body was deeply affected. Except for the white jade, the bones are not damaged at all. The body flesh and veins are torn apart. The power of the body consumes seven seven eight eight.

As if I never knew the pain. Han Hao looks calm. Slowly adjust the divine power in the body. To repair the torn flesh. This flesh is created in a special way. Like Han Shuo, it has a wonderful resilience. The blood has already stopped overflowing. The meridians of the wound are also slowly rehearsed under the influence of divine power...

Han Hao's body is not as perverted as Han Shuo. The physical repair process is hard for half a month. When he resumed his ability to move. Take out Han Shuo for their five specially refining medicinal herbs. After a period of nursed back to health. Start out from the mountain belly. Constantly hunting people in a nearby area. Devouring their power. In order to supplement the power consumed after the use of the blood cracking konjac.

When Han Hao hunt others to restore their strength. Can't find his Han Shuo. But alone came to the peak of the gods.

Standing at the foot of Tenjin Peak. Han Shuo looked up and stared straight into the peaks of the clouds. The eyes are sinister. His face is firm.

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