Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 905

All preparations were made, and for Kurapika, all that was left was waiting.

Despite Luo’s confidence, he did not assure Kurapika that sending Luo would be resurrected.

However, Kurapika already had a bit of thought.

As he eased his mind, the thoughts in his mind shifted towards “greed”.

If Luo could be reborn, what about his parents and the same race?

This idea is human, and no one is exception.

Kurapika looked towards Luo, and said hard: “Master, if you can send Luo back to life, then, my parents and other clansman …”

After all, he couldn’t make the whole sentence clear, because he also knew that this was a difficult requirement for strong men, but human beings could not maintain absolute rationality at all times, and Special was in strong demand.

Even though Kurapika didn’t make it clear, Luo heard it and shook his head at Kurapika immediately. “You are the Mind Power, and you know the relationship between vows and constraints.”

“Also, this is Ellie’s Mind Power. As the price of her resurrection, she has to pay the mind to send Luo all the time, you know what it means.”

Kurapika heard the startled, silently looks at Ellie, and apologized softly.

He also knew that his request was too rampant.

At the same time, keep the kindness in mind.

Whether or not he sends Luo back to life, he will return Ellie’s assistance.

Kurapika hadn’t taken off her disguise, and she looked pathetic, and I apologized when I apologized.

Ellie looked at Kurapika and shouted in her heart: This guy is a man, why does he look better than himself?

Kurapika then put Luo on the bed in the room, and he stayed silent.

Luo, they were in the living room, thinking about going to the first floor to book a room for Ellie and Shi Ji.

“Luo, how did you do that?” King wondered.

“The flute version of the dark sonata, the effect of the ability is a phenomenon exchange.”

Luo briefly explained it, and then he thought of the cost, thinking that he would stay away from the gold for a while, so as not to affect them.

“Phenomena exchange?” Kim touched the chin, looking thoughtful.

His analytical ability is very strong. Through the actions of Luo deliberately leaving 3 Porcupine Page members to help him understand the essence of the flute version of the sonata.

Immediately, he was surprised.

Good horror ability.

“What are the constraints?”

King’s thoughts turned quickly, thinking of the most critical question.

The more abnormal the ability, the more abnormal the restriction will be. This is the norm.

“Targeted by World.” Luo smiled at Kaidou.

“What do you mean? Will it be serious?” Ellie was always by the side and couldn’t help taking it when she heard it.

Luo habitually touched her head, and that move made Ellie almost unable to help pat Luo’s hand.

She thought you were going to touch brat’s head, don’t touch me!

“I will become very bad luck for the next period of time. As for the severity, I don’t have the bottom of my heart, but there should be no problem,” Luo explained.

“Similar to the doom Crow you wrote in your book?” King immediately thought of what was in l. Hunter.

“Well, so I will stay away from you next,” Luo Serene said, “I think, even if I hid in Ikushobe’s data world, it is estimated that it will be affected by the data storm.”

“If it’s not in the dark continent environment, then the problem should be small,” King said.

“I hope so.”

Later, Luo left the room with the black cat.

Before he left, he glanced at Sergey.

What happened tonight led him to the idea that Skeele was put on board.

The reason why he didn’t have this kind of thought before was because Strygi was Ellie’s powerful bodyguard.

Even if Sergey agreed to his invitation, he would not be able to take Sweeji away, which would be equivalent to taking away Allie’s barrier.

But now with Kurapika and Pai Luo, maybe there is room for change.

Leaving the room, walking across the promenade and into the elevator.

Luo reached out and pressed the number representing the first floor.

Suddenly, the elevator shook suddenly, and the lights suddenly went out and fell into the darkness.


Luo scratched his cheek.

Then the elevator crashed down like a roller coaster.

This changed, causing the hotel’s security procedures to emit a harsh alarm.

The employees who are monitoring the security system are all pale.

The elevator plummeted to the bottom elevator shaft, and was finally stopped by Luo with his capacity.

Then Luo left with his ability.

Soon after I came out, I saw the hotel staff rushing over.

He left without paying much attention.

As soon as his forefoot left the hotel, a huge signature fell against the wind and hit him with precision.

Of course it can’t be broken.

After that, Luo became the main character in the movie [Shinigami is coming]. All kinds of carefully designed coincidences came to him in a trick.

But as King said, as long as it is not in the dark continent, the threat of these death coincidences is not high.

“I don’t know how long it will last.”

Luo was walking on the road, his head suddenly tilted to the right, avoiding the fire hydrant blasted from behind.

It seemed that the water pressure was out of balance, or for some other reason, the fire hydrant exploded, and the target was of course him.

A few seconds later, while a large truck was on the road, the big tire fell out and rolled towards Luo.

So wherever he went, there were screams.

After several years of experience, he found that the effect of this doom was really gratitude and grudges are clear. No matter how many coincidences were created, it would definitely not affect anyone other than Luo.

Of course, this is just his judgment.

In short, this coincidence is so blatant, actually could give Luo some convenience.

As long as the coincidence phenomenon does not happen again, it means that the doom index is cleared.

“This ability should be used with caution in the dark continent, and it should not be excessively abused.”

Luo thought silently, because luck is too metaphysical. On the dark continent, there are too many dangerous things that can be guided. If the ability is used too frequently, you may be hit by a meteorite on the road.

Zidapez Hotel, the room where Donich is located.

More than a dozen officers stood in the room, staring grimly at the well-preserved scene.

Donich’s body lay quietly on the blanket, and the blood dyed flowing from his chest became a large blanket.

“The cause of death was a pierced heart, the murder weapon was a fruit knife in the room, and the 4 princes had obvious signs of binding.” An officer reported the situation in a smooth tone.

The headed officer is a middle age person with strong features, pinching his chin and groaning in a low voice.

“Kakuzu, the title of the succession battle, has not yet sounded. Which impatient prince will move? Or someone else?”

Thinking silently for the chief officer, although his face seemed calm, his heart was writhed with incomprehensible anger.

The sailing ceremony was just around the corner, but this incident happened. How can there be more time to resolve it?

The murder of a prince and the voyage ceremony to the New World, the two are very important, and a fool can weigh it out.

It is foreseeable that King Twice Cooked Pork will only choose the latter.

Assume that the prince’s death was not due to the writing of other princes, then the murderer is most likely to have aimed at this, and still prepared.

In fact, just as the officer had guessed, Kurapika set his sights on this opportunity without any worries.

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