Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 904

A skull, a ray of grievances about to dissipate, and a piece of note paper with strange abilities.

Only the above 3 points are not enough to complete a resurrection of the dead.

At the time, it was only after the corpse was kept intact that the conditions for resurrection were available, but Luo had only one head.

However, Luo now has a flute version of the dark sonata, and with this condition, maybe he can resurrect him.

This attempt to break the rules of the world filled Luo’s chest with unspeakable excitement.

It’s like breaking the rules, like doing things that others can’t do, it’s like getting involved in a level that others can’t touch.

When Ellie affixed a soul note to Luo’s head, Luo was ready to find a suitable target. Didn’t expect someone to come to you automatically.

The caller was a member of the Porcupine Page group, because he stunned the three junior youths at the bar, and then the other party sought revenge.

Although it is not clear what methods Luo used to plot the members of the gang, the Porcupine Pegasus Gang has always reported it, and the murderous aura is coming.

In this regard, Luo would be polite to let the black cat kill the members of the Porcupine Pecs who came to seek revenge, leaving only a few live mouths as the material for the “phenomena exchange” and disposing of the corpses.

As for how to solve it in the future, he doesn’t have to worry about it at all. After all, the 2-star hunter license in his hand can define this matter as legitimate defense, which becomes a trivial matter.

In the living room of the suite, the members of the 3 Porcupine Pecs were tied up with 5 flowers, towels were stuffed on their mouths, and they kept making wu wu sounds while struggling.

They saw with their own eyes that their companion was killed by a black cat transformed by the man in front of them, and even the body and even blood were swallowed Thoroughly.

Such a shocking phenomenon made them full of fear and just wanted to escape here.

“Master … Is it really possible to do something like Resurrection Luo?”

Kurapika’s expression was quite contradictory at the moment, hoping that Luo could do it, and he did not want to experience a disappointment.

“I cannot guarantee it, but the probability is not low.”

Luo said as he turned the black cat into a flute.

With the lesson learned from Sergey, Luo believes that the chance of resurrection is high, but Kurapika and Kim do not know the identity of Sweeji. Even if the dead were resurrected, Luo said that they would not directly choose to believe.

Even Ellie could hardly imagine how Luo would resurrect the dead through a skull. Without a complete body, there would be no preconditions for resurrection.

Except for Si Ji, everyone else was confused.

Luo doesn’t intend to explain with words, practice is the only truth.

Just in case of 10000, before letting the solo, Luo let the Jins go out, and let them not overhear the movement in the room.

After they left the room, Luo played the flute directly.

The melodious flute turned from soft to strong, straight down.

The flute sound turned into an invisible sound wave of naked eye, which was connected to the resentment on the heads of Porcupine’s Page members and Pie Luo.

[Phenomenon exchange]

One of the Porcupine Page members disappeared in vain.

It seems that a person in the painting is erased by the rubber pad, and there are no traces left, but it really disappears out of thin air.

In the split second where the member disappeared out of thin air, the body of Luo’s head appeared almost out of thin air at the same time.

Luo continued to play the solo while looking at the results of the phenomenon exchange.

When I saw that Luo’s body, which was made out of nothing, was wearing clothes, there was a flash of strange rays of light in his eyes.

The clothes were not the clothes of the exchange’s body, but the national costume of Kurta Clan.

Not only the phenomenon of clothes, but also the loss of vitality of hair and facial skin returned to normal appearance.

From these few details, it can be seen that the essence of [Phenomena Exchange] takes into account clothes and other things, and exchanges the exaggerated clothes of the member’s body into clothes worn by Luo during his lifetime.

Moreover, the member who was the object of exchange had his head erased, and the essence contained in the head of the explanation was replaced.

“This is the upper limit of the Dark Sonata, just like the Daniela of Alluka within the body, and both are from the Dark Continent.”

Luo played the last note, and then slowly lowered the flute, again feeling in her heart for the dark continent.

“You, weird, monster!”

The remaining 2 Porcupine Page members were not at all scourged by the dark sonata, and looked at Luo with a look of extreme fear.

If it hadn’t been for 5 flowers, they would have been farting and running away.

Luo glanced at the two spare materials, and since they were successful once, there was no need to keep them.

Thinking of this, Luo shook the black flute at them.

The flute turned back into a black cat in mid air, and 2 claws solved them.


The black cat happily stretched his tongue and licked his paw, and the slaughter tonight made the pages black.

This is good, very good.

No matter what, the white dog stuff in the book can’t bubble.

Luo’s beast, only Lao Tzu is enough!

Later, Luo let outside and the others come in.

Kurapika entered the room, and at the first sight, he saw that his body was recovering as originally sent to Luo, and was dumbfounded.

The memories of the past turned out again, and the loneliness produced by until now was fully fermented.

He couldn’t hold it back. He stood there, his eyes were like the dyke of a dyke, and his tears were not just silent.

Even if Luo could not be resurrected, only this complete corpse could give him spiritual comfort.

Jin and Ellie were surprised to look at sending Luo’s body. Before going out, it was obviously just a head. Didn’t expect Luo really did it.

However, their observation ability is not weak, let alone say that the fit of the body is almost 100%, and even the conditions of their heads have changed.

It wasn’t the head that had been soaked in the liquid for years, but it was like the body that had unfortunately died a few minutes ago.

To say a word that is not suitable to describe at the moment is freshness.

“How did Luo do it?”

King and Ellie both looked at Luo at the same time.

They feel that Luo can always do some incredible things and often gives them a sense of independence.

Si Jingji Jingjing looks at the body of Luo, with a slightly more complex look.

She felt the same kind of breath from this corpse, but there was a difference.

Yes, what’s different.

I do not know how to describe this trace makes her mood complicated and different.

It looks like two kinds of seedlings, but when they are planted on the ground, one is full of vitality and the other is withered.

“There is basically no problem.”

Luo looks at The resentment of sending Luo’s body and the note of the soul are intertwined, and his thoughts are lively.

It is polite to say that he has mastered the means of resurrection of the dead, and it is also an insurance to go to the dark continent.

However, the hardest part of the several conditions is the grievances after death.

It can be said that resentment is the same as the soul, and also the spiritual medium between the power of communication.

Without resentment, there is no resurrection.

Is it easier to leave grudges?

Of the enemies Luo has encountered so far, the few examples of success that have left grievances are in the minority.

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