Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 798

The next day, Luo asked the black cat to send wheat to Peking.

Black cats can become human-shaped, but the whole body is dark and quite weird.

However, Luo rewarded the black cat with a human skin mask, and then wore clothes similar to those often used by Sambica. From the appearance, it was no different from humans.

Luo stands at the highest point of the capital palace, looks at black cat and wheat walking on the straight road leading to Peking.

After a moment, his eyes were retracted, and he looked down towards the silent palace.

When Chimera Ants finishes the sweep, it will be quickly taken over.

It may be v5 intervention, or it may be that other countries in the Mitai Federation came to divide up Dongguotuo.

All in all, after the difficulties of Chimera Ants, coupled with the death of the commander-in-chief and deputy chief, the army has become the object of choice. The entire Donguotuo has been basically defined as an abolition country, and this incident always requires a person who can carry it.

Pushing a dead person like this is the most appropriate way.

Obviously, the most suitable candidate is Captain Digo.

Hold the pot on his body, try to eliminate the existence of the Hunters Association, and then make international remarks to expose the matter as much as possible.

This will be the next step of v5, and if the neighboring countries of the Mi Thai Federation can get benefits, they will also cooperate with v5 honestly.

An hour later, the black cat returned to the palace. Without a word, he removed his clothes and mask and changed back to his original form.

Luo wore a loose robe, and her hair was scattered randomly.


Leaving the palace and walking on the wasteland.

A gust of sand rolled over, and the silhouette of a man and a cat drifted away

Half a day later, a hotel in the Republic of Haas.

Luo entered the hotel and went straight to the corridor.

Go up to the 3rd floor and come to a room.

As soon as he reached the door, it was opened.

“Luo, you are here!”

The person who opened the door was Young Gon, excited.

When Luo left the palace, he actively contacted Young Gon, and then left Young Gon on standby to wait for him.

Just now Young Gon apparently heard Luo’s footsteps that he didn’t intentionally hide, so he opened the door.


Luo nodded, walked into the room.

Young Gon brought the door on, and the table in the room was in simple gear.

“Where is Killua?”

Luo glanced around the room, not at all to see the silhouette of Killua.

Regarding this matter, when contacting Young Gon, Young Gon did not take the initiative to raise it.

“He should be home, it should be very important,” Young Gon explained.

“Go home?” Surprised look flashed in Luo’s eyes, and then asked: “Brought back by my family?”


Young Gon shook his head. He didn’t know why Killua had taken the initiative to return home, but he thought it had something to do with the needle that Killua pulled out of his head.

So Young Gon talked about it.

Upon hearing Luo, he immediately understood the reason.

The needle was pulled out, and Alluka’s memory was unsealed.

After learning that Alluka was imprisoned, Killua as it should be by rights would choose to go home.


Killua didn’t tell him about it, not even leaving a message.

Luo thinks that she is one of the [informed] after the memory correction, so she doesn’t tell herself about this?

It’s not surprising that this would be the case, after all, from Killua’s standpoint, Luo should not turn a blind eye, but had to help him pull out the needle.

But Luo did not do so.

“Young Gon, come with me.”

Luo shook his head slightly, glanced at the simple clothes on the table, and walked towards the door.

Young Gon 2 picked up the pack without a word and kept up with Luo.

2 people walked out of the hotel side by side and headed towards the airport.

“I don’t know when Kim will be back, anyway, as long as you are waiting at Boda Hospital, you will see him sooner or later, also, when you see him again, remember to contact him for the number.”


Young Gon complied, probably understand why Luo and Kate didn’t give themselves gold contact numbers.

Because of some things, he needs to do it himself.

After arriving at the airport, two people took out the hunter license and immediately enjoyed the priority channel treatment. They boarded the spaceship to the city where the Hunters Association is located for free.

Eurubian continent, somewhere in the forest.

A Captain-level Chimera Ants is running away in the forest.

When he came out of the Chimera Ants’ lair, he had the ambition to become a king by himself, but after the same race was wiped out by the human one after another, he had given up infiltrating the human social system.

Now, he just wants to enter a rare forest and slowly occupy a site by himself.

However, the peculiar human was biting dead with a gesture of kill to the last one.

The sense of crisis has been lingering, and the division Captain Chimera Ants can only keep whispering.

In vain, a silhouette of a lithe and graceful flashed from the front, accompanied by 2 bright sharps.

Chimera Ants stopped, looking only for a moment to flash the woman’s body, then moved towards all around and quickly swept around.

“The route was foreseen …”

Knowing that she was trapped in the encirclement, Chimera Ants exuded a little cold sweat on her forehead, and could only gnashing teeth looks at a woman with several braids in front of her. Those two bright kitchen knives were dangerous.

Silhouettes came out one after another in the surrounding woods.

Uvogin, Nobunaga, Machi, and Baha 剌 are all present, and the woman who stands in front is Menki.

In this operation to annihilate Chimera Ants, they were not collective actions, but because the goal was reduced to only the last one, they gathered together.

“This should be the last one, right?”

Nobunaga’s hand lazily lays on the handle, but the body’s anger is extremely sharp, giving people a sense of vision that can be issued at any time.

“I don’t know, kill it before discussing it.” Uvogin be eager to have a try.

During this time, the one who killed the most Chimera Ants is Uvogin, a combat freak. Since he is an Enhancer, he fights against Chimera Ants every time he fights, inevitably getting injured frequently.

He even got his legs removed twice. If it weren’t for Machi to help him get his legs back, plus he didn’t want to be honest, or he would have quit this operation long ago.

“It’s the last one.” Machi indifferently said.

“I really want to try what it tastes like.” Bu Haji stared at the Chimera Ants in the encirclement, looking sad.

On the other end, Men Qi said helplessly: “This kind of thing, you also lose appetite.”

Bu Haji smiled when he heard it.

Inside the circle, the Chimera Ants was furious.

But as a fish on a cutting board, he was thinking not how to resist, but how to escape here.

But can you escape?

The answer is: impossible.

There is probably only one Chimera Ants that can escape

Boda Hospital, intensive care unit.

Netero, like dead wood, lay quietly on the bed, her eyes closed, and a respirator on her mouth.

Several instruments were placed beside the bed, and a doctor in a white coat stood by.

Due to the special situation of Netero, a doctor must be on standby at all times to carry out round-the-clock observation.

In addition, Netero’s ward is an area that is inaccessible to idlers and others. People who can come and visit can be counted on one’s fingers.

The ward has a glass wall. Most of the time, people who come to visit can only stand in the corridor and look through the glass at the ward in Netero.

At the moment, many people were standing in the ward corridor.


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