Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 797

Begging …

It’s not like Meruem would do.

But the motive of begging is not to ask, but to be.

It is precisely because of eliminating complexity and leaving only the purest things that Luo can see through.

But when that begging sentiment passed to Luo’s heart, the obsession equivalent to Meru Aim showed signs of complication.

In this way, Luo has no reason to leave Merueim’s obsession. In that case, even sleeping will not be safe in the future.

“Is it obsession, or a broken soul?”

Luo sighed in her heart, and once again suppressed the idea of ​​turning Meru Aim into a beast.

Even if Meru Aim can be realized in a smooth way, it still needs energy and time. The key is that the realization is still a beast without battle strength.

Long ago, it took him 2 years not just to realize General White Jade.

Then, in the case that the pay and the return are not proportional, Luo couldn’t find any reason to persuade himself to demystify Meru Aim.

Ignoring Meru’s begging, Luo found that the wheat was crying.


Luo silent looks at wheat that kept crying.

In the case of being covered by mind, most of the senses of an ordinary person are magnified, and even some kind of analysis ability is produced.

So much information can be obtained from Luo’s sentence.

I am afraid that the ability to analyze has become wheat, which is why the eyes will shed tears first.

“Is this going to soften again?”

Luo smiled silently, and extended the hand to pick out his own pawns in preparation for the next game.

His movement awakened the overwhelmed wheat.

“I am sorry.”

Wheat subconsciously apologized, and immediately hurriedly arranged the pieces, the actions were obviously chaotic.

Pā tà.

Several pieces were swept off and fell to the ground.

Wheat startedled, wiped her tears, bent over and groped for the pawn.

“Sit down, I’ll pick it up.”

Luo made a noise to stop the movement of wheat, and raised his hand to suck the pawn in the void.

Wheat couldn’t see it, knew nothing about it, but straightened up obediently.

She was very conscious and obedient, and would not rush over, so when Luo said what made her go home, she immediately cried, rather than throwing questions.

Luo put the chess piece one after another on wheat’s chessboard and said, “Let’s get started.”


Wheat squeezed a word from the nasal cavity, and double-handed scratched a large wrinkle on the pants.

Even if you recognize your identity, the ** you want to ask in your heart is like the volcano that is about to erupt, and you can hardly suppress it.

Why is there no military instrument after ten games?

Is it because you have been losing?

These doubts were all analyzed by Wheat from Luo’s sentence.

Wheat opened her mouth. When she couldn’t help it, the sound of the chess piece falling on the board made her shut up involuntarily.

As a result, the wrinkles caught on the trouser tube became deeper.

One, two, three …

Until the night fell, finally reached the final set.

Arrange the pieces, line up, and start the game.

Thirty minutes later, Luo’s pawn was dead.

“It’s ruthless to open the road with a horse and bow to cut off the vitality.”

Luo looks at a game where vitality is completely cut off, and I can’t help but look up at the wheat without worrying.

Doesn’t it affect the game even if the emotions are fluctuating?

Called a natural chess player, he has the ultimate talent in a certain field.

So, who has evolved to such a degree, also who can be her opponent?

Presumably there are.

Luo retracted his gaze, glanced down at Mei Luaimu’s vision, and then immediately looked towards Wheat, saying, “It’s over.”

Wheat’s body trembled a little, and she didn’t speak her bite. Of course, she knew what the end meant.

She didn’t want to lose such happiness, she whispered, “Can I, I still have a chance to play chess with the commander in chief?”

The rays of light shrouded in the weak body are converging within the body with a speed visible by naked eyes.

Luo looks at The process of thinking gradually shrinking within the body, without answering, but using the fastest speed to collect the chess pieces on the board.

After collecting the chess pieces, Luo still didn’t answer the question of wheat, but just stretched out his right hand and covered it on the chessboard gently, and then said, “Go to rest, I will arrange someone to take you home tomorrow morning, also this chessboard. is you.”

Luo had an idea in his infancy.

“Master Commander …” Wheat lifts the head.

“Come on.” Luo interrupted directly.

Wheat showed a sad look, and even saluted had forgotten, took the crutches beside him, fumbled to get up, and then moved towards the door.

When the wheat stepped out of the door, Luo suddenly said, “Maybe there will be a chance.”

Wheat turned back abruptly, but fell to the ground because of excessive force, looking rather embarrassed.

“Sorry, I’m lost self-control again!”

Wheat hurriedly got up from sorrow to joy, revealing a thick smile.

“I mean maybe.” Luo helplessly said.

“Uh huh!” Wheat kept nodded.

“Do you know what ‘maybe’ mean?”


Luo had nothing to say, rubbed his forehead, and said, “Go.”

When the wheat left, Luo looked at the chessboard and said nothing.

The black cat did not know when it came together, and greedily said, “Give me food. Anyway, it’s a waste.”

“go away.”

Luo said rudely.

“whispering sound.”

The black cat snorted and ran for snacks again.

The chess room suddenly quieted down.

Luo raised his forefinger, and a flame-like dark thought leaped on his fingertips.

“I wanted to erase you directly.”

To tone barely fell, Luo turned the chessboard over, using the black flame on his fingertips as the pen and ink, and the bottom of the chessboard as the drawing paper, and engraved a god character on the drawing paper.

With each stroke, the volume of the black flame became smaller and smaller, until Luo painted the last stroke, the black flame completely disappeared, and an obscure black god character was added to the chessboard chassis.

“As long as wheat uses this chessboard to keep playing chess, maybe one day, you can derive the shape from the wheat’s gas.”

“I didn’t do this to help you.”

Luo looks at the black god character at the bottom of the chessboard, as if looking at Meru Aim, and like wheat when looking seriously at chess.

“Army chess, after all, is the world of 2 people.”

Not one person and one ant, but two people.

Luo turned the chessboard back, then got up and left.

At this moment, a scent of breath wafted over the chessboard, slowly drifting towards Luo like smoke.

Luo noticed that, looking back at the black smoke, it suddenly startedled.

“Is that so … Thanks are spared.”

Luo raised his hand and inhaled the black smoke inside the body, and the reading power increased to 99%.

“Be good at it.”

With the final benefit, Luo not at all excited or rejoicing, and turned quietly to leave.

He engraved Merueim’s obsession in the form of a god’s word on the bottom of the chessboard, so doing it will leave a small amount of his mind on the chessboard forever.

In this way, Merueim’s obsession can keep in touch with wheat, plus Luo just gave wheat expectations.

After day by day, wheat ’s expectation to play chess will become stronger. When that time comes, the obsession that Meru Aim attaches to the chessboard will become a medium. He will have the opportunity to be embodied by the gas of wheat and then become his eternal opponent .

The so-called is this, and this is the wonder of reading.

However, after Luo didn’t expect that, he could still get a gift from Meru Aim.

Unexpected joy?

Good man rewarded?

Luo didn’t feel that way.

Maybe, just do one thing right.

This matter, but it is time to leave.

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