Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 795

Killua is serious.

Illumi knows this, so there is no act blindly without thinking.

In fact, he also had to admit that Killua took the lead with a move, which put him in a passive position.

“Trading.” Killua coldly said.

“Content?” Illumi praised Killua and turned back to zombie’s face.

“Stay away from us,” Killua said.

“If that’s the case, you don’t have enough chips,” Illumi said calmly.


At such a short distance, Killua easily broke Illumi’s right hand arm, and it was still a two-segment fracture, which could not be easily retrieved.

The arm was fractured in two stages, and Illumi did not even groaned, and his expression remained unchanged.

“It’s enough now.” Killua indifferently said.

“Well, that’s really enough.”

Illumi bowed her head slightly, expressionless looks at the already swollen arm, as if it were not his arm.

“So you agreed to the deal?” Killua continued to ask.

“I should have no second choice,” Illumi said.

Killua heard that, and resolutely retracted his hands, and immediately moved towards Young Gon.

This is a [transactional method] that is customary within the Zoldyck family. Negotiations based on this cannot be breached.

Killua won the first opportunity and used this [first opportunity] in exchange for Illumi’s retreat, but Illumi thought that the chips were not enough, so Killua broke Illumi’s arm on the spot and increased the weight of the chip.

A seemingly calm but turbulent dispute was settled with [transactional methods]. This can be considered the unique style of the Zoldyck family.

Illumi looks at Killua’s back, suddenly said: “Actually, you kill me directly, isn’t it more straightforward?”

“I’m not you.”

Killua didn’t return his head. Young Gon, who had broken a few bones, left here, while Illumi stood there and watched them leave.

He certainly knew that Killua would not kill him here because the motivation was not sufficient.

Only when he wanted to insert a needle in Killua’s head did Killua use that reason as a motive to kill him.

It wasn’t until the silhouette of the two people disappeared that Illumi took out a dedicated mobile phone inside Zoldyck’s house and dialed Silva’s number.

When switched on, Illumi said bluntly, “Killua pulled the needle.”

The other end of the phone was silent for a while, then asked: “Pull it yourself?”

“Yes,” Illumi said.


Silva replied blandly, and there was a tendency to hang up directly.

“I want to insert another.” Illumi raised her thoughts.

“Killua can pull out the first, and then pull out the second.” Silva reminded euphemistically.

“Well, it won’t, because this time it will be a compulsory needle.” Illumi’s tone was serious, no joke.

“If you can do it, I won’t stop you, but I have to remind you that Killua is your family, don’t go too far.”

Silva certainly knows what Manipulator’s mandatory type is, but his tone does not change at all.

“Speaking of family, without that needle, Killua would think of Alluka, and in his way, he would go home without accident and take Alluka out.”

Illumi tilted her head slightly, looking towards Harrison’s body that had been killed by Killua.

Silva couldn’t help hearing silence.

The one needle that agreed, also had another effect, which was to make Killua forget about Alluka.

Now that the needle is gone, Killua as it should be by rights will think of Alluka, and indeed, as Illumi said, with Killua’s temperament, he will most likely try to rescue Alluka from the closed room.

“So, let me ‘teach’ my dear younger brother again.” Illumi’s eyes glowed with dangerous rays of light.

There was a slight sigh from Silva on the other end of the phone, and a moment later he said, “You didn’t insert a new needle on the spot. The planning Killua was able to get rid of you with strength, which also proved the difficulty of this thing.”

“Stop it properly, or you will suffer.”

You guessed it, it is indeed father.

Illumi said earnestly: “I’ll think it over and hang up.”

After that, I just hung up the phone and put away the phone.

Killua’s aptitude is hailed by Zeno as the best of Zoldyck’s history.

But to grow to this level without knowing it was beyond Illumi’s expectations.

“If it fails, it may be killed by Killua.”

Illumi looks at Harrison’s body, eyes narrowed slightly.

“If I could be the first loved one to be killed by Killua, I would stay in Killua forever, and think about it.”

“Unfortunately, Hisoka has been taken out, otherwise he can be commissioned to help.”

Illumi left in the opposite direction.

He had to go to Luo to get his heart back.

On the other side, Killua helped Young Gon walk in the forest.

“Go to the nearest town and treat your injury first,” Killua said.


Young Gon nodded, then curiously asked, “Killua, why do you suddenly become so powerful?”

“It’s a bit complicated to explain.”

Killua smiled bitterly, explaining: “In short, Illumi put a pin in my head, limiting my strength.”

Well aware of Young Gon’s urine, so Killua explained abbreviatedly, otherwise the entire impact would be analyzed in detail, I am afraid that Young Gon would be confused.

“It turned out to be.”

Suddenly, Young Gon’s eyes shone, and he said, “But Killua is really good. He can deal with enemies of that level at once.”

“Unexpectedly,” Killua said.

The ability to drop Harrison in seconds depends on the greatly improved Thunder Speed, which is why Illumi is controlled.

If they are given room to adapt, they may not be able to exert such obvious advantages.

Hours later, when Killua and Young Gon were about to reach the nearest town, the phone in their pockets vibrated.

Killua stopped and pulled out his phone to connect.

“where are you?”

The call came from Bisji.

“Is there something wrong?” Killua Kaidou.

“Less nonsense, answer my question.” Bi Siji said politely.


Killua twitched Kakuzu’s mouth, thinking that he had pulled out the needle, and he must be full of confidence, but then thought of the relationship between Luo and Bisji, quickly rushed to the cliff, and reported the position honestly.

“Understood, just wait for me.”

At the other end of the cell phone, Bisquit hung up.

She contacted Killua but was entrusted by Luo.

There are 2 heads, one day later.

Illumi arrives at the East Gordo Capital Palace.

At this point, Wheat was resting in the room, and Luo sometimes indirectly met Illumi.

In the welcome room, Luo sat on the sofa, while the black cat hovered over to eat snacks.

After a while, Illumi opened the door and walked into the welcome room.

Luo looked up towards Illumi, his eyes paused for a moment on Illumi’s right hand arm.

Fractures were simply treated.

Suddenly, a judgement was reached, which shows that Illumi’s eagerness to get back his heart.

“Working hard.”

Knowing Illumi’s hard work during this time, Luo as it should be by rights comforted him.


Illumi went straight to the topic.

Luo got up, suddenly flashed, and cut off his right hand when Illumi just reacted.

Immediately, Illumi was shocked and released the maximum amount of apparent energy subconsciously.

“Don’t be nervous, just take care of your injury by the way.”

Luo held the cut right hand arm, used the power of the hand of God to connect the bones, and then took the right hand arm back. The speed of his method made Illumi secretly startled.

After helping Illumi deal with the injury, Luo called out a book and, as promised, he would return the heart.

But at this moment, Illumi’s attention was no longer on his heart. He stared at Luo, and it was difficult to hide his mind.

“It’s stronger again, this person is monster.”

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