Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 794

Each Mind Power department has varying degrees of application and nature change.

Manipulator has three more clear levels: on-demand, semi-mandatory, and mandatory.

On-demand is the lowest level of Manipulator. It gives the target a choice and allows it to act as a capable person. The advantage of this type of control is that it can control more people with less mental power.

In simple terms, it has something to do with it, but it is just a bit higher than Power.

The semi-mandatory type is a situation where the target’s body is controlled freely, or the target is forced to act according to orders.

The compulsory type is the physical and mental control that directly captures the target.

Like Shalnark, the fate of bringing others together is a mandatory Manipulator, apart from this, also Illumi’s needle, and it is also a mandatory operation.

Compared to the request type and semi-compulsive type, the moment when the compulsive mind is applied to the target body, it is equivalent to destroying the mind and body of the target. Even if the mind is withdrawn, the target will become a walking dead.

The categories described above are just Manipulator’s use of creatures. In addition, they also control dead things, beasts, and even the most essential mind.

It can be seen that Mind Power in each department can be widely used, even the seemingly rude and direct Enhancer, in fact, has widely used style.

The needle Illumi inserted into Killua’s head was a semi-compulsive thought, which was the type that forced the target into action.

The command he gave in Killua’s head was to run quickly when he encountered an enemy stronger than himself.

This order is absolute. Even if you need to leave your family or friends when escaping, as long as the conditions are met, the order will force Killua to take action.

Therefore, as long as Illumi’s thoughts always control Killua, Killua will never be able to detect how much of his power limit.

Special meets Chimera Ants, such an exaggerated enemy, often without fighting intent when he realizes the gap, naturally impossible to go all out to fight.

At this point, Killua pulled out the needle himself.

“The semi-compulsory type is not applicable, so adopt the compulsory concept.”

Illumi’s eyes seemed to give birth to the cold Uzumaki.

After thinking that the semi-mandatory type of forced manipulation is no longer applicable to Killua, the countermeasure he thought of was not the same type of seizing the free manipulation of the body, but directly jumped to the forced type.

Capture the mind and body directly and turn Killua into a puppet for free control.

This is because Illumi is angry.

It wasn’t that Killua was able to remove the needle by himself, but that Killua completely ignored him after removing the needle, which made him have an uncontrollable unpleasant experience.

The word out of control is not friendly to those who control the strongest Manipulator Mind Power.

Killua did disregard Illumi’s presence or, in other words, no longer looked at Illumi.

Because as the needle was pulled out, the fear accumulated by Illumi for a long time also disappeared.

Killua’s hair, clothes, and even her entire body were electrified.

After crushing Harrison’s meat, Killua not at all then took the initiative to strike, but stood in front of Young Gon, like a hen protecting the cubs.

Young Gon was stunned by the sudden outburst of Strength from Killua, but just looking at Killua at the back.

“I don’t like changing my mind temporarily.”

Harrison glanced down and stared at the right side of the abdomen that was missing a large piece of flesh. He stared at Killua, who was electrified.

Even if Killua changes from a domestic cat to a tiger, Harrison still feels that it is necessary to resolve the weak first, and Killua clearly wants to protect Young Gon, then this will hold Killua down.

“Go one step further and kill you.”

Killua looked coldly at Harrison, repeating what he said just now.

Harrison’s pumps shrank slackened again, his thin but muscular body erupting a powerful aura in vain.

call out!

Harrison’s body disappeared from its place.

At the same time, Killua lifted the double-handed like lightning, posing a gesture style that looks like a Zeno faucet, left and right hands up and down, and the five fingers turned into hooks.

At the moment of the gesture style, Killua’s body disappeared, leaving only a small amount of current in place.

The speed of the two sides is so fast that only afterimage is left, and they pass by each other in a space that naked eye cannot capture.

The next second, Harrison’s body became apparent, but his head was missing, and a large piece of blood leaked from the heart of his chest.

On the other side, Killua held Harrison’s head in one hand and the heart in one hand.

The gesture style, similar to a dragon’s play, is one hand attacking the heart and one hand attacking the head.

But in the short attack and defense that can be called the speed of light, Killua added a trick to the attack, which is to use the speed of the speed to confuse Harrison’s defense.

You know, the faster Speed ​​is, the harder it is to show your urgency skills. When Speed ​​is more than lightning, its difficulty is harder to describe, but Killua does.

Because of this, the resulting effect completely confuses Harrison, so that when Harrison defends under the head cloth, Killua takes the heart first, and when Harrison hinders the hindsight and defends under the chest cloth, Killua takes the head behind.

This completely defeated Harrison’s one after the other attack, and simultaneously captured Harrison’s 2 key points. It was a complete lore.

When the results came out, Harrison’s face was full of wonder.

It ended so quickly that he was extremely puzzled, and even had the illusion of being in a dream.

No matter what, this should not be the result.

Subsequently, Killua blasted Harrison’s head and heart silently, and ended Harrison’s life very simply.

At the same time, Harrison’s headless body stopped and fell to the ground, losing his voice.

After Harrison was resolved, this looked right towards Illumi.

No anger, no pride, just a calm face.

Facing Killua’s gaze, Illumi moved forward expressionlessly, while emitting a malicious aura.

In the past, this gas field would make Killua unable to move even a little bit, but now, Killua is not affected at all.

“I’m relieved.”

Illumi said as he walked, already holding a few bead pins in his hand.

Killua slowly raised his hand, held out his index finger against the head of up ahead, and said indifferently, “Don’t try to put another pin in my head, but I will kill you if you move a little.”

“Well, kill me?” Illumi pouted and smiled. “On you?”

Before the words fell, Killua in Illumi’s eyes suddenly disappeared.

Illumi’s eyes were frozen, and the pinch of the needle stabbed back, but stopped instantly.

Killua’s sharpened nails pressed against Illumi’s back neck.

Illumi’s response was fast enough, but he was still one step slower.

Because Killua was clumsy in the previous battle, not at all showed the fastest Speed.

The motivation was to mislead him and then deal with him.

It’s a pretty confident move.

After the needle was removed, Killua was transformed.

“You can try it.” Killua indifferently said.

That kind of tone will not be suspicious at all, and it will be said to do it.

Despite being killed by Killua, Illumi was not afraid, and burst into a low laugh.

Listening to Illumi’s laughter, Killua was unmoved.

“You have grown.”

Illumi said in an inaudible tone.

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