Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 772

Consecutive 99 palms that did not give any respite, did not cause substantial harm to Ant King.

The grave expression in Netero’s eyes faded away instantly.

Well, this is also to be expected.

After three palms at the beginning, he already had a basic understanding of Ant King’s defense. Now a set of 100-style Avalokitesvara 99 goes down and sees that Ant King is intact and his cognition is deepened.

There is no doubt that this will be the most difficult protracted battle in life.

“That’s … I want it.”

Netero looked up slightly at the rolling clouds, showing a long-lost smile.

Immediately, he lowered his head and looked towards Ant King.

Then he saw the unwavering appreciation on Ant King’s face.

Although it is incredible, so is the fact.

The monster, which is different from human beings, was not so ashamed after being confused by Guanyin, but it showed its true heart.

Should it be … an extremely pure monster, or is it the king’s discretion?

Netero will not stand still in the slightest with that sincere appreciation.

“Ant King, I am grateful for everything that happened before I met you!”

Netero closed his palms, and after the seemingly slow but fast-moving movement, golden Avalokitesvara appeared.

Ant King’s eyes reflected the silhouette of Golden Avalokitesvara. Without a word, he stepped on his feet and shook a lot of rubble.

He rushed to Netero with extreme horror, a direct attack without any false intentions, and completely abandoned his defense.


Netero could clearly feel that Ant King’s attack was faster and fiercer than before.

In that extremely brief moment, Netero drove Guanyin into a palm and hit Ant King.

Later, Netero realized that Ant King would have such a speedup because Ant King gave up the defense, or that there was no need to defend at all.

This may not be contempt, but the most correct method was chosen.

“Anyway, no matter how fast your speed is, I will hit you after one another!”

In response to Netero, Ant King came back with a thunderous Speed.

After being smashed by a palm, Ant King stepped back against the rock and used his strength to fight back.

However, the Guanyin slap by Netero blocked any trajectory that Ant King could attack, and he could fly Ant King relentlessly every time.

That means that Ant King can’t break through the palm of Guanyin, and the palm of Guanyin can’t hurt Ant King either.

This rather contradictory scene is happening at this moment.

This contradiction can be formed because the person who clapped was Netero, who injected everything he experienced in life into every palm.

I dare not say that you can reach the peak, but it is the style of the ultimate dao.

On the move style, the white jade general created by Luo with reference to the 100-style Guanyin is not far behind, but on the core, the 100-style Guanyin can completely explode the general white jade.

Digging deeper, after all, the Type 100 Guanyin has been tempered through a long time.

“Pēng pēng pēng …!”

Ant King kept attacking and then was shot.

The tactics he performed were extremely simple, that is, he kept attacking.

Because he is very clear, this Guanyin is probably the only move that the enemy can overcome, but it can only cause some minor injuries to himself.

This way, there is nothing to worry about, just keep attacking until the moment the enemy makes a mistake.

Of course, Ant King also pursues higher.

Under that stormy attack, Ant King’s sight never left Netero’s double-handed.

“He used the double-handed hexadecimal as the starting action for the attack, which was far beyond my movable Speed.”

“During the battle, this was a useless move that would have killed him, but at the moment it was a paradoxical weapon that could beat me.”

“How he did all this, don’t have to delve into it now, after all, it must be an area that common sense cannot explore.”

“But, after all, it is the established mode of palm release, as long as you can attack from Kakuzu degrees that the palm cannot defend …”

“Be that as it may, there are limited forms of Guanyin’s release, but there are many transformable combinations, almost infinite.”

“But I can do it!”

In the process of being photographed constantly, Ant King experienced an inexplicable joy.

He knew this feeling, because he had experienced it while playing chess with girls.

Defeat powerful enemies and pick the fruits of victory!

Ant King’s mouth Kakuzu suddenly raised, looking forward to that scene.

Netero, who had the same mood, kept clapping.

He is the same, enjoying the battle at the moment, and can even say that he is happy, and does not care if he will be killed later.

“Ha ha ha …!”

Ant King’s emotions accumulated to a peak, finally no longer covering up, showing an excited and laughing expression in the thunder attack.

Listening to Ant King’s laughter, Netero’s grinned mouth Kakuzu was hidden in his beard.

“Laughing …”

Wave your hands and fly!

No matter how fast Ant King uses to reposition and fight back, no matter what Kakuzu degree Ant Ant chooses, Netero will respond with extremely accurate palm strokes.

“Your defense is really amazing, but it’s not worth mentioning compared to your offensiveness. If you want to come, losing an arm still has a great impact.

“Come and try it out, is it that I’ll defeat your defense first, or will you tear off my limbs first!”

At this moment, Netero’s body and mind are completely immersed.

How harmful is Chimera Ants?

The future of the association?

Your own safety?

None of it matters.

The dazzling offense and defense of the two sides pulled out countless incredible tracks in the valley surrounded by rocks and mountains.

It can be clearly seen that Ant King, who was hit and fly by the palm of Guanyin, obviously suffered a great deal of force, but when he stepped on the rock wall to borrow, the rock wall not at all suffered too much damage.

This seemingly ordinary scene, but it highlights the horrible control power of Ant King, not only mental strength, but also its own strength.

Only with such precise control of the mind can the compression time of the posture change counterattack be minimized.

If he can’t, he will only be deeply embedded in the rock wall, and then break the combo, so how can he form an effective and high-speed continuous attack.

Maybe, that’s the Innate Skill that is far beyond human limits.

Above the rock, Selina looked dull.

At first seeing that old man crushed Ant King, she was shocked and unbelievable, and then saw Ant King got up innocently, and the loss in her heart disappeared instantly.

Chimera Ants are stronger than humans.

That’s right, that’s it.

Immediately, Selena saw the confrontation between the old man and Ant King. The countless trajectories completely shattered her inherent strong sense of mission.

Not in a dimension.

Because of this, she desperately wanted to complete the Queen’s will and didn’t even dare to take a step forward. She could only stay here honestly, looking at the fighting parties.


The two spaces split inexplicably, extruding two figures like squeezing toothpaste, but Jin and Shaiapouf.

Gold double-handed chicly fell to the ground, while Shaiapouf lowered his head, but was gloomy and hopeless.

In that worm game, Shaiapouf lost.

As a loser, he was deprived of all potential energy.

As the winner, Jin only recovered 30% of his energy paid as the price of the invitation.

In other words, at this moment is equivalent to the exhausted Shaiapouf, and its deterrent is not even as good as the Captain-level Chimera Ants.

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