Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 771

Don’t understand, don’t understand at all!

When the sixth bulge appeared on his face, Shaiapouf 愣愣 looks at calm gold.

No matter how hard I tried, no matter how many times I knew the known rules, there was still no clue about Jin’s future plans.

You have to know that if Jin wants to polish his hp, he needs to have 100 little beetle cards, but there are only 17 of them, so he can impossible.

So what is he thinking? What is he trying to do?

Obviously the victory was set, but Shaiapouf couldn’t relax.

The swollen face on his face seemed to remind him that Jin would have unusual operations afterwards.

“It doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter … I won anyway.”

Saying in his heart, Shaiapouf threw away a Sun-type poison insect card, which is still the highest instant poison in a single round, combined with the attacking poison increase effect, a total of 4 points of damage.

After that, Kim suffered a high amount of damage from the second wave-


HP drops below 40!

Gold frowned again, but it was caused by pain.

After a while, the pain effect dissipated, and Jin Meishu stretched out, finally no longer taking out the bee, but a soil-type worm card.

“Cicadas, husk!”

Dozens of black cicada larvae appeared in vain, and landed near Jin in a circle.

After all the black cicada larvae are in place, the back of each larva has a crack, but it is the first step of metamorphosis and shelling.

Shaiapouf frowned when he saw Kim using the cicada swarm.

This card is hailed as the most cost-effective recovery worm card. It is worth mentioning that it has the effect of returning full health, but has harsh Conditions of Use.

1: It takes ten rounds of brewing to trigger.

2: After using this worm card, soil type worm cards can no longer be used for ten rounds.

3: Each round of shelling will lose 1 hp.

Such harsh conditions of use are the reason for being hailed as chicken ribs.

But what puzzled Shaiapouf was that, let alone ten rounds, Jin’s current health was 3 rounds.

From start to finish, Shaiapouf couldn’t guess gold at all.

Despite his discomfort, he decided to stop thinking about it and concentrate on killing gold.

As the toxin layout has been completed, Shaiapouf will no longer use the Drip Worm and Soil Worm cards, only the instant sun-type Worm card will be used. It is still a fierce poison to start, cutting off the gold of 4 points.

At the same time, a toxin outbreak in round 3 came-


King’s body became green, with only 11 points of blood left. Compared with Shaiapouf’s 96 points of blood, this is the difference between Heaven and Earth.

When the next round comes to Shaiapouf, only a Sun-type poison insect card will take away the remaining gold.

“You are finished.”

Shaiapouf looked coldly at Jin. Although Jin was still calm, Shaiapouf was not affected because the winning ticket was in his hands.

“Actually, from the very beginning, my strategy is extremely risky.”

In danger, Kim was showing a contented smile.

He looks at Shaiapouf, earnestly: “In common sense, when the mp value is dominant, choosing the attacking insect brand to crush the opponent is the only way to get victory.”

“So you will choose Gundam with a 80% chance of attacking the deck. Once you choose to attack the deck, everything I have prepared will be wasted.”

“But I know very well that you will never choose to attack the deck, and indeed, as I thought, you took out the toxin deck, and from then on, I knew that I had half the winning points.”

What is this human … talking about?

The next round must die, dare to talk and laugh here?

Shaiapouf stared at Kim with a look at mental illness.

Kim didn’t respond to this, and in a calm and calm tone, he continued: “Your library has half of the forged beetle cards and restore the worm cards, because half poison and half defense are standard in the drug war.”

“After all, the basic structure of poison warfare is to drag the enemy alive with subtle poison wounds.”

“Even if you are using a poisonous strategy, for the sake of conservativeness, you will choose enough recovery worms in the rich space to ensure that you are invincible.”

“Just like you choose a drug war instead of a strong attack … you are a perfectionist who is meticulous and will not allow any omissions to occur, even if it complicates simplicity.”

Speaking of which, Jin took out a drop-shaped worm card and opened it, but it was an Insect Queen that looked like an insect nest.

“Come on, the game doesn’t start now, I will pierce your deck until your hp drops to zero.”

King let the insect nest Insect Queen materialize, floating in the sky.

The effect of insect nest Insect Queen is the birth of an insect egg, which contains all the insect cards that your side has used in this battle, and its continuous round is infinite, but it has the same subtle effect as the cicada swarm, only Rely on wait and wait.

This feature is actually similar to poison warfare, but it is much slower than poison warfare, and it is a big Late Stage worm brand.

“The game just starts now?”

Shaiapouf gave a cold glance at the insert nest Insect Queen. He knew that the effect of this card was neither defensive nor healing, which means that the next round, the gold hp will definitely drop to zero.

“As you dream, the game is over.”

Shaiapouf turned up a sun-shaped poison insect card and threw it out.

However, gold’s health dropped by only 1 point, leaving 10 health points, and the subsequent poisoning did not have any effect on gold.


Shaiapouf was startled.

Under Jin’s resistance that was polished by several fierce poisons, no matter how impossibly, such a low damage was formed.

Just then, a puffer fish-like snake made of mudfish had nowhere to come out, standing on Jin’s shoulder.

Seeing the strange snake, Shaiapouf suddenly understood.

That’s King’s third strategy worm card, which is a passive trigger type. It is a worm card that consumes 3 points of MP for Gundam. It is also one of the more useless worm cards in this game map.

After all, it is a worm brand for poisonous battles. It can protect from any poison when the health drops to 10 points, but the effect is only 5 rounds.

“This is your hole card?” Shaiapouf mocked with a smile: “Find out, strategy cards can’t be counted in the graveyard, so your Insect Queen can’t call out the master snake, so you can only live 5 more That’s it. “

Kim smiled too, but not a mockery, but a relieved smile.

“So, if you do n’t have any poisonous cards in your existing library that are not at all, then I can rest assured.”

Upon hearing King’s words, Shaiapouf’s face turned black.

He just said that he can survive 5 rounds of gold, which is equivalent to a wave of self-exposure.

In order to maximize the steady and steady style of the poisonous battle, he really did not prepare a direct injury card other than the toxin. If there was, he would not say that Jin could survive 5 rounds.

But what does Kim want to do afterwards?

Also an attacking card was not revealed, and due to the effect of the cicada swarm, the soil type worm card can no longer be used, so only the drop type worm card is left.

So, is there any room for him to turn around?

Shaiapouf stared at Kim.

In this situation, he should be in charge of the overall situation. He should have been laughing and joking, but how could his position be changed.

Feeling at stake is actually yourself?

Why is this feeling?


Shaiapouf suddenly understood.

Because he was seen through by the other party, but the spiritual information obtained by the other party read through Lin Fan Nai Aiquan, but only the calm and wanting to win.

“There is only one combination that can make the effect of the Tofu Snake last for infinite rounds. Do I need to give you a hint?”

King came up with a drop-shaped worm card, indifferently said: “You have lost.”

Shaiapouf’s expression startedled, maybe he didn’t realize that his mentality was a little out of balance.

The reason is that the sharp stance reversed, magnified by his delicate and sensitive character, reached its peak.

This sentence was supposed to be told by his full vigor, not the tiny human in front of him.

But in that gradual unbalanced mindset, Shaiapouf thought of the combination King said.

Suddenly, Shaiapouf’s face narrowed.

If that condition is met, Shaiapouf can already predict his results.

Really … it would be alive and killed by the bee.

Just like that, little by little deducted his blood, and then died in shame?

“impossible !”

Shaiapouf was unwilling to believe it.

He chose a steady and steady fight card deck for 100% win rate, but the deck he chose was too weak to speak, but he became the nemesis of his deck?

Did this human see through all his steps before the battle began?

The light in Shaiapouf’s eyes faded, as if seeing himself alive with a bunch of bees.

Seeing Shaiapouf seemed to realize, King seriously said: “The correct game strategy can reduce the chance of players making mistakes, allowing players to clear or win the fastest time.”

“For me, forcing the opponent to violate the rules is the fastest way to win.”

“It’s just that if your opponent is your type, you only have to win head-on.”

In the southern wasteland, the 100-style Guanyin beat 99 palms.

Netero stepped back, staring at Ant King, who slowly got up from the ground.

Unharmed …?

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