Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 745

Demon Beast The dragon flew into the sky, and soon rose into the clouds.

Killua simply didn’t want to go back, his strong thoughts and wishes appeared on his face without reservation.

Unwilling to reconcile, the feeling of being trapped is lingering.

Silva keeps looking forward, and she can detect Killua’s mind even if she doesn’t look at Killua’s expression.

That kind of occasion was not suitable for the presence of Killua and Young Gon. All I could say was that the timing was wrong.

So, Silva followed Jin’s and Luo’s wishes and opened up to take away the two juniors, which is what other people would like to see.

It’s just that Silva’s original intention of taking away Killua and Young Gon was not to force Killua home.

Young Gon looked at Killua with an unwilling face, and thought about the conversation with Jin just now. Although a little regretful, he also got a guarantee from King.

When I really met, there were a lot of words that couldn’t be exported. After that, those words came out of my heart again.

The Demon Beast dragon was flying smoothly, and the sound of the wind was whistled past from behind him.

Ten minutes later, Killua gathered his courage and said, “I don’t want to go home.”

Silva heard that and looked sideways towards Killua, not say a word.

Killua couldn’t help lowering his head and saying again, “I don’t want to go home yet.”

The first sentence leaves no room, the second sentence leaves room.

2 The change between sentences is also the mentality change of Killua.

It took only a sentence to separate the part from courage to involuntarily.

Silva asked for a moment, “Where do you want to go?”

Where to go …?

Killua was speechless for a moment, and subconsciously looked towards Young Gon.

Silva’s gaze swept across Killua and Young Gon body, then she retracted her gaze and looked at the blue sky and white clouds ahead.

He knows that Killua’s talent is the best of all Zoldyck’s generations, but there is also a fatal disadvantage that should not be a killer, that is too emotional.

Even if he forced the road he had traveled on Killua body, there was no obvious effect.

It wasn’t until Killua had run away from home that he figured something out.

Killua is not a spring, so you can’t hold it down.

In Silva’s eyes, Killua’s within the body still has blood from the killer, but the method taught needs to be changed.

“Can’t you answer?” Silva stared ahead.

“I …” Killua gritted his teeth, and then said, “I want to go to places I haven’t visited with Young Gon, eat a lot of food I haven’t eaten, and watch a lot of scenery I haven’t seen.”

Young Gon looks at Killua and Silva. He knows that he is not suitable to intervene and can only look at at.

“Really …” Silva indifferently said: “Go ahead and do what you want.”

When Killua heard it, he froze.

He didn’t expect his father to respond so easily, it can be said that mountain road twists around each new peak.

“But you have to promise me one thing.”

Silva looked back towards Killua again, her eyes calm.

Killua didn’t ask anything, but silently nodded, he thought that father had given in, and even if asked, he wouldn’t make him difficult.

“You swear, you must not betray your friends.” Silva glanced at Young Gon as she spoke.

Making friends is a taboo in the concept that Killua has instilled.

However, Silva can see that Killua values ​​Young Gon.

In this case, as a Zoldyck family, you must do the best, or you must do your best, so the principle that should be adhered to is not to betray friends.

Once you defile your relationship with friends, your previous determination becomes ridiculous.

When hearing Silva’s words, Killua and Young Gon couldn’t help glancing at each other, they both felt a solemn attitude, from Silva.

Although Killua did not understand why father was suddenly so solemn, he did not have the slightest hesitation of the nodded, and seriously said, “I swear, never betray my friends, never!”

Silva heard her bite her thumb.

When Killua saw this, he knew it immediately, and then broke his thumb.

In this way, the thumbs of the bleeding of one big and one small were printed together, and the vow conclusion was completed.

After a while, the Demon Beast dragon landed on one of the Balusa Islands, then dropped Killua and Young Gon and flew back into the sky.

That island country is located far north of the Federation of Mitai.

Killua and Young Gon are standing on the top of a mountain, watching the silhouette of Demon Beast Long away.

After a while, Killua sighed in relief, looked towards Young Gon, and said, “Let’s go back to the Mitai Federation.”

“But …” Young Gon’s face hesitated.

“As long as you don’t go to Donguotuo, you don’t break the agreement, and you are not waiting for your father to finish the mission?” Killua said.

Young Gon thought about it and found it makes sense, so he answered it.

Silva was reluctant to disclose any information about the mission to them, and before they were dropped, they were also promised to never go to Donguotuo.

In response, Killua and Young Gon responded.

Even if it’s not clear what Luo’s mission is, even Zeno and President are here, it must be extremely tricky.

Silva also didn’t say anything, so Killua didn’t know that Illumi was also in the Mitai Federation.

Altitude, Demon Beast on the dragon’s back.

Silva issued a command to speed up, so the speed of the Demon Beast dragon flight became faster.

Facing Ling Feng’s gust, Silva’s eyes were calm.

The needle in Killua’s head would make Killua run away decisively when in danger.

This is one of the reasons Silva and Zeno can let Killua run outside.

It’s just that, now Killua has made a real friend, and while going out, it is inevitable that he will encounter danger.

That’s when Killua might leave his friends and turn and run away.

Silva can’t say what kind of result he wants. Subconsciously, he may expect Killua to be able to cross this threshold by himself, so when he parted, he asked Killua to swear that he could not depart from his betrayal friend.

Whether that solemn vow could make a difference, Silva wasn’t sure.

Without Killua and Young Gon’s involvement, the meeting on the Chimera Ants crusade was held in Nob’s 4-dimensional apartment.

At this meeting, not at all avoided Nick. In a sense, Nick was a prisoner of the 4-dimensional apartment. I am afraid that he cannot leave the 4-dimensional apartment until the end of the incident.

And his role in this meeting is more to give a not too objective evaluation.

After all, he had seen Ant King up close.


Nick chewed the grass while looking at the new members.

Zeno, Kate, King …

Immediately, he looked towards Netero, said curiously: “Did you do anything during this time? Although it feels a lot stronger for me, I still can’t beat Ant King.”

Speaking, looked towards Kate, said: “If he is alone against any of the immediate guards, he will undoubtedly die.”

Hearing this evaluation, Kate looked calm.

Nick then looked towards Zeno, saying, “You are weaker than Netero.”

This is something Zeno knows for himself.

Nick looked towards Kim again, and after a moan, shrugged, “I can’t make a conclusion about your words, I always feel that you are Extremely Dangerous and feel no threat.”

“Really.” Kim squeezed his chin.

In the end, Nick could n’t help but looked towards Luo, solemnly saying: “On the gas field alone, I can conclude that you and the direct 3 guards are indistinguishable from each other, but you feel much better than direct 3 guards terrifying. Understand things. “

“What to say …”

Nick frowned, and the word fuzzy appeared in his head.

It is not the lack of a thesaurus, but it is difficult to describe the feeling.

When faced with Luo, he always felt involuntary, as if it was Luo who came to him in front of countless similar bones.

“In short, I suggest that you do not fight alone, but in groups. Special is against Ant King. If you fight alone, I think only Luo will have a chance to survive.”

To survive, not to win Ant King.

With that said, Nick’s secretly thought is not good, and accidentally is over-expressed.

“Ant King, I’ll do it alone.”

Just when Nick didn’t know what to do, Netero spoke.

What he said caught everyone’s attention.

Looks at this scene, Nick secretly sighed in relief.

Sure enough, it is still low-key.

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