Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 744

Killua hasn’t been home since that hunter test.

Holding my hand for a moment, I have been away from home for a while.

At that time Illumi came over. Although it was mother’s intent, father must be nodded, and he was not afraid of mother, but he was a little afraid of father.

Just before landing, it was just when Silva was leaving. At that time, Killua was afraid that she would be taken away together, and she wanted to hide behind Luo subconsciously.

“I see it,” Killua said, depressed.

Silva and Zeno were surprised by the sudden arrival of Killua. Maybe there was an outsider. They didn’t react. They just quietly looked at Killua, as if they wanted to see some changes from Killua body.

Read … learned.

2 people looked at Killua carefully, thinking in the heart at the same time.

Killua subconsciously avoided Silva and Zeno’s eyes and hid himself in Luo’s behind.

Seeing this, Luo shook his head slightly, thinking that you had been hiding for a few seconds, could it have been hiding for a few minutes?

Kim was moved out by Killua, and then looked at Young Gon, who was standing in a bun, and a few sweat beads slipped on his forehead. It was awkward, not even double-handed.

It would be Satomi’s arrival to his son on this occasion that he had never expected.

Young Gon just 怔怔 looks at Kim, and feels that there are 1000 words and 10000 words to speak, but as Kim ’s face gradually becomes clear in his eyes, those words that he wants to say are cut off, and each and everyone seems to be left in the end, In other words, it is a title.


Young Gon smiled and called out Kim’s name.

“Hi.” Jin could only raise his hand and said awkwardly.

Around, some Netero outsiders looked silently at the impending, where the touching father went.

The serious atmosphere in the original game was directly wiped out by the sudden Young Gon and Killua destruction.

“pa pa! ”

At this time, applause sounded.

Everyone couldn’t help but look towards applause, but Tonpa.

“Eh, I just think there should be applause here.” Tonpa explained in a stressful way to everyone’s eyes.

He and Young Gon are also familiar, knowing that Young Gon obtained his license in order to find his father, and now he has done it, isn’t it gratifying?

“Mr. Tonpa, you are here!”

Seeing Tonpa, Young Gon laughed even more happily.

didn’t expect not only Luo and Kate, but even Tonpa.

Tonpa heard that his body was slightly tilted, thinking that his sense of existence was so bad?

Morel They don’t know Young Gon, but judging from the appearance, you can judge the relationship between Young Gon and Kim.

Although the business matters, but in this atmosphere, they are not good at destruction. They can only be treated as wooden people, standing silently not say a word.

When Killua saw Silva not at all, he felt a little relieved, and immediately looked towards Young Gon and Kim. To be precise, he was looking at Kim. After all, it was the father that Young Gon had always wanted to find. It is said that it is very difficult to deal with Look.

But now, it seems, how to give people a weak explosion.

Is it because of contrast?

Killua cautiously took a look at the expressionless and majestic father, and then looked at the somewhat jumbled gold. This contrast is really …


It may be because the atmosphere is too stiff, and Jin groaned, trying to find something.

“Is the game fun?”

In the eyes of Young Gon, Jin asked like this.

“Well, it’s fun!” Young Gon Kaidou.

“That’s good,” King said.

Then there was mysterious silence, big eyes to small eyes.

“Cough cough, how long have you been away from home?” Jin suddenly straightened his face and asked solemnly.

Young Gon froze, and Kaidou: “It’s been almost a year.”

“So long!” Kim exaggerated.

“Ah?” Young Gon opened his mouth, wondering how to answer.

“That’s not okay. The traffic is so convenient now, and it’s easy to go home, so you can’t always think about going out, and you have to go back home occasionally to make the family feel at ease, know?”

Jin Yizheng said verbally.

Young Gon was blankly nodded.

Luo and Kate silently look at Kim with a strange look.

Kim ignored their gaze and suddenly took a look at Killua, who was shivered, feeling like he was being stared at.

“Is that your friend?”

Young Gon looked towards Killua and happily said, “Well, his name is Killua.”

“Have you ever taken him back to Whale Island?” Kim asked to a question, when already knows the answer.

Now that I can get the information about the island of greed and go through customs with my friends, I must have taken Killua back home.

“Yes, thanks to Mitte Aunt, Killua has broken his bad habit of hating vegetables.” Young Gon said.

Killua twitched Kakuzu’s mouth and felt an arrow in his back.

“So have you ever been a guest at Killua’s?” King continued.

“No,” Young Gon said honestly.

“Why, doesn’t he want to invite you to play?” Jin Yi looked curious, glancing at Killua with Kakuzu peripheral vision.

Young Gon shook his head, “Killua is running away from home and doesn’t want to go home yet.”

Killua just felt another arrow in his back.

“…” Silva and Zeno.

The quiet look of Jin Mao towards Killua, whose body is physically trembled, has an unpredictable feeling of being pitted by Jin, which is very strong.

Think of Silva stepping on the back of the Demon Beast dragon, and the Demon Beast dragon has a take-off attitude, Killua’s mind turns quickly.

Must say something …

Killua thought so.

As a result, Killua asked Lou inquisitively, “Luo, what are you doing here?”

The topic of teleportation, and then cut off what King would say next, that’s what Killua intends to do.

Kim smiled inexplicably.

The smile made Killua pause, and the feeling of something wrong was still there.

Luo glanced at Kim, and then looked towards Killua, saying, “For an important mission, you cannot know.”

Although I’m sorry for Young Gon and Killua, Luo shares his thoughts with King, thinking that Young Gon and Killua had better leave here with Silva.

Silva then spoke.

“Killua, come here.”

What he said was brief, but there was an unquestionable tone.

Killua startedled, and immediately looked towards Kim, only to see that the latter made another wave-riding action, and immediately became gnash the teeth.

Under Silva’s gaze, Killua walked honestly.

Kim said to Young Gon, “You heard what Luo said, we have an important mission to do now, so you leave here with Killua first, and I will contact you later.”

Young Gon heard the words and glanced at the people present, even President, which must be really important.

He was nodded and hesitated for a moment before saying, “After that, can I talk to you more?”

“Uh, no problem.” King paused before answering.

As a result, the Demon Beast dragon carried Silva, Young Gon, and Killua fluttering into the sky.

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