Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 651

Regarding Luo’s capabilities, the brigade group has compiled information, not to know the roots, but also have a similar understanding.

So, the meaningless word that Feitan said was understood by everyone.

Wanting to verify that Machi’s heart was taken away by Luo, he stabbed his sword at Machi’s chest, and in the end it was too much.

After TD’s reason for action, Feitan pulled back and leaped back, leaping backwards, widening the distance from Nobunaga.

“Is this why you got the killer?” Nobunaga not at all still stabbed into his scabbard, looking at Feitan with angrily glances.

“Hit the killer?” Feitan coldly snorted, differently said: “If I really want to kill, I won’t tell you in advance, otherwise, do you think you can catch my knife?

Nobunaga heard the words, 2 said nothing to return the knife to the sheath, knees slightly flexed, posing Residence Is Closed Chop’s gesture style, the body’s gas field condensed into substance, exuding a dangerous breath.

“Feitan, you are indeed overkill,” Franklin said.

“Secondary.” Shalnark raised his hand, then looked towards Nobunaga, ready to go, and said, “This is wrong with Feitan, but don’t make things more complicated.”

Nobunaga has no convergence, and Feitan is ready to fight.

Uvogin and Phinks are also looking at each other in 4 eyes. Although the flow of thoughts on the body is not as obvious as Nobunaga and Feitan, it can be seen that it is a state that will spray out anytime and anywhere.

Looking at this scene, Shalnark couldn’t help sighing, and then looked towards Chrollo, who was silent.

The party Machi not at all expressed their dissatisfaction, but now the atmosphere in the regiment has become a tense spring, and maybe the next moment will rebound sharply.

Just then, Chrollo slowly looked towards Machi, indifferently said: “I agree.”

Machi heard the words, and glanced over Pakunoda, Shizuku …

A circle passed by without a pause, and finally returned to the origin and landed on Chrollo’s body.

What I wanted to say didn’t come out in the end.

Machi was silent for a moment, then turned away.

Uvogin frowned, opened his mouth, and remained silent.

Although Luo returned, but asked him and Nobunaga to leave the brigade, it was not as decisive as the current Machi, still hesitating.

“Captain, Machi knows the capabilities of several of us.” At this moment, Phinks suddenly said.

The atmosphere that was only slightly soothing became sharper with this sentence.

Among the members, someone moved. It was a mummy-like peeling off Lev, a flash, blocking Machi’s way.


Nobunaga’s thumb rested on the blade of the long sword, and a sharp edge was revealed.

Uvogin freely released her mind, looked coldly at Phinks, said solemnly: “What do you mean by that?”

Phinks twisted his neck and said coldly, “Don’t understand people? Since Machi chose that man, it is inevitable to betray our ability information?”


Machi turned around and exposed the empty door to Peel Lev, who was lightly startled. He wanted to get hold of Machi’s idea. The split second flashed and he was directly pressed down.

Even just a few seconds ago, Machi officially broke away from the brigade, but now this behavior is still a manifestation of trust.

Therefore, exfoliated Lev could not tolerate his shot at that moment.

Regardless of the threat from exfoliation Lev, Machi looked coldly at Phinks and said, “Do you think I will betray you?”

Although I decided to withdraw from the tour, deep in one’s heart still didn’t want Luo to stand against the tour, and sincerely hoped that Luo would let the tour go.

She thought that after she left, as long as the brigade no longer provoked Luo, she would try to resolve the grievances until they were irrelevant.

She valued brigades, but more importantly Luo.

However, she would never betray the person she valued, even if she was once.

But at this moment, she was disappointed.

“I don’t think so.” Phinks turned his arms and said indifferently: “Yes.”

Hearing Phinks ‘conclusion, Machi was expressedless looking towards others, and saw some people not at all expressing their agreement with Phinks’ comments, which was somewhat comforting.


No matter how Machi responded, Uvogin laughed a few times, staring at Phinks, bursting out of his whim, and rolling up dust.

“It’s been a long time since you were upset, and now it’s even upset to want to punch your head with a punch.”

Oh? “Phinks smiled sternly, raised his palm that could pinch steel, and said,” I’d like to see if I pinch your head, or if you hit my head. “

Before his words fell, Uvogin swooped, and his fists flashed rays of light.

Phinks knows the formidable power of ultra-destruction punches, and naturally will not meet force with force, avoiding at the fastest speed.

Other members of the group who were in the vicinity also evaded, but Chrollo and Pakunoda were still in place, and they were far away.


One punch missed and he hit the ground with anger.

With loud noises, abandoned cars were blown into the air by boxing.

The smoke was permeating, and a silhouette ran through the smoke dragon, but it was Phinks who returned, came to Uvogin, and moved towards his face and punched him.

Uvogin sneered, raise fist to welcome.


The fists collided, and the generated air waves blow the soot away thoroughly.

It was then that Franklin’s tall, sturdy body broke into between the two, forcing Uvogin and Phinks away.

However, one wave after another, one after another.

Feitan stared at Machi.

Nobunaga’s gas machine immediately locked Feitan, and the killing intent said, “Dare to go further, cut you!”

Feitan eyes froze immediately, and the evil atmosphere covered the body.

Due to Luo’s existence, the brigade members actually became stronger than the original.

Among them, Hisoka and Chrollo are the most prominent, vividly and thoroughly volatile their own Innate Skill, not at all wasting any trace of time.

Secondly, it is Feitan.

When resentment becomes full of motivation, you will speed up the pace.

The atmosphere on the court became annihilated, and they could feel their respective killing intents.

“I don’t think Machi will betray us.” Shizuku said seriously.

Kortopi glanced at her, differly said: “What if?”

Shizuku tilted his head and thought, shaking his head, “I don’t know.”

Kortopi was speechless.

Chrollo looks at rivals, slowly got up, double-handed stuck in the coat’s pocket.

Yu Feng blew up his bangs, revealing those deep, bottomless eyes.

“I believe her.”

The calm words suppressed the dangerous atmosphere of confrontation on the field.

Hearing Chrollo’s words, Phinks said indifferently: “This is not a question of believing or not.”

“What do you want then?” Machi said coldly.

Phinks looked towards Machi, said with a sneer: “It’s very simple, let Pakunoda probe it. Fair exchange.”

His motive was to get more information about Luo from Machi. As for the betrayal, although he was really concerned, it was more for reasons and excuses.

Machi heard that complexion was slightly changed. At this moment, she officially made preparations for battle, drawing a line between double-handed.

Noting Machi’s move, the exfoliated Lev, who blocked the way, also immediately went into preparation.

“I think like Shizuku. I don’t think Machi will betray us, but I agree with Phinks’ suggestions.” Shalnark looked towards Captain and Pakunoda, seriously: “If there is a channel to get information about Luo, it is better not to miss.”

Chrollo without the slightest hesitation said, “Let her go.”

Shalnark shrugged, no more words.

“But I’m curious.”

At this point, Hisoka’s voice came over.

“How dangerous is Luo now?”

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