Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 650

The instructions were issued a long time ago, and are also a collection of instructions for Phantom Troupe after more than a year, and the instructions are not mandatory.

The content of that instruction was: Those who are okay, meet in Yorknew City before September 9.

It means people who don’t want to come, it’s okay not to use them.

Usually like this non-hard order, Hisoka is usually absent.

However, just after mid-January, Phantom Troupe gathered earlier and no one was absent.

Abandoned cars are stacked randomly and stacked on a 4-meter-high hill.

The smell of gasoline was mixed with the smell of rust, which was quite pungent.

Each member of the spider sits or stands high, while Machi, Uvogin, and Nobunaga stand on the ground.

That was not a deliberate stand, but it showed a trace of judgment.

Chrollo was sitting on an old car 2 meters high, and the worn-out atmosphere around him gave him a familiar atmosphere.

He had thought that every foot broken by the spider would represent the death of a member.

No matter what inducement, only the death of the individual will make the spider lose its feet, but never thought that one day, the spider’s feet will leave on its own.

“Have you thought of it? It should be said that it was selective and deliberate disregard.”

Chrollo’s eyelids were drooping, single-handed closed the book, set aside at will, and then looked down towards Machi with a calm look.

Pakunoda was standing next to Chrollo. As one of the earliest partners, she didn’t look as clear as Chrollo, and frowns saying, “Machi, why do you want to quit?”

Uvogin and Nobunaga stood not far from Machi. They looked at Machi with a slightly more complex look.

Around, the other spider members were Machi on the ground, and Hisoka was playing poker cards, and seemed not interested in these things.

For Pakunoda’s questioning, Machi chose silence.

The reason for wanting to leave the brigade is not complicated, not to mention that it has always been a potential conflict with Feitan Phinks and the others, only because Luo’s toughness did not allow her to have any defiant attitude.

After all, the reason why Luo is so tough is summarized in one sentence: You are my woman.

Machi wouldn’t say the reason, and the clear will of Uvogin and Nobunaga not at all to withdraw from the brigade is still volatile, so she is not qualified to force 2 people to withdraw.

Whether to withdraw or not depends on the wishes of the individual.

In the face of Machi’s silence, Pakunoda could use her own power as a threat chip, so Machi had better give a reason, but she didn’t do it, just felt puzzled.

In the silent atmosphere, Shalnark held the mobile phone in one hand and put it on his waist, and said, “It’s because of the man named Luo.”

As soon as this word came out, several members of the group reacted obviously.

Machi remained calm, but could not help but look down at Shalnark.

“A guess or a conclusion?” Chrollo looks at Shalnark.

When Kakuzu landed, Hisoka’s eyes narrowed into a slit, and the playing card in his hand suddenly disappeared, leaving him with a ghost card.

Shalnark groaned, and then said, “Between guessing and conclusion, just ten days ago, Luo became one of the passers of the 287th Hunter Test. I pointed this out, not to explain anything, just to you. Just a message. “

In the brigade, Shalnark and Hisoka both have hunter licenses, but Shalnark’s positioning in the regiment is responsible for processing and analyzing intelligence, and usually collects some information through the hunter website.

So Hisoka knew nothing about Luo’s license, but Shalnark knew it.

Hisoka laughed in a low voice, and a Murderous intention slowly lit up in his small eyes, but there was a Murderous aura, more prominent than him, and more impatient than him.

It was the Murderous Aura from Feitan, without any cover, so it was arrogantly exposed in front of everyone, followed by the fierce aura of Phinks.

“Oh, here it is.” Feitan’s voice came through the skull mask.

At this time, Franklin of tall and strong asked in a calm tone: “Machi, do you want to quit the tour, does it have anything to do with that man? I don’t need you to elaborate, just answer yes or no.”

Of all the members, only Shizuku looked blankly at the crowd. She later joined the brigade. She did not participate in the Kurta Clan extermination incident, nor did she know Luo, and Luo and the brigade.

At this moment, seeing the atmosphere in the group caused a significant wave because of a male people of repute, Shizuku was curious as he was puzzled.

But forgetful, she may forget it after a while.

Facing Franklin’s problem, Machi was still silent, she just looked up at Chrollo, who was silent.

It doesn’t matter what the reason is, as long as Chrollo lets out a word of consent, she won’t stand here again.

Chrollo also knew this. He greeted Machi’s gaze. There was no slack, but calmly said, “I want to know why, as Franklin said, yes or no.”

At this time, Machi was not silent, nodded and said: “Yes.”

Chrollo’s double-handed slowly held each other’s eyes, thinking, and unconsciously lost in thought.

After hearing Machi’s admission, most members of the group are different in expression.

The incident at that time was always a thorn in their hearts, and because of this thorn, many times, it almost became the fuse between Feitan Phinks and Uvogin Nobunaga.

Several times more, the Red Boxer really worked.

It was a contradiction of discomfort, but then, due to Luo’s disappearance, the occasional tension gradually eased.

However, as Machi was about to withdraw from the brigade, news about Luo came in this style.

“Do I have reason to doubt one thing?”

Feitan sneered, no sign of movement.

His shape rushed forward like a ghost, and the cold light flashed from under the coat, but it was a sharp blade out of the sheath, pointing directly at Machi’s heart.


The bad blade was blocked by Nobunaga in time.

“Are you … courting death?”

Nobunaga’s forehead was full of blue veins, and his lazy eyes were usually filled with killing intent.

2 Crossing the sharpest blade in the regimen in front of him, Machi just glanced casually, then still stared at Chrollo with a thoughtful look.

“Feitan, Machi is still part of the brigade.” Pakunoda said solemnly.

Uvogin’s face was a little embarrassed, and the gas field swelled out wantonly. At the same time, Phinks entered the state of steadfastness, staring at Uvogin coldly, but he could not agree with Feitan’s behavior just now.

Although there is room for it, it is unrelenting.

Facing everyone’s gaze, Feitan’s eyes Kakuzu bent slightly, said differentially: “I want to see if her heart is still there.”

Make a noise first, then attack.

This was the space left by Feitan, so Nobunaga’s knife was drawn out in time.

As for what Feitan said, it reminded everyone of Luo’s ability.

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