Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 645

Illumi certainly wouldn’t guess. The undulating thoughts around his body were covered with a film and attached to the body surface.

The sand was automatic without wind, and was swept away by Yu Wei of the gas field.

Illumi stepped on her feet, shaking a mist of sand, hiding her figure.

The visitor is not good and need not say more.

Five beads and needles wrapped in thought through the mist and came to Luo in the blink of an eye.

Luo took Allah out of the black cat space, waved the sword and cut the beads, and at the same time lifted the flying mist with the blade, but Illumi disappeared.

At this kind of moment, people with rich experience in combat can easily judge teleportation to the top of their heads, thinking that the reason why the target disappeared in that situation is basically to the air.

However, Luo didn’t look over his head, plunging his back into the ground.


The sand on the soles of the feet was flying like a wave.

One silhouette flew backward from the sand waves, fell from the air on the sand, single-handed to support the ground, and marked a clear groove.

After Illumi stopped, he didn’t look at the cracks in his clothes, and immediately adjusted his posture.

Just then, Luo got close and stabbed Illumi’s heart.

Illumi adjusted his posture in time to give him the strength to dodge Luo’s knife.

After avoiding it, Illumi receded backwards, trying to pull away.

Luo didn’t chase, raised his sword and slashed forward. Almost when he made an action, behind showed a mighty general. Then, the general was basically synchronized with Luo’s action, and he slashed with his sword.

For a moment, the white light blade fell like a thunder, cutting Illumi backwards.


Above the sand, a long, huge crack cracked.

Illumi escaped dangerously and stood on the edge of the rift. Her left arm was completely exposed to the air, and the sleeve was crushed into a powder by the aftermath of the slash.

If it weren’t for the quick return to defense, the arm would probably have been useless.

“If you hit directly, you will die.”

He glanced at the cracks in the sand next to his feet, and Illumi’s dark eyes flashed with a dip.

This sword failed, Luo was a little surprised, but he didn’t care. He didn’t care about wasting his power. He continued to teleport several times and approached Illumi.

Seeing that Luo had to threaten him from a close distance, Illumi double-handed a wave, and dozens of beads and needles were wrapped in thought and flew towards Luo.

At the same time, Illumi once again stepped out of a large amount of sand and dust to provide concealed conditions.

Such a move is obviously intended to retreat.

Luo clearly understood Illumi’s thoughts. She was shaped like electricity. She slashed the bead needle with a knife, and speed rushed into the sand and fog.

“Do you think you can escape?”

Luo’s mentality broke out several times, and a few Teleport shortened the distance.

Illumi turned around, re-applied the old skills, and once again shot dozens of beads and needles. At the same time, he frequently used the desert terrain to shake the sand and dust, which covered the sight.

Maybe it was resigned, Illumi repeated his trick three times, just to hinder Luo’s pursuit.

Another bead pin and sand mist.

Luo shot down the bead needle with ease, and suddenly felt that the direction of the dust flow was different, but it was Illumi who suddenly killed a return carbine.

The purpose of creating the illusion of being unable to defeat the enemy and then running away is to create only one chance of attack.

This move is indeed in line with the characteristics of Manipulator’s one-click death.

So, Illumi’s goal was to get the needle in my head.

Thoughts moved like lightning, Luo suddenly put away Allah, extended the hand, and caught Illumi’s left wrist precisely.

When the two people’s limbs touched, the strong wind surged and scattered the dust.


There was a surprised look in Illumi’s eyes, but the right hand kept on, sticking the needle to Luo’s head at the fastest speed.

In the case of deciding to fight back, I knew that this was the only opportunity, and naturally impossible pinned the attack on only one hand, so the double-handed pinched the bead pin.

However, he absolutely didn’t expect that Luo would abandon the knife and chose to hold his wrist with his bare hands.

And the target of choice is not his own dominant hand, but his left hand.

So what’s the purpose of Luo doing this, just to control his own actions?

What is even more incomprehensible is the abandoned knife.

Judging from the slashing process that the general just uttered, it should be synchronized with Luo’s action, then Luo puts down the knife, and it is very likely that he cannot launch the huge formidable power slash.

Illumi had no extra time to think about the reason, he just wanted to insert a needle into Luo’s head to win the fight.

When the needle glowing with cold glow was about to pierce Luo’s head, Illumi’s eyes were filled with a white silhouette in Kakuzu peripheral vision, but it was that white jade general, but it became smaller, and the volume was no different from people, so stood Behind in Luo.

Then, General White jade’s long knife cut through Luo’s empty left sleeve and chopped it on his right hand arm.

“So fast!”

The arm of the right hand was passed by a ray of light, and then I felt a little numb, and then the word “good fast” came out of my mind.

That split second, you do n’t need to see it with your own eyes to know that the right hand arm was cut off.

In such a perilous situation, Illumi bowed her head without changing her face. She quickly picked up a beaded needle hanging from the collar with her mouth, and then agitated her strength to spit the beaded needle to Luo, which was close by.

This is his only chance at the moment, and it is not too much to say that it is dying to fight back.

Seeing that Illumi made such a quick counterattack in the desperate situation, Luo had to praise it, but it was meaningless.

Luo just opened her mouth and bit the beaded needle.

Illumi’s expressionless face finally showed a look of astonishment.

At this moment, the thought of Luo right hand suddenly broke out, forcing Illumi to subconsciously gather the thought to resist.

Seizing this opportunity, Luo flew Illumi away, and at the same time, such as picking the stars and taking the moon, went out of fashion and pulled out Illumi’s rapidly beating heart.


The broken arm that flew into the air first landed on the sand, and after a while it was stained with red sand, and then Illumi adjusted her posture and landed steadily.

噗通, 噗通.

Luo single-handed, holding his heart, calmly looks at Wolverine Illumi.

“You didn’t mean to kill me.”

The heart in Illumi looks at Luo’s hand, his expression and even his tone, returned to his dead face.

In creating an illusion to create an opportunity, he had to admit that he was defeated, and indeed he was astonished by Luo’s knife across the empty left sleeve.

That’s how to turn your disadvantages into advantages.

However, Luo did not immediately take his own life, and planning Luo did not mean to kill himself.

“Guess it.”

Luo raised his hand and flew the heart, then realized the book, opened the page, swept it in the air, sealed the heart into the page, and then removed the book.

“Just leave your heart with me, rest assured, what you have done so far is not enough to kill you, so thank you for being a member of the Zoldyck family.”

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