Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 644

Humans are changeable, they may be changes after accumulated over a long period of time, or they may be changes in a flash.

When Killua started to resist, no one knew whether Illumi would ignore Luo’s warning in the future and kill Young Gon.

In order to kill Illumi with no last resort and no valid reason, then removing the heart may be a feasible option.

But if you do that, you will still face unknown consequences.

“Anyway, it’s just taking the heart, not killing it.” Luo thought irresponsibly.

On the court, Illumi was distressed.

Without the Young Gon gun, obviously there was not enough formidable power to “kill” Killua, and with Glare like a tiger watching his prey on the side, he couldn’t even do “a stunned shot.”

It seems that there is no other way.

Killua’s silhouette was reflected in Illumi’s dark eyes, first a smile reluctantly, and then slowly converging to smile, turning to serious.

“I surrender.”

When Illumi hadn’t figured out what to do next, Killua simply gave in to the referee on the side.

Killua recognized the situation and knew that with the presence of Luo, Illumi could not threaten him with Young Gon as a bargaining chip, so he decided to rebel against Illumi and didn’t want to return to that home.

As for the hunter’s license, he was not interested in playing from the very beginning, and he gave up without pressure at the moment.

The referee saw this and declared Illumi’s victory. The final test was ended. A total of eleven candidates were killed. Killua was eliminated and the remaining candidates passed.

“This way, you can’t explain to mother.”

At this point, Illumi did not overreact, and still expressed less, making it difficult to see what he was thinking.

After Killua conceded, he immediately ran to Luo.

Although he couldn’t release what happened that night, now he feels more comfortable staying with Luo.

“Congratulations passed the test.”

Netero came out first, congratulations to the passers who passed the test, and then asked Doumen to present ten hunter licenses on the spot.

Everyone looked towards the hunter’s license, with different expressions.

Luo and Illumi are calm.

Tonpa thought he would be very excited, but the result was not, maybe the license was too simple, and there was no such kind of joy that was struggling with 1000 hardships and 10000 hardships.

Kurapika stared at the license, his eyes glowed, and then he thought of Leorio, the gloss in his eyes quietly dimmed.

“Once you get your license, you can go to that place.” Feng Xiaoyu shook his fist secretly.

Every candidate has a reason to get a hunter’s license. They look at a license close at hand. It is difficult to hide the excitement. Only Bao won Luo, but he was unwilling and lost.

He couldn’t agree that he would get a license in this style.

Doumen came to the crowd, took out a license from the box, and said: “Although a qualified person was not present, we will add an explanation to him afterwards and send the license to him.”

“First of all, this is the hunter license.”

Doumen raised the hunter license in his hand slightly, and said, “The manufacturing process of the license uses high-tech anti-counterfeiting technology, apart from this, and its appearance is no different from ordinary cards.”

“However, it is very powerful, as follows.”

“With a card, you can enter 90% of countries that are banned, and 75% of restricted areas.”

“Free access to 95% of public facilities.”

“Enjoy the same amount of financing as a top-tier company.”

“It can be used for trading. Selling the license can be exchanged for ordinary person for 7 lifetimes.”

“These are the functions of the license, so please keep the license properly, because the license cannot be reissued.”

Having said that, Doumen raised his index finger and said solemnly: “According to our statistics, 20% of the qualified people will lose their license within one year, so the first test of becoming a professional hunter is to keep the license. “

“Next, introduce the ten rules of the association …”

After the lengthy explanation was over, the license was finally issued.

Luo played with his license. As Doumen said, from the perspective of materials and appearance, the license is similar to ordinary cards.

With this license, you have the equivalent of an indefinite pass to almost all countries and restricted areas.

Of course, as long as there is strength, any restricted area can go. Only some countries do need a license. Otherwise, even eating is a problem, let alone accommodation.


With a sudden and sudden noise, Luo’s hunter license was halved in half.

The people who heard the sound were all moved towards Luo, and then they saw the license split in half and couldn’t help but stun it.


Regardless of the candidates, even Menci they are incredible licenses that break into two and a half.

Netero, with a beard, turned a blind eye.

A few bean-sweat beads flowed down from Doumian’s face, stuttering: “The license is damaged and cannot be reissued.”

“Then you should use a stronger material to make the license.” Luo replied casually, and then used the ability to restore the license to the original in front of everyone.

The manufacturing process of the license obviously focuses on anti-counterfeiting technology, resulting in the advantages of the material are not outstanding, which also increases the difficulty of keeping the license.

Seeing Luo regained his license, Doumen was sighed in relief.

The irrelevant Little Feng passed, and Doumianren suggested that candidates who pass the test can stay in the hotel for free for 3 days, or they can choose to leave immediately.

Except for Illumi, no one else was in a hurry to leave and chose to stay temporarily, while Killua paid to stay at the hotel.

Watching Illumi leave the temple with his own eyes, Killua didn’t see anything on his face, but he really relaxed.

Later, he looked towards the side Luo, and was about to say something, but he heard Luo say, “Killua, you go to the next room to see Young Gon.”

Having said that, without giving Killua a chance to question, he walked straight towards the open door.

The silhouette where Killua and Kurapika look at Luo are gone, with different thoughts.

The hotel was built in an oasis in the desert. After going out, sand was everywhere.

If you leave the desert, you can follow the trade fleet or take a spaceship.

However, the desert oasis only has two flights to and from spaceship every day, and now it is near evening, the second spaceship has taken off, which is why other people choose to stay.

Illumi didn’t stay overnight, so he planned to start with the trade convoy. He walked a street, and if he felt it, he turned in the direction and moved towards Oasis.

Out of the oasis, I came to the desert covered with yellow sand. Illumi turned around and looked at Luo coming out of the city gate.

He knew that when he was on the street just now, Luo had deliberately let out his breath to make him aware.

Looks at the following Luo, Illumi asked blandly, “You want to kill me?”

“you guess.”

Luo stood still slowly, and the body’s mental strength remained in a [strong] state.

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