Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 619

A large number of candidates rushed into the open ground, and many people came afterwards.

Whether it was Men Qi and Bu Hayu in the factory building, or Luo lying on the tree, they all noticed the movement in advance.

Luo slowly opened his eyes and jumped down from the tree. Because the boring and long-distance marathon has ended, the Bicycle has been included in the black cat space.

His jump from the tree immediately attracted the attention of Satotz and the candidates who came to the scene.

Seeing Luo, Satotz’s eyes flickered, and a surprised look flashed away.

Candidates standing behind Satotz looked at Luo with a strange look, and then they quietly looked at Satotz’s back.

Although no candidate has ever doubted the impartiality and concealment of the Hunter test, the current scene inevitably makes the candidates doubt.

If you say that the Bicycle was prepared for the marathon test, the persuasion is really low. After all, one of the principles of the Hunter test is that candidates can carry any item and weapon.

However, it is difficult for a candidate to get to the Level 2 test site faster than the examiner.

Satotz was also very surprised how Luo came to the Level 2 test site in advance, and he didn’t notice that the Little Fatty among the candidates was looking terrified at the moment.

Satotz let go of this moment of unsolved doubt, turned calmly, facing the candidates who followed him all the way, and those doubtful eyes, without any wave on his face.

He was silent and did not announce the end of the first level test, because the clock hung above the main entrance of the plant also took 5 minutes to reach the full hour.

The distance and travel speed have been taken into account, and there will still be some changes, making the plan unable to keep up with the changes and unable to arrive on time.

However, sometimes the change catches up with the plan. If there is an episode of Hisoka and the ape in the original book, the team will indeed arrive on time, which can be described as impermanent.

Luo slowly walked towards the candidate team and looked around. At least there were more than 300 people.

“What’s going on? I remember there shouldn’t be that many people.”

Luo was thinking silently as he walked. Is it the change he caused?

Later, he saw that Young Gon entire group was standing with Tonpa. Then, Tonpa suddenly moved towards him, grinning to reveal the sparkling teeth of white light, seemed proud.

See if you can pass this result!

That proud face seemed to be filled with such a sentence.

Luo saw this, but it was a question mark.

Because the headscarf covered his face, Tonpa didn’t notice Luo’s strangeness, let alone the fact that the truth of the fact was far from what he imagined.

Later, Luo saw nearly 100 candidates, who thanked Tonpa carefully, and basically listened to his words, thanking him for his life-saving words.

Luo pondered for a moment, and then responded to Tonpa’s intentions, and a black line hung quietly above his head.

This guy…

Many candidates thanked Tonpa once again and caught the attention of the surrounding candidates again. Satotz’s eyes were low, and somehow, he remembered the bitterness of the hunter who had been a test examiner for years.

He doesn’t know what Item’s condition is, but now, he always feels strange.

Not only Satotz finds it weird, but the group of candidates who have followed Satotz by their own strength are all weird expressions.

Tonpa didn’t care about that many, he wanted to go to Luo, but was blocked by the candidates who came around to thank him.

“Hey, fatty, what should you know?” There was a sudden voice in the crowd.

Looking around, it was Oia’s 3 brothers who surrounded Little Fatty, and the older brother Omorie even extended the hand arm, holding Little Fatty’s neck heavily.

Little Fatty’s face was cold and sweaty, and his head was silent.

Noticing the movement, Satotz glanced at the clock silently, also 30% of the clock, then looked towards Oia 3 brother and Little Fatty, sighed in his heart, only thinking that the time would come, and then left the candidates directly to the factory 2 examiners here.

Oia 3 brother patted Little Fatty’s cheek with a frivolous look, while staring at the impassive Luo with a provocative look.

“Satotz examiner, I think there are many candidates who are very curious.” Second brother Emory coldly smiled, pointing at Luo, and said, “Why did this candidate 405 come here in advance?”

“Also, his Bicycle is really ready.”

In itself, Bicycle is nothing at all, but attached to it can add some persuasiveness.

Third Brother Amor exclaimed abruptly and shouted, “Big brother, second brother. Candidate 405 have stolen the test data, so I know the test content and location.”

By completely avoiding words such as colluding with examiners, he pointed out that Luo’s possible foul behavior was regarded as a unilateral attack.

Before the Satotz examiner said anything, he dared to do so. The motivation was to pay attention to Luo.

Because of the importance, we must provoke problems.

One of the most basic requirements for participating in the Hunter test is a sense of competition.

Violence or speech, no matter what method, does not matter, can be a powerful candidate out of the game, the probability of passing will increase.

Satotz glanced down at Luo, who did not respond, then looked towards Amor, raised his index finger, calmly said: “Please give evidence.”

The Third Brother Amor for a while, and the second brother, Emor, took the opportunity and said, “Since the request is to reach the seat of Level 2 test, he can arrive faster than the examiner. Is this an irrefutable fact? “

“This is true, but it is not evidence.” Satotz was procrastinating, and he glanced at the clock in Kakuzu peripheral vision, also for 2 minutes.

The reaction of the second brother, Emory looks at Satotz, immediately understood that Satotz simply didn’t care about it, so he had to remind his brother to interrupt it, but it was too late.

Brother Omory patted Little Fatty’s cheek, and then said: “The 405 candidate deliberately carried you through the tunnel and did not see him at the exit. You better tell what you see and hear.

Little Fatty shook slightly, but still bowed his head.

In fact, compared to Oia 3 brother, he is the one who is most suspicious, because Luo did say before going to the test site of level 2.

But, no matter what, he will not reveal it.

Irrelevant, interested, watching the lively candidates are watching this farce.

Tonpa got rid of the candidate’s entanglement and wanted to suppress the Oia 3 brother’s arrogance, but saw Luo’s eyes gesture, so he stepped back.

Killua noticed the scene, his gaze quickly turned between Luo and Tonpa, and he touched the chin.

After Luo stopped Tonpa, casually glanced down at Little Fatty, who thought that he had survived, and then thought that it would not be Tonpa’s rescue.

“Don’t you know that the content of the test was formulated by the examiner? That is, even the committee has no right to interfere. If you question me, you are questioning the examiner.

Luo tilted her head slightly and looked towards Satotz.

The Oia 3 brothers heard the words stunned, not only the three of them, but almost every candidate did not know this.

“In less than a minute.”

Luo suddenly said a time.

Satotz’s eyes changed slightly, Oia 3 brothers didn’t know why.

Luo chuckled, looks at Satotz, and asked, “Satotz examiner, I want to confirm with you again that the requirement to pass the first level test is to reach the place of the second level test? Is this the open space where we are? “

Satotz didn’t know what Luo wanted to do, nodded and said: “Yes.”

“Is there a time limit?” Luo continued.

Satotz’s 8-character Hu moved slightly, Kaidou: “Yes.”

Listening to this conversation, the candidates around, and even the Oia 3 brothers, are all confused.

Luo’s smile was hidden under the headscarf, and differentially said: “What if I throw everyone out of the open space within a minute?”

As soon as this word came out, everyone, including Satotz, was intent on their minds.


Luo suddenly moved, just listening to the sound of the wind, Oia 3 brothers flew out, each cried out in surprise, and then fell lightly into the forest.

Ling Ling …

At this time, the clock on the factory building rang and the time came to an hour.


The eyes of Satotz and many candidates flashed quickly between 3 o’clock.

Luo, clock, Oia 3 brothers outside the open space.

Satotz looks at Luo. After a few moments of silence, the candidates turned to look towards the candidates and announced: “This is Biscayne Forest Park, which is the club in the second test. There are 2 300 passers, congratulations.”

Tone barely fell, and the door of the workshop was slowly opened.

However, the candidates did not pay attention to the situation inside the factory building, but looked towards the 3 brothers outside the flat land.

A small number of candidates are idle in the ass. After counting the number of candidates, including Luo, there are 300 40 4 candidates. However, Satotz examiners have now announced that there are only 300 41 passers in other words…

Those candidates who had paid attention to the number of people immediately looked at the Oia 3 brothers who had just risen from the ground with pitying eyes, and thought that Luo had just thrown away the speed and strength of the 3 brothers.

For a while, when I looked towards Luo, I couldn’t help but feel a little bit nervous.

If Luo really throws his heart out, then some of them might be eliminated.

“Then, keep working hard.”

Satotz thought that Luo’s performance was quite tricky. He glanced at the Oia 3 brother who had rushed back to the ground, and then flashed into the forest in another direction, hiding in a big tree.

Now that the first test is over, everything else has nothing to do with him. What happens next is given to the examiner in the second test.

Satotz knows that Men Qi and Bu Hazhen in the factory building are paying attention to the situation outside, so there is no need to stay and explain to the two.

Once the test is handed over, the examiner from the previous level can only watch.

Oia 3 brothers ran over in anger, they were thrown out by Luo, which was a slight injury when they landed, but they couldn’t bear this kind of thing.

They were like inbearable wolves, without a word, rushed to Luo.

Luo didn’t even look at them, instead he looked into the factory building and saw the silhouette of Bu Hazhen and Men Qi.

call out!

Just as Oia’s 3 brothers were about to get started, a wide-noodle kitchen knife shot from the workshop and stuck on the ground 3 steps away from the 2 brothers.

3 Brother looked startled and stopped subconsciously.

A breeze blew and Menqi came forward, stepping on the handle of the wide-necked chopper, looking at Oia 3 brothers, coldly: “People who are irrelevant get out of here.”

The heroic posture of stepping on the kitchen knife silently attracted the attention of all candidates, and the examiner was so young, very handsome, and sexy.

Luo glanced at the two-handled kitchen knife inserted in the scabbard on the back of Menqi, and glanced at the wide-faced kitchen knife that was stepped on the ground. It was judged that it was not Menqi’s kitchen knife.

Unrelated people?

After hearing the words from Menqi, Oiya 3 brothers froze.

“Haven’t figured it out yet? When you were thrown out of the open space by this guy, you were already eliminated.” Men Qi turned to Luo, who had nothing to do with himself.


Oia 3 brother showed an unbelievable look.

“Without saying third time, get out.” Menqi said coldly.

“What a joke!”

Brother Omory roared.

Menqi’s eyes were cold, and he did the same thing as Luo, and threw 3 brothers out with his bare hands.

However, the force used by Men Qi was more fierce and fierce, and the 3 brothers screamed and disappeared into the sight of everyone.

The audience was silent.

Candidates silently look at Luo and Men Qi, thinking about what the relationship between you two is.

Menqi pats his hand, bent down, pulled up the wide-noodle kitchen knife on the ground, and arbitrarily carried it on his shoulder.

Talking, she walked into the factory building.

Luo looks at Men Qi’s back, laughed, followed first.

It’s really a big 8 change for women.

He thought.

Candidates walked into the factory building and noticed the well-equipped cooking table in the factory.

“Is the test of this level cooking?” Kurapika speculated.

“Ah?” Young Gon suddenly turned pale.

Leorio shows a confident expression. As a single dog, even if it is only cooking instant noodles, it can cook a 100-year-old brand. Cooking is so simple.

Menqi sat on the sofa, knocking on Lang’s legs, and said, “Buha, hungry, let’s get down to the exam.”

“Well.” Buha eagerly nodded. Addressing the 300 41 candidates who were present, “First of all, you have to make the meals I have specified. As long as I say it is delicious, it means that you have passed the second test.”

As soon as this remark came out, many candidates showed such an expression.

Praha gave a quiet glance at Luo, extended the hand, the thumb and forefinger showed a semi-circular movement, starlight popped up in his eyes, and said, “Lion’s head, this is what I specified!”

Lion head?

Candidates are confused and have never heard of this dish.

“Lion’s head?” Men Qi frowned slightly, and couldn’t help but glance up at Pu Ha who was running out of water.

She is familiar with all cooking systems, even the sushi of a small island country, she knows well, but has never heard of the lion head.

And, Bhajan is watching …

She glanced at Luo without a trace.

If you use Fachun as a metaphor, this guy covering his head and face is estimated to be a peerless beauty in the eyes of Bu Hayu.

Why does Bu Hazhen look at this guy after he gives the test questions?

Menqi thought in confusion.

Outside the factory, Satotz squeezed his chin and said to himself, “What is it, lion head?”

Inside the building, Leorio speculated: “Is it a dish made with a lion’s head? But is there a lion in this forest?”

Kurapika didn’t think it would be that simple. He noticed that Baha’i’s action should be to compare the volume of the dish, at most it was the size of a cat’s head, not the size of a lion’s head.

Candidates have never heard of the Lion’s Head dish, and heard Leorio’s speculation in the name, it immediately made sense.

Luo rubbed his forehead. This dish of lion head is one of Huaiyang’s famous dishes. In order to eat the lion head he made, Bu Hazhen gave a question about the difference between Heaven and Earth that was difficult to read. Candidates pass.

“There are lions in the Biscayne Forest,” one said suddenly.

oh? ”

“So, the main ingredient is the lion’s head?”

Candidates talked in favor of the lion’s head.

Is that true?

Menqi scratched the belly of Habu.

Luo looks at These candidates have faint evidence of Leorio’s speculation as the truth. After thinking about it, they still didn’t explain it.

Tonpa came to Luo quietly, of course, the meaning was obvious, and he wanted Luo to take him off.

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