Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 618

Biscayne Forest Park is the place for Level 2 testing.

On a flat ground, there is a factory building.

Above the main entrance of the plant, a clock hung.

“GuLu 噜 …”

When Luo came to the ground, he heard the sound from the factory building far away, and he knew it was the sound of the bowel of Buha.

“Really, are you waiting for the test on an empty stomach?”

Luo shook his head slightly, instead of entering the factory building, he went to the big tree on the edge of the flat ground, lying on the branch, closing his eyes and stumbling.

Without the examiner from the first test, the examiner from the second test will not be able to meet.

Luo can be said to have arrived several hours in advance and had to wait for others to cross the Lost Beauty Wetland here.

In the factory building, there are 100 cooking tables neatly arranged, and at the end, there is a sofa on which a woman with a 2-legged leg is sitting.

The woman had pink hair and tied up with 5 sky braids. She had a beautiful appearance. She wore a translucent mesh tunic on her upper body, and she could clearly see the black bra in the tunic and a large flat belly.

The lower body is an ultra-short pair of jeans with white and long thighs. At this moment, the legs are tilted to reveal the underpants.

Dressed so sexy and unbridled revealing that graceful figure, you can see that a woman’s personality is mostly bold.

This woman is a one-star gourmet hunter Men Qi.

Behind the sofa, there was a hill-like Buha.

Lying on the sofa like a boring 100, Menqi opened her eyes in vain, flashing a sharp edge.


After hearing this, Buhabi wondered, “More than 2 hours from the estimated time of arrival?”

“I know.” Men Qi straightened her upper body, said differently: “That person should not be a candidate.”

“Then I’ll go out and see?” Said Bhajan.

Menki shook the head and said, “It’s not necessary, that person is not malicious. It should be a traveler who comes to the Biscayne Forest, don’t worry about him.”

After that, she closed her eyes again and lay on her back, waiting for the ebbing of time.

When he saw this, he was giving up, and he felt the hungry belly, thinking that time passed slowly.

He didn’t tell Men Qi the existence of Luo, remembering that Luo was coming soon.

As everyone knows, Luo, which he remembers, is at the moment outside the tree.

On the other side, Satotz briefly introduced the Lost Merlot Wetland, and then took the lead to walk in, still walking, but the Speed ​​was the same as running.

There were 392 candidates who passed the tunnel, and at this moment realized that the marathon was not only over, but it was a more dangerous process.

There is no danger at all, and the mermaid wetlands lurking with various creatures, the two have no comparability at all.

Except for a small number of people, even the candidates in good condition can’t help feeling dizzy at this moment.

Everyone followed Satotz and ran into the Wetland Wetlands, pulling out a slightly longer team.

“Going to the dark continent for that many years, and now coming to the Melody Wetland, it feels like the difference between college and kindergarten.” Tonpa ran on the muddy ground, looking relaxed.

“Say, where did Luo go, and in his style, should he rescue the candidates? Shouldn’t he be observing in the dark?”

Tonpa thought, at this moment, he noticed that it was foggy, and all of a sudden he became denser, and his visibility decreased instantly.

The wave of thoughts foreseeing the future spread out, and the surrounding grass and trees were immediately under control.

Today, this test is simply a piece of cake for Tonpa.

The dense fog spread, and various lurking creatures slowly showed their fangs.

Ahh! ”

After a while, screams came from the dense fog.

Many candidates are out of touch with Satotz’s leading team and are in danger.

Listening to the screams coming from the dense fog, Tonpa felt strange. He thought that Luo would rescue every candidate as before, and let the mortality rate be infinitely close to zero.

However, not only did not find the trace of Luo, but also the Sensor to each and everyone Candidates were swallowed by the creature.

“Does … Luo wants to test me?”

Tonpa was lost in thought and suddenly thought of a possibility.

The reason why Luo didn’t take the rescue was to see if he could rescue other candidates like him when he was capable.

“Yes, it must be!”

Tonpa thought seriously, there should be no other explanation than that.

Hum, you should look at it well, I have now changed the evil, so you must not mess around anymore, I must get a license this year!

When Tonpa expression was positive, he suddenly speeded up and rushed to where the scream came.

In the thick fog, several huge toads cut off the candidates’ team. Through the cover of the thick fog, one tongue at a time can roll up one candidate and swallow it directly into the belly.

There are more than 50 candidates surrounded by these toads.

Ahh! ”

At a glance, several candidates were killed and screamed loudly before dying.

“Damn, what the hell is this!”

Some candidates could not bear the mentality, and they yelled away, but were rolled directly by their long tongues, and disappeared into the dense fog in a blink of an eye.

When the rest of the candidates saw this, they showed thrills, and they were even more afraid to act blindly without thinking.

Leorio had a short blade in his hand, expressing an intense look at the thick fog around him, for fear that the ghostly tongue would suddenly move towards itself.

Kurapika stood next to him, holding a wooden pair of knives, looking very cautious.

“Leorio, Kurapika!”

Young Gon’s voice suddenly came from the dense fog.

Young Gon was running in the thick fog, and the sound made the toad stick his tongue moved towards Young Gon to launch an attack, but Young Gon hid in a leap and came to Leorio and Kurapika.

“How did you run back!”

Kurapika and Leorio share the same voice.

Young Gon said naively: “Come and help you.”

“… “

Kurapika and Leorio glanced at each other, well, this is the style of Young Gon, but how can the problem help?

The fog was too great to see where the tongue monster was, and the candidates who were surrounded by them had no signs of cooperation except for trembling.

At this moment, a muffled noise came from the dense fog, followed by a weird scream, followed by the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground.

Tonpa came here and strangled a toad.

“what happened?”

Candidates were beating, thinking that there were more terrifying creatures coming.

Then they saw Tonpa walking slowly out of the thick fog.

Among these candidates, an old bird knew Tonpa and suddenly hesitated.

Tonpa ignored the examinees present, and looked towards the left. He stepped on his feet, and his body shaped like a wind into the dense fog. Within 2 seconds, another weird scream came.

When the candidates were present, they immediately understood something.

After a few seconds, there was another weird scream and the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground.

In less than a minute, it sounded 6 times in a row and then returned to calm.

Tonpa slowly showed his shape from the thick fog, and said to the candidates staying in place, in a master tone, “You follow me.”

The rescued candidates cheered and followed Tonpa behind, but the old birds were shocked.

Is this still the new killer Tonpa?

“Hu, you are saved.”

Leorio sighed in relief, hurriedly greeted Young Gon and Kurapika to keep up with Tonpa.

“Really you can’t judge a person by appearance.” Kurapika looked at Tonpa’s back, and couldn’t help but sigh.

Looks like a treacherous person, but has a heart for righteousness.

Young Gon ran to Tonpa and said happy with a smile: “You are a good man!”

Tonpa smiled in embarrassment, thinking about being boasted by you, why am I happy that doesn’t raise.

Due to the guess of believe oneself infallible, Tonpa relied on his Mind Power to show his skills, pulling all the candidates into a team along the way, avoiding many dangers, and staying close to Satotz behind.

Through the introduction, candidates also understood the name of this master.

“Tonpa is amazing!” Young Gon entire group thought to himself

After 2 hours, the team crossed the Los Merlot Wetlands.

Satotz looked back and found that the number of the team was a bit unscientific. It should be more than 300.

What happened?

He was thinking like this, leading the candidates into the Biscayne Forest and heading towards the venue where Level 2 was located.

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