Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 610

The movement under the bedding ceased, and the rather ambiguous temperature passed between the palms and feet.

After Machi uttered a meaningless “release”, Luo not at all let go, but moved towards Machi blinked, his thumb stroking Machi’s ankle.

Then, with a slight muffle, Luo flew out of the bedding and fell to the ground.

Just now, Machi struck her other foot, and Luo had only one hand, so he was in the middle of the abdomen.

Luo rubbed his slightly painful abdomen, climbed up to the edge of the bed, and looked at Machi, who said nothing, said, “You really work hard.”

Machi just looked down and glanced at the location under Luo’s abdomen.

The meaning seemed to indicate that it was polite just now, otherwise it would not be stuck on the abdomen.

Luo followed Machi’s gaze, glanced down, and immediately understood, thankfully that kick was not over the top.

“You want to get on me?” Suddenly Machi said.

With such a direct inquiry, Luo couldn’t help but hold his eyes, and looked towards Machi’s eyes gradually became strange.

Machi didn’t move at all, his face was Frost.

She knew her heart and would not resist what would happen between men and women.

However, although she also knew that her weight in Luo’s heart was enough, Luo hadn’t expressed her even the most basic “likes”, how could she surrender herself so easily.

Maybe it’s because Luo values ​​everyone who he knows so much that Machi can’t tell whether Luo’s kindness to himself is due to “likes”.

Luo didn’t know that Machi had a complex mind in just a few seconds, seriously: “I’m not that casual.”

Tone barely fell, fluffy pillows moved towards the face.

Luo quickly reached out to catch the pillow, and then a force lifted from the pillow, but Machi got up, and kicked his foot on the pillow.

It’s too late, it’s fast!

Luo let go of the pillow and let it rest on his chest, then grabbed one hand on Machi’s calf.


Luo forcibly landed again from the edge of the bed, but he stabilized his body, pressed his backhand, and pressed Machi, who was flying to the ground, over the edge of the bed, and a slight force made the floor muffle.

The pillow slowly slid off his chest, Luo was standing by the bed, and Machi’s upper body was lying on the edge of the bed, with the legs below the knees hanging by the bed.

This noise directly awakened the sleeping Lin Nie and the day tiger.

“Youngster is full of energy.”

The two late old men in their rooms expressed the same emotion.

Inside the room, Luo let go of Machi’s calf and said, “Don’t move.”

The irrefutable voice made Machi stand still with his knees raised upwards.

Luo’s upper body leaned over Machi, ignoring the thin fury on Machi’s face, and stretched out her right hand, pulling her messy Purple hair behind her ears.

The jade pendant hanging on the chest accidentally slipped out of the placket and hung between two people.

The eyes of the two people could not help but be attracted by the jade pendant. At the same time, they recalled the past memories, and the room fell into a silent atmosphere.

After a while, Luo broke the silence first, said with a smile: “Seriously, did you take the jade pendant at that time because you liked it, or did you want to sell it for money?”

Sell ​​it for money.

In this sentence, Machi didn’t say it. Her eyes moved away from the jade pendant, and slowly fell on Luo’s face. A gleam of light flashed in her eyes, and she answered, “I like it.”

Luo heard that, quietly looked at Machi.

Two people couldn’t help but look at each other with 2 eyes. They were silent, leaving only breathing sounds in the room.

Luo’s head lay down, leaning against Machi’s face, whose eyes slowly widened and his heartbeat accelerated, a touch of ruddy appeared on his cheek.

The soft eyes, like the gentle spring breeze, gently touched Machi’s eyebrows.

A strange kind of breeding in the heart, maybe it was in this brief moment. Unexpectedly, Luo suddenly took off the jade pendant and put it on for Machi, and the round jade pendant was gently buried in Machi’s twin peaks.

Subsequently, he extended the hand with his index fingers closed and pressed on the jade pendant.

A faster and faster heartbeat passed through the jade pendant and passed to the fingertips, allowing him to clearly feel the tension of Machi.

The masculine woman will also have the coyness that a small woman deserves.

When was it that after getting familiar with Jin, Luo always thought that people like Jin who had never thought of staying in a scenery should not provoke women, start a family, or even have a son.

He also believes that he is the same person as Jin, and never thought of stopping somewhere before going to where he wanted to go.

However, when it comes to a certain time and occasion, when facing the person who has always been in his heart, he can’t resist the moment of heartbeat.

Should it be said where water flows, a canal is formed, or is it love at first sight that has precipitated for more than ten years?

I don’t know how to say that kind of heartbeat, it’s as if a girl you know has always been reserved, and one day suddenly reveals his heart, smiling at you just like a flower.

Maybe it’s the kind of heartbeat in extreme contrast.

Admittedly, Luo did get excited and said softly, “I like it too.”

Machi’s breathing was disturbed, then he stared at Luo tightly, extended the hand against the jade pendant, divided the country from the fingertips of Luo, and then asked, “jade stone?”

Luo suddenly buried in Machi’s ear and said, “You.”

The sound groaned slightly hot earlobe, heartbeat, louder than breathing at that moment.


Luo suddenly felt his body tightened by several thin wires, then took off and was hung in the air.

It’s hidden …!

Luo glanced down at the thought lines tied to her chest and waist, and her face was helpless.

Okay, you’re ruthless.

Machi slowly got up, sitting on the edge of the bed, holding a thought line in his hand, and looked up at Luo who was hung up.

“Can I count as a confession failure?” Luo looked down towards Machi.

Machi took a deep breath, shook the head.

“Then why did you hang me?” Luo sighed.

“Whoever asks you to say something has to twist Kakuzu, if it’s a man, just be a little bit.” Machi coldly snorted.

“This is what you said.”

Luo laughed, Allah flashed in his hand, the thought line of the body broke silently, next moment, the body flashed, and Machi pressed on the bed.

“Listen, Machi, before, now, and in the future, you are mine.”

Machi’s eyelashes fluttered softly, a smile from her heart appeared on her face, and when she was about to say something, she saw Luo leaning down and blocked her mouth.


Machi couldn’t help closing her eyes, feeling that a large hand was moving away from the body, and it seemed that a current was flowing. Within a moment, she realized that the shoulder strap moved towards the left and right sides and fell off.

The icy air fluttered over the large exposed skin, arousing one after another, but was quickly pressed back by Luo’s body temperature.

Machi’s bright eyes couldn’t help but blur, a slightly depressing gasp sounded lightly between the beds.

She stretched out double-handed, embracing Luo’s wide back.

As if between two people.

Outside the window, the sound of insects that had been silent for a while sounded again.

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