Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 609

A quiet but vibrant forest.

Built in the middle of the forest, a brick house with 4 seasons of ivy.

A garden where flowers and plants can grow freely.

Yellowish stone tables and chairs under a cane.

Aged 2 elderly people.

Luo stood in front of the wooden fence in the courtyard and looked at the house that hadn’t changed in the past few years. He said with emotion: “Still the same.”

Machi couldn’t understand Luo’s emotions, but she looked at her surroundings and had a touch of affection.

In 7 days, her injury had recovered. Fortunately, she avoided it at that time, and did not take the whole move of “Zhenquan”, otherwise she might be seriously injured or even die.


A slight rush of footsteps came from the end of the winding path.

A man in a black suit and pale hair came quickly, but it was Lin Nie’s steward day tiger.

He came to the fence door, opened the wooden door, and said respectfully, “You are here.”

He saw Machi with Luo, but didn’t ask much, the reason was simple, because this was the person Luo brought.

Luo heard that, helplessly said: “Don’t use honorific.”

The day tiger heard that she laughed, and did not make a statement, but leaned sideways, compared to the gesture of invitation to enter.

Luo shook his head slightly, and led Machi onto the winding path, toward the main entrance of the house.

Open the main entrance with ease and enter the main hall on the first floor with a quaint atmosphere.

Luo glanced back at Day Tiger and asked, “What about Lin Nie?”

Day Tiger Kaidou: “On the balcony on the second floor.”

Luo nodded, leading Machi up the Madara barbed stairs, making a crak creak sound.

The balcony on the second floor where Lin Nie is always on is on the other side of the main entrance of the house.

Soon, the two people came to the second floor and passed through a corridor and saw Lin Nie sitting on a back chair facing away from the two people.


Lin Nie heard the sound, slowly opened his eyes, stretched out his hand to the chair prepared beside him, and on the round table in the middle, had already poured 2 cups of hot tea with a scent.

Luo and Machi walked over and sat in chairs.

Machi knows Lin Nie, but he is not bound.

Lin Niejingjing looked at Luo’s changes, and she had a lot of words in her heart to ask. After a moment, she just said, “I’ll be fine when I come back.”

Luo slightly smiled, took a long stone box from the black cat space, and placed it gently on the round table.

“this is?”

Lin Nie turned the chair slightly and looked towards the stone box.

“Nitolomit.” Luo said the name of the item in the stone box.

Lin Nie’s eyes immediately narrowed into a seam, and she knew the 5 big hopes she knew, knowing that Nitolomy was the longevity food that countless people had dreamed of.

“Although there are only half of them, the effect is still there.” Luo opened the box.

Lin Nie looks at the golden rice in the stone box, didn’t expect that the long-lived food growing in the swamp area would be the golden rice.

She looked up at Luo, then immediately reached out and pushed the stone box forward, indifferently said: “I don’t need it.”

“No, you need.” Luo pushed back to the stone box, determined.

Machi didn’t know what Nitolomy was, and looked at 2 people pushing each other, it was quite strange.

Seeing that Lin Nie didn’t mean to accept it, Luo looked seriously and persuaded: “I will go to the dark continent again, I do n’t know when to start, I do n’t know when to return.”

“If you still have hope in your heart, accept it honestly.”

Lin Nie could not help but be silent. She knew what Luo meant, but she was worried that after the second return, she would die at home because she had reached the end of her life.

After a moment, she no longer shirk, saying, “How many people dream of, you are actually generous.”

Luo serene said with a smile: “I’ll get it again if needed.”

A light word that fell into the ears of insiders was not ordinary arrogance at all.

Lin Niechi looked at Luo, for some reason, he felt a sense of loss.

If we were more firm at the beginning, how can we still hope when we are old, and even rely on the younger generation.

The elapsed time can’t be undone anyway.

Feeling Lin Nie’s loss, Luo silently closed the stone box, then took out the ingredients from the black cat space, placed it on the round table, and squeezed the tea cup to the side.

A bright red fruit with buds.

A translucent bamboo shoot with snow patterns.

A piece of meat that is half green and half white, resembling mahjong.

A basket full of rocks, basketball-sized stone clams.

In addition to these, there are also several fire rune eggs.

This is Luo’s choice from many ingredients. Not the best, but it is 100% self-retaining flavor.

Before returning, he also made a special trip to the underground area of ​​the underground world, and wanted to hunt a turkey. However, after being forced back by the lava wave many times, he never found the turkey’s trace. .

After taking out the ingredients, Luo said with a smile: “All the ingredients brought back from the dark continent.”

Lin Nie looks at these characteristic ingredients, his body trembling slightly.

When Luo pushed the longevity food in front of her, she didn’t respond, but when Luo put the ingredients brought back from the dark continent in front of her, she lost self-control.

For countless days and nights, even dreaming, I want to cook and taste the ingredients of the dark continent.

She got up from the chair, reached out her trembling old hand, and gently stroked the ingredients.

Unconsciously, it was the old tears.

Lin Nie, who looks at lost self-control, can appreciate the mood that makes up for regret.

Whether it’s Nitolomi or the deliberate selection of ingredients brought back, it’s Luo’s style in return.

He has always been like this, not to mention that the grace of dripping water should be reported to Yongquan, and he would not be stingy with his own people.

Until Lin Nieping recovered his excitement, he did not directly prepare the ingredients, and wanted to be fully prepared before going to the restaurant, showing a high degree of attention.

You know, since Lin Nie has been very old, few people have tasted her craft again. Only old friends Netero and Maha have the chance to taste it once every two years.

Cooking the ingredients of the dark continent is probably one of the most important moments in Lin Nie’s life. Before getting ready, he will also invite old friends over.

Like Luo, she believes that the essence of food is sharing.

On the same day, Luo and Machi stayed overnight. I don’t know if it was Lin Nie’s intention. They said that the extra rooms were used to store miscellaneous things, so there was only one room available.

As a result, Luo and Machi could only share one bed and sleep in the same bed.

One feature of Lin Nie’s house is that the room is large, and the bed is relatively large.

It was dark at night, and when listening with a side ear, you could hear the low-pitched insects outside.

Above the big bed, Luo lies on the left and Machi lies on the right.

“In the last few years, have you been to the Dark Continent?” Machi listened during the day, and realized that Luo might have gone to a place called the Dark Continent.


Luo’s arms were resting on his back, and he looked at the ceiling. He could see the glance from the side. He couldn’t help recalling the days when he was first taken back by Machi.

Machi looks at Luo’s side, silent.

At this moment, Luo suddenly turned to his side, facing Machi’s gaze, and said with a smile: “Machi, I have something to confess to you, although I still don’t admit it until now.”

“What?” Machi also turned sideways, wondering.

“I confess, that night I did take your clothes off accidentally,” Luo said seriously.

In the bedding, Machi kicked her feet suddenly, but Luo was holding them with his hands.

“Let it go.” Machi’s heartbeat accelerated involuntarily.

That night, could they, maybe, maybe, grow up?

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