Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 607

Potobai, the twelve Earthly Branches, is known as the man whose strength and reputation are closest to President. He has always been able to solve it by hand, so he will not talk too much nonsense. In simple terms, he is an outright action faction.

The aura emerged in the layers of Potobai’s body, forming waves and textures, as if the buds were blooming, and the petals were layered together.


As the foothold shattered suddenly, when Potoubai disappeared, his voice was clear.

In the air, assaults the senses, an indescribable pressure, next moment, Potobai came to Machi with absolute confidence, using the strength generated by the impulse to pour into his strong arms.

The reason for the perseverance is that although most of it may originate from Luo, he does not mind solving a member of Phantom Troupe first.

With the blast, the huge fist pointed at Machi’s face without pity.

Machi’s pupils narrowed and his muscles were tightened subconsciously. When the opponent was coming fast and fiercely, instead of rushing to avoid, he crossed his arms and crossed his face.

“The right response, but to no avail.”

Potobai kept an eye on Luo’s side, his fist remained unchanged.

At this moment, Machi made a chest-expanding action, and splayed the crossed arms open, revealing a large empty door.

oh? ”

Lightning changes can no longer be considered by both sides.

His fist passed through Machi’s arms and was about to be strikes on his face, but was blocked by a net.

That’s Machi’s thought line, wrapped around double-handed, intertwined to form a dense mesh, although it can jam the fist, but cannot completely resolve the Strength.

Potoba saw this, and Kakuzu’s mouth suddenly made an exaggerated arc.

little fellow, you are out of luck.

The mental power above the fist is like boiling water, and the rolling vibrations extend inexplicably, passing through the net, and rushing straight towards Machi’s face.

Machi complexion changed, leaning back sharply, avoiding this thought of prolonged passing.


Machi’s body trembled, severe tinnitus in her ears, nasal warmth, and fluid flowing out.

Allocate more than 50% of your mindpower to double-handed to increase your defensive power, and allocate some of your mindpower to your feet to increase your grip.

In such a situation, in a hurry, the remaining mental power is distributed over the face.

This is the limit that any Mind Power player can do, but there are still many risks in the case of unknown enemy capabilities.

After hurting Machi, Potobai had two choices in this split second. One is to ignore the potential threat of Luo and kill Machi first while winning the chase. 2 is to retreat when he has the advantage.

Between light and flint, he chose the first one without hesitation.

Because he acknowledged Machi’s threat in a brief encounter.

The plan to pretend defense, but actually wanted to limit his action, was formed less than a second after he suddenly launched an attack, and the fighting mind of expansion Machi should not be underestimated.

In the end, being able to dodge his “quake” at such a short distance, and also distributing mental strength in time to defend, can all see Machi’s approximate level of strength.

Based on attention, Potobai still took risks. Instead of using his left arm, he pushed down his right arm trapped in the network cable.

Nianbo, which extended from his right fist, followed the lowered arm and headed towards Machi’s face, neck, and chest.

I have to say that Potobai did consider Luo’s threat after making his choice, so he always kept his left arm ready to prevent Luo on the left.

Potobai is very confident in his Strength and Speed, and this confidence has been cultivated in 50 years of immersion in Martial Dao.

It can’t be said that he made the wrong choice, but only that he didn’t have a clear enough understanding of Luo’s strength.

Luo moved, in fact, just as Potobai had just made a right hand movement, Luo moved.

That split second, an inexplicable torrent pierced Potobai’s thoughts, and that was the most accessible danger warning.

Potobai did not waver, following the original idea, raising his left arm, like an old urchin fighting each other from side to side, preparing strikes to kill Machi with one hand, and suppressing Luo’s sharpness with one hand.

A distance of 3 feet is enough.

Potobai thought so.

A long knife suddenly appeared above Luo’s right hand, complementing the 3 feet distance that Potobai identified.

Under daylight, the blade light flashed past.

Potobai’s left arm was easily beheaded.

At the same time, a force of thought penetrated into the soil, like an electric wave, running under Machi’s feet.

With a slap, the impact from the ground beneath his feet shook Machi backwards, avoiding the wave of thought that Potobana extended from his right fist.

Unexpected changes caused Potobai’s solid muscle face to shake slightly.

The wave of thoughts with vibrational nature is on the ground. With the sound of bangs, the ground splits open, and a wave of air bursts out, engulfing the surroundings.

Machi, who had been shaken back a short distance, had just stopped and was pushed away again by this wave of air.

A lot of smoke and dust swarmed into the sky, and in a blink of an eye, swallowed up the silhouettes of Potobai and Luo.

After Machi landed, bearing the effects of tinnitus not just, she got up from the ground, worried about the smoke and dust that filled her.

Blood was flowing from her ears and nose, and she was clearly avoiding the thought wave, but she did not know how she was injured.

After a while, the dust dispersed.

Potobai maintained the motion of his right fist falling to the ground, his posture remained motionless, because the rusty blade tip was resting on his neck.

The battle between Mind Power players often makes a wrong step and falls into the irreversible abyss.

When the level of the capable person is higher, a mistake is more likely to be amplified.

“You picked the wrong target.”

Luo raised his knife against Potobai’s key point, and stepped on the ground with his right foot and stepped on Potoby’s left arm with a cold tone.

His body robe was shattered by the air wave just now. If it was not for mental protection, he should have suffered a certain degree of injury.

However, even if he is injured, he will choose to resist the damage to lay the victory.

Potobai was silent. He could clearly feel the existence of his left arm, and even if he didn’t look, he could know that the mental strength of his left arm had been peeling off.

It ’s not just that you can peel off the enemy ’s mind with your hands. Now Luo can also use her feet to complete the operation.

He stomped on Potobai’s broken arm and deprived his mind with a tough posture, strangling Potobai’s “shock” threat in the cradle.

There is no doubt that this is a thorough general.

Machi wiped off the blood on his face, and revealed his killing intent, concentrating his thoughts, and prepared to cooperate with Luo to kill the man.

At the moment of the crisis, Potobai did not change his face, but he was unwilling.

Even 50% of the strengths were generals without being played. This is an uncomfortable reality for any martial artist.

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