Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 606

Netero probably guessed who was instigating hundreds of amateur hunters to go to Pinot Square, and didn’t care much what would happen.

With such confidence, it mainly comes from Luo.

Doudou people can’t understand President’s attitude, but President is so serene, he can only wait and see as much as he can.

The latest news made him feel relieved.

As President was determined, no one died in this incident, and this is the best result.


Doumen came to the office again. This time, he was not so anxious. He told Netero the result and said that Potobai went after Luo.

“Although knowing that Potobai is not pleasing to Luo, he didn’t expect him to be so kind.”

Netero has nodded pain, others are okay, but it is Potobah. With his strength, it may not be easy for Luo to solve this problem simply.

Most of the members of the 2 Earthly Branches, and even the members of the Association who had served as test examiners, looked at Luo very unpleasantly. The reason is that Luo participated in several hunter tests and used the tests as a child’s play.

If that’s the case, then President still values ​​Luo so much, and even willing to leave the location of the Tenth Earth Branch for that many years.

On the attitude of the members of the Tenth Earthquake, ranked by annoying degrees, Luo surpassed King and Paris Stone, and was ranked by the members of the Tenth Earthquake in the first place.

“Mobile phone.”

Netero scratched Kakuzu and extended the hand towards Doumen.

Bean Noodles knew, and quickly took the phone out of their suit pocket and handed it to Netero.

Luo and Machi did not go to the airport, but to the suburbs.

Stagger the road and walk into the countryside.

The weather is dry in winter and the countryside is yellow.

They look at walking, as if walking, but also stalking, but Speed ​​is not slow.

Luo thought that when he got here, no one would come along, so he took out his cell phone and dialed the number of the Zambia card.

If you are in a research room, Sambika’s mobile phone is locked in the closet. If you take time out today, your mobile phone will be carried in the body.

After a while, the call was connected.

“Sambica, I have something and I won’t go back,” Luo said.

At the other end of the phone, Zambia showed a disappointed expression, without asking why, but whispered: “Well, I’m understood.”

“Is Bahaha beside you?”

“Beside.” Sambika glanced at the abkha who was eating.

“Okay, I won’t tell him. You help me.” Luo said.

“Okay.” Sambika responded, paused, and asked, “Luo, when will you come again?”

“I’m not sure,” Luo said.

“Um.” Sambika responded softly.

At this moment, Machi on the side suddenly said, “Which way are we going?”

Hearing a female voice from her cell phone, Sambika paused.

Luo couldn’t help but glance at Machi side by side, only to see her face calm and couldn’t find any intentional signs.


He returned to Machi, and then said to the phone, “Zambia, remember what I said to you, I’ll hang up first.”

“it is good.”

Zambia Camer said silently.

The phone hung up and she looked at the phone, wondering what she was thinking.

In the countryside, Machi looks at Luo put his phone in his pocket and said blandly, “What did you say?”

“You did it on purpose?” Luo asked without answering.

“So what?” Machi said.

“So you’re jealous?” Luo said curiously.

“No,” Machi said hardly.

Luo glanced at Machi’s slightly reddish ears, shrugged, and stopped talking about it, saying instead: “Tell me about Kurta Clan.”

Machi’s slowly-beating heartbeat calmed down suddenly and asked, “What do you want to know?”

“Basically everything, but you answer me a few questions first.” Luo looked ahead and said, “Are Uvogin and Nobunaga involved?”

“No.” Machi Kaidou.

“I’ve seen news reports about Kurta Clan. The means are cruel. Is Feitan’s handwriting?” Luo calmly said.


“Chrollo’s decision on Kurta Clan’s decision?”

“Not all. Although the operation was initiated by Captain, other members of the group highly appreciated the operation.” Machi looks at Luo, said: “If you did not bring up Kurta Clan to Captain, maybe Captain would not …”

“Nothing.” Luo interrupted Machi’s words. He knew that this matter would happen without his intervention. “But you’re right, the brigade didn’t take my words seriously.”

“I thought there were three of you here. At least Chrollo would take care of it. I took it for granted. What the Rogues want is always plundered without any fear.”

Machi was silent when he heard it.

At that time, when Chrollo brought everyone together and raised the target, she and Uvogin Nobunaga stood up immediately, but only on the camp, and there were only three of them against it.

The atmosphere was tense at the time, and Nobunaga even pulled his knife out of his sheath.

There is no doubt at all, as long as the situation is a little tighter, Phinks and Feitan will definitely do without the slightest hesitation, because they have never let go of what happened in the museum that day, including other members.

Finally, it was Chrollo’s suggestion to settle the dispute with coins to ease the tension.

At that time, it was easy to see Chrollo’s attitude.

Machi knows that Chrollo is serious. If they win one of the 3 chances, Chrollo will really give up this action.

In the case where most people impossible obey a few people, they can only choose to use coins for ruling, and there are 3 chances.

I didn’t expect to stand on Chrollo 3 times.

Machi thought it necessary to make this clear, and was about to explain to Luo when he suddenly felt that there was a clear, unmasked breath in behind.

Luo also felt that the two turned around immediately and saw a tall man walking step by step from three hundred meters away.

Machi looks at that man, can’t help frowning.

There are people who can make a strong impression at a glance, and the man who walks at this moment is of this type.

“People of the Tenth Earthly Branch.” Luo recognized the man, which was Potobai of the tenth Earthly Branch. “Machi, stay away.”

“No.” Machi refused decisively.

Luo glanced at Machi, who never gave in, and felt helpless.

Potobai’s pace went very fast, and soon came to a distance of about 100 meters, and then stopped.

“Hey, are you short of money?” Luo looks at Potobai, indifferent, thinking that he was counting 1 billion?

Potoby didn’t say a word, opened the fine pores, and released the thinking power within the body.

When Luo and Machi saw this, they also quietly opened their fine holes.

As the two sides clashed, the cell phone rang.

Potobai pulled out his cell phone, looked at Luo and Machi, and said, “I’ll take a call first.”

After speaking, no matter how the two people reacted, they pressed the ON button.

Netero’s voice came from the end of the phone: “Potobah, there is no need to catch up so tightly. Stop it.”

Potobai understood it and said seriously: “The responsibility lies.”

“Have you caught up?”

“It’s right here.”

“Don’t start playing yet?”

“Ready to fight.”

“Okay, I’m understood.”

Netero hung up.

Potobai stowed his phone and looked coldly at Luo.

Compared to members of Phantom Troupe, he seems to be coming to Luo.

“Called by Netero?” Luo said curiously.

Potobai nodded.

“What did he say?”

“Let me stop.”

Ling Ling …

At this time, Luo’s mobile phone rang.

“I’ll take a call first.”

Luo picked up the phone, connected the call, and just listened to Netero saying, “Run and run, don’t kill yourself.”

“A hunter’s license,” Luo said leisurely.

Netero heard his face pale, and then heard Luo continue: “understood, I have a sense.”

After talking, I hung up.

In the countryside, Potobai quietly looks at Luo, throwing the question back: “Netero’s phone?”

“Yes.” Luo put away the phone.

“What did he say?” Potobai asked.

“Let me not kill you.” Luo said with a smile.

Potobai didn’t speak, but the aura was more fierce.

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