Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 504

From the overall appearance alone, it is ugly and ugly, saying that it is a mermaid, more like a sea monster.

Each ship has a sea monster on it, maybe they are controlled by them.

The sea monsters may be seeing that Luo is not affected by the hissing. They are slowly closing their ugly mouths, with only white eyes staring at Luo coldly, like fish on a cutting board.

The bug boat moved, and the Speed ​​was very fast. The loose formation had changed, showing a tendency to surround it.

Suddenly, the liquid spray reappeared, this time coming from all around, like blooming fireworks.

Luo took a deep breath, opened his mind, opened up the all-around field, and stopped all the sprays half a meter in front of him.

However, within a few seconds, he was wrapped in a spray ball with various effects, and the bug boat’s ammunition reserve seemed to be sufficient, and there was no sign of stopping for a short time.

“Also ten seconds.”

Luo was in a dark, enclosed space, counting the duration of the spray offensive.

After several exposures, he knew that those molluscs with spraying effects had to stop for about ten seconds every half a minute before they could continue spraying.

After ten seconds, the spray offensive gradually eased.

Luo shook open the ball formed by the spray liquid, scattered it, and hit back to the insect ship distributed around.

The gray spray liquid solidified into stones and smashed on the creeping insect swarm. The body fluid splashed 4 times. The green spray liquid was like strong sulfuric acid, which eroded a large open space and gave out white smoke …

The sprays with different effects came down, but they also caused a lot of damage to the bug boat, but did not hurt the foundation.

After all the sprays were shaken, Luo stepped on his feet and walked towards the nearest bug ship like an arrow.

As if the gods came down, they stepped on the deck with one foot, and the force of compression erupted, crushing the swarm of insects at the foot into fragments, and splashing away all around.

Luo stabilized his body, deflected his feet, and rushed straight towards the sea monster.

嗤 Chī!

The sea monster stared at Luo indifferently, and the swarm around it boiled like boiling water, leaving it in place, and a wave surged towards Luo.

Luo raised his eyes and looked towards blocking the tide of sea monsters and whispering to himself.


In the whistled past, the swarm is like a stream of water that has been split, dividing a avenue, exposing the silhouette of the sea monster.


Luo suddenly withdrew the baton, and the mind burst into the whole body. His body flashed, and he came to the sea monster next second, and the behind’s insect tide closed at this moment.

Seeing that the alien was approaching, the white eyes of the sea monster made a ripple, and opened his mouth full of sharp teeth, and he was neighing, but stopped abruptly.

Luo blasted off the head of the sea monster with a single punch.

It was the body that had lost its head and fell softly to the ground. The lower body of the sea Aoi, which was constantly shaking, was also slowly stationary. The color of each part gradually faded into ash-gray, which seemed to symbolize the passing of life.

The swarm of not just swarms on the boat paused, and the waves spread away in vain, like a dumpling dumpling into the sea.

Just a few breaths away, there are only Luo and sea monsters and part of the sea corpses on the boat.

Bang …

Lost the support of the sea insect swarm, the ship sinks slowly.

“That’s it. This is the mother and the crux.”

Luo glanced at the colorless sea monster corpse, now that he knew the point, it was easier to do next.

The ship sank, but Luo didn’t leave immediately. He moved his fingers together, pierced the heart of the sea monster’s body, and dug out an Azure-colored rhombus crystal with fine red tentacles wrapped around it.

Those tentacles raised one end when they touched Luo’s palm, trying to penetrate into Luo’s skin.

Luo moved his thoughts slightly and crushed the tentacles wrapped around the rhombus crystal.

The reason why the heart of the sea monster has a crystal is based on the hint given by the white smoke font.

If the tentacles wrapped around the crystal are not removed, the sea monster is only in a state of false death, and one day it will suck enough flesh to resurrect it.

Luo stowed the crystal, rose up in the sky, and headed for the other insect ships. In the same way, strikes to kill a sea monster. When the sea monster dies, the numerous sea insects attached to the ship will rush away. Eliminate wasted effort.

Half an hour later, ten ships were sunk by Luo.

Luo Enran returned to Luo Li and brought back 3 Azure diamond crystals.

Tonpa looks at Luo slaughter all sides with his own eyes, and he seems like a ghost. Although he knows that Luo’s strength is terrible, he destroys the ship by himself. The scene of the weird ship gives him super intuitive feeling.

“what is this?”

The crisis was lifted, and Bisji squatted next to the rhombus-shaped crystal, her eyes flashing.

The rhombus crystals have a blue luster, and there seems to be liquid flowing in them, like precious stones.

“This is the crystal of life and the heart of the mother ship of that worm.” Luo picked up a crystal, rubbed his thumb gently, and felt smooth.

“I want one.”

Bi Siji didn’t care if this was the heart or not, she took the politeest one of the biggest crystals of life inside, and played with zīzī.

In her opinion, it is more appropriate to call life crystals with gems.

Thirteen crystals of life have the same appearance and structure, but different sizes. The largest one is the size of a fist, and the smallest one is the size of a tennis ball.

Tonpa looked at at the side, wanted one, but didn’t dare to speak.

At this time, the black cat thief who came to hear the news rushed over, swept across the crystallizing pile of life, swallowed 7 8 at the speed of light with his mouth, and then fell not far away, watch out for look at Luo.

As early as when the black cat did something, Luo noticed it, but he did n’t at all to stop the black cat’s behavior.


Luo looks at black cat, ask with a smile.

The black cat’s eyes flickered, and he felt that Luo’s response was different, but he was honestly Kaidou: “It’s a little fishy, ​​but it has a very strong life strength.”

“Well, this thing has a strong life strength, which can make the soil fertile, which not only can greatly shorten the growth time of the plants, but also greatly improve the quality. In short, it is similar to fertilizer.

Luo touch the chin, seriously: “I thought about it for a while, it feels useless, I’ll give you all the rest as feed.”

“You said … fertilizer?”

The black cat’s face froze.


Luo is absolutely nodded.

The black cat slowly opened its mouth, one after another, when life crystallized and fell out.

He swallowed eight, and now seven have popped out, and the expansion has digested one.

“I’m just a metaphor for it.” Luo’s mouth Kakuzu slightly hooked. The effect of this life crystallization is not only to make the soil fertile, but also for other uses. Its advantages are like black cats just said. Life strength is strong.

The black cat had no appetite at the moment, mainly because it smelled a little fishy. He gave Fiercely a glance at Luo and went back to the cabin to take the helm.

Luo laughed, gathered together eleven crystals of life.

The creatures encountered after entering the dark waters seem to have one thing in common, which is that they have abundant life strength.

Netero said that the creatures on the dark continent are extremely huge. The lifespan of the creatures on the explanation continent is long and the life strength continues to be very strong to grow to that extent.

Thinking deeper, the doctrine of reciprocity does not apply to the growth environment of the dark continent, where there is an extremely unique feature. The creatures are there, as if walking in the corridor without the end of time, they can grow constantly.

It is impossible to consider what the dark continent was originally. Perhaps, the dark continent has characteristics similar to the Mobius loop.

Luo Li continued on, breaking into the unknown tulle.

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