Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 503

Seeing the true face of fleet with excellent eyesight, Luo and Bisji immediately looked at each other, and they could see the waves from each other’s eyes.

The number of those ships totaled ten or three ships, and the formation was loose. It was not a human ship, but a bug ship.

As the name suggests, it is a sea boat covered with a lot of creeping insects. Since the coverage area is almost 365 degrees without death, Kakuzu, it can not be seen whether the insects are attached to the ship or the ship is formed by the quantity alone.

Tonpa wasn’t as clear as 2 people, he was so excited, thinking that he had encountered a human fleet.

“Should you avoid it?” Bi Siji asked.

It’s just a short-sighted sight that can’t see any threat from this bug boat. Now the hull of the Luo Li is damaged and its balance is greatly lost.

Luo thought for a moment and said, “I went to the bottom and immediately avoided the situation if it was wrong.”

boldness of execution stems from superb skill, it is not inappropriate to use it at this moment.

Bi Siji didn’t continue to say anything, Luo had already stepped out of the railing and stepped towards the fleet in the distance.

Looks at Luo sprinting in the air, Bi Siji could not help but sigh in his heart.

As long as Emitter has a similar level of mastery, she can do this, but she cannot be as fluent and fluent as Luo.

Luo soon approached fleet and saw the bug boat up close.

All kinds of pale red mollusks squirm together, including pot shape, flat shape, strip shape, star shape …

The variety is diverse and diverse, and its intensity is alarming.

Luo stagnates in the air and stares down at the bug boat.

At this moment, the creeping winged worm swelled, and moved towards the air, spraying out one after another gray liquid.

Luo’s eyes were slightly condensed, lightly avoided a large amount of liquid spray, raised his hand, and controlled one of the gray liquids at a time, and at the same time backed away, temporarily pulling away.

The gray liquid stagnates a few centimeters in front of the palm, and the Speed ​​visible with naked eyes changes, just like the cement in the liquid state quickly changes to the solid state.

oh? ”

Luo chuckled unexpectedly.

Zhengchou couldn’t find any material to fill Luo’s damage, didn’t expect that there would be materials to come to the door.

He backed away, and the dozen ship bugs seemed to be very aggressive, but they chased after him, and the molluscs with various body shapes kept moving towards him. liquid.

Gray, pale red, dark green, light blue …

Long-range liquid jets of various colors pulled traces of Madara 斓 in the air, and Luo escaped.

“The threat is small.”

Luo glanced in the direction where Luo Li was.

Of that many liquid jets, only the gray liquid undergoes a solidification transition, and its mass hardness is high enough.

Thought of this, Luo hid in many sprays, while collecting grey liquid in the field, these all are materials used to fill the hull.

After a while, Luo collected a lot of materials, and immediately opened the distance, returned to the Luo Li, and placed a huge gray ball on the deck.

Seeing Luo’s actions, Bi Siji knew well.

Tonpa was in shock. At this moment, he also saw the true face of the bug boat, and mourned in his heart what the place was. The twists and turns of the experience completely subverted his perception.

“They are coming.”

Bi Siji looks at the speed of the worm fleet that is gradually accelerating, a timely reminder.

Luo looked around and said, “It seems to be very vengeful, let the black cat control the ship to avoid it first, I will solve them.”

Before the words fell, Luo flew out again, stepping on the air to greet Fleet Wu.

Bissy glanced at Tonpa’s undecided, and quickly walked to the Captain’s room to convey Luo’s order to the black cat.

At the same time, Luo came over the nearest ship worm ship, raised the double-handed condensate, and moved towards the belly area of ​​the ship worm ship.

Qi Yuan Zhan left from Luo’s double-handed. The ship worm boat immediately reacted violently, as if it was very sensitive to mental force, and the whole hull was slammed.

However, Qiyuan Speed ​​is not slow, it is directly cut on the cabin of the bug ship, splitting the whole ship into 2 halves.

To Luo’s surprise, the worm boat that was split into two halves revealed the decaying hull structure and did not sink into the sea.

“Is the swarm attached to the ship?”

Seeing that the bug boat had not sunk into the sea, and could still sail, Luo’s brows frowned.

The inestimable number of sea bugs seems to be a human sunken ship as a nest, attached to it, instead of relying on the sunken ship, but they are holding up the sunken ship.

From this point, it is impossible to understand their motivations. Similarly, Luo’s calculation of wanting to kill the insecticide ship failed.

Although the difficulty of sinking the ten ship 3 is not high, the mentality of recovering with difficulty will probably bottom out again.

While Luo was pondering how to decide, Wu Fleet uttered a harsh hissing noise.

Luo’s brain nerve suddenly stung, and the open pores opened and closed uncontrollably. The mind flowing slowly around him was bright and dark, making him unable to maintain a reasonable output, crooked, Planted on a seabed like a crash.

Not far away, Bisji and Tonpa complexion were slightly changed. They also heard hissing sounds, only to feel uncomfortable, probably because they were far away. They were not as big as Luo’s response.

The hissing came suddenly, and the effects were quite serious.

Luo caught off guard, but was calm.

He tilted his body and tore off Kakuzu’s clothes, blocking his ears as earplugs.

There was a small hissing, the sting was still there, but the fine holes were no longer uncontrolled.

Luo quickly stabilized his body, lifted his foot to the sea, kicked his mind out, and the sea water burst open, so he took off as he could.

Then he glanced down and saw that there were a lot of sea-spotted sea fishes on the surface, and the thick soft tentacles of the baby’s arms sprang out from under the bug boat and rolled them back.

This split second, Luo knew that he had greatly underestimated the strangeness of the bug boat. The remote spray was mostly a tentative attack by the bug boat.

As the mind shifted, a new situation took place.

He stared at it, and saw that the worm boat that had been split into two halves slowly adhered together, as if some kind of mollusc had acted as an adhesive.

At the same time, each and everyone unknown creature came out of the cabin full of creepy insects, but it looked similar to humans.

The size and shape of living things are the same as human beings. The head is covered with creepy long strips of soft insects, just like Medusa’s serpentine hair. There are a lot of colored shells on the face, and the eyes are white. Hitomi has no nose but mouth.

The upper body is naked and there are 2 towering bulges. The waist is also covered with shells of Madara 色彩 color, and the lower body is a pure sea Aoi body, composed of numerous soft tentacles.

They resemble human beings, relying on the peristaltic movement of the lower body of the sea Aoi, moved out of the cabin, and opened their mouths to reveal the dense teeth.

Hissing is what they make.

Luo looks at these creatures with a startled expression.

Could this be the mermaid in the dark sea?

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