Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 401

Underneath the vast grassland are ants’ nests of unknown range, and the number of ants is absolutely innumerable. As the man who took the bow said, when there is a target, the ants gathered together are as scary as sand tides.

Ant nests are a microcosm of human society. As the ordinary person compares with Mind Power, among many ordinary ranks of ants, there are Ant Queens who order all the ants, and there are heterogeneous ants that are equivalent to Mind Power.

Ordinary ants will not actively enter Royal Castle, but alien ants with higher threat levels will actively invade Royal Castle and attack visible life.

The reason why the residence line is set up is to guard against the Incursio of the alien ants, and the alien ants are an important source of meat for humans in the residence.

The bell sounded to remind everyone in the residence that there was an external enemy, Incursio. Sa Ling thought that a heterogeneous ant had come to the door to send someone away, but this time it was not a heterogeneous ant, but a ferocious robber army.

Luo They came in from the east mountain road, and the pirates came in from the west mountain road, in different directions.

When Luo came in, he counted the number of members responsible for vigilance on the east side, and counted the number of people who lived there. He came to nearly 400 conclusions.

In fact, in the other three directions, there are teams of 3 people, in other words, the estimated number of people will add another 50 or so.

Sand pirates came from the west of the grassland. The huge team caused a lot of noise, but for some reason, soldiers and ants in the ant nest did not react at all to the arrival of the sand pirates.

Never attack people who come in, but actively attack people who want to go out.

This pattern of behavior is something that everyone in the residence has not understood so far.

The burglar army passed the grassland smoothly and came to the open space outside Imperial Capital. The immensely immediately was noticed by the residents in charge of the alert. While shocked, immediately passed the news back.

In the following 5 minutes, most members in charge of the security line in the west were besieged by the burglars, and immediately splattered on the spot, turning into a corpse that was hacked to death.

These dozens of people are simply not enough for this group of bloodthirsty robbers to share their food. When they swarm up, they have the impact of chopping their targets into meat sauce.

“There are actually living people in the restricted area.”

Geralt stepped on a flesh-blooded corpse, looking at the slashed coat, a little surprised.

He glanced at the 50 prisoners who were tightly controlled. They were originally used to test the cannon fodder on the grassland. As a result, nothing happened. As long as this group of cannon fodder remained, it was worth considering.

He noticed the icy gaze from Geralt, the captives circled in a pile suddenly shivered coldly.

“There is no guarantee that it will be used.”

Geralt said to himself, just a change of thought, that brought the captives who were about to fall into hell back.

“Kill the people inside first, leave no one!”

Geralt gave an order to the burglars who were about to move. After that, he lifted his feet and trampled the corpse’s head against Crush. Fragments of bones and blood splashed on his stomach, revealing a cruel atmosphere.

“Did you understand?” Geralt said indifferently.


The burglars raised their arms, roared, and poured into the city.

Millia shrank in the crowd, her eyebrows looked lowered towards the ground, and while she was gnashing her teeth, she dared not go to see Geralt easily.

The cruelty of the robbers has reached the level beyond which human nature can be used.

“Who can come to destroy these bastards!”

Millia wailed in her heart, and this was perhaps the voice of other captives.

However, everyone knows that it is extremely unrealistic. Even the three major oasis nations can’t eradicate sand theft. What methods can be used to eradicate sand theft?

If so, then only Divine Punishment is left …

There was a feeling of despair in Millia’s heart. She came along with the pirates and was lucky to live to this day, but she knew that sooner or later she would die in the hands of these bastards.

Now, the surviving humans in the Imperial Capital ancient city cannot escape the poisonous hands of sand robbers.

In the city, all the security personnel scattered in four directions were withdrawn and gathered in the residence. Every man with a weapon was an enemy.

“The old man, the woman, and the child all run east, fast, fast!”

The man holding the bow seemed to have exhausted all his strength to yell, and a lot of blue tendons exploded on his face and neck.

The old and weak women and children in the area obeyed the command and formed a team to escape in the direction of the east. The remaining men took up their weapons and laid a line of defense in the direction of the west.

“The number of enemies is very large, and the means are extremely cruel. It is the style of sand robbers!” The man holding the bow looked angry, glanced at Ali entire group, said solemnly: “You must also join the battle. If you can’t resist it, everyone Have to follow the funeral. “

Having said that, he didn’t give Ali the opportunity to ask at all, and brought a sufficient amount of bows and arrows to the roof of a house.

“Sandit !?”

Ali’s heart trembled. Why do burglars appear here and there are so many? What is the specific amount?

Many questions can be swallowed without asking.

Ali gritted his teeth, picked up long spear, and said to everyone in the Eagles, “Follow them.”


The people held back the chill that flowed within the body 4 and followed Ali to the roof, hiding in the same place as the people in the place, and got the long bow and bow and arrow.

Taking advantage of the location, first using longbows for long-range consumption to reduce the enemy’s staff as much as possible is a commonly used method of war.

The Eagles followed the team, and naturally, they were impossibly sitting idly by, and the people in the cohabitation area ambushed together.

Not long after, the sound of the sand robbers first passed into the ears of everyone, and then, the number of black people that appeared made the Eagles all faced ashamed.

How can you resist such an exaggerated number of people, just by their number 100?

The owners of the Eagles, including Ali, immediately lost their fighting intent when they saw the number of sand robbers.

They knew the terrible nature of the robbers, not only the cruel style, but also the battle strength of the King’s Elite Army.

The eagle group lost the fighting intent, and the people in the area would not give up in order to survive. They raised their bows without having to issue a command. When the robbers entered the attack range, an arrow rain flew from the building shadow at the same time. To the burglars who rushed ahead.

嗤 Chī!

In a face-to-face meeting, more than 2 sand robbers died directly from their arrows, but the sand robbers also did not to be trifled with, and identified their positions as a large net spread out.

People in the area fired another wave of arrow rain, but this time the effect was unsatisfactory, only let the sand thief damage the fifty-sixty individual.


Seeing this, the man holding the bow was suddenly overshadowed by the shadow.

In order to deal with the heterogeneous ants of Incursio, everyone has trained a superb arrow technique, because only by long-range attacks can the personnel damage rate be minimized.

However, this group of sand robbers is more difficult to entangle than the heterogeneous ants. The individual’s battle strength is not weak, and the number difference is so obvious. Can it really resist?

Whether they can resist it or not, they have to fight to protect the behind.

After several waves of arrow rain, the fighters in the area immediately changed positions and started guerrilla warfare. However, the gap between the numbers was too obvious. After fighting for several rounds back and forth, they were eventually woven by sand stolen by a large net Covered up.

The encirclement slowly shrank, and the combatants in the area began to suffer casualties, and gradually entered the situation of Stranded Beast’s Struggle.

Ten minutes later, the 400-person team was directly reduced by half, and each body was, without exception, smashed into residues, showing the tyrannical mood of the robbers.

The war circle tightened, and long-range attacks were constrained, and they could only switch to melee.

At this time, William, Ge Er, and Baha 剌 Join the battle, killing the robbers 7 and 8, but there are too many robbers, people living in the place will die under the chaos every moment.

Continue this way, even if they are Mind Power, they are likely to be killed by robbers.

Even they all have a feeling of being in danger. People in the residence and people in the eagle group are dead.

When Geralt came to the war zone with the remaining robbers and captives, there were only more than 100 people left in the settlement.

He stood at the periphery of the battle circle and looked at the three people in Buha, Daihatsu Kamui. His eyes were cold and he ordered them secretly, so that dozens of close friends who also knew Mind Power would restrain them, so that other robbers could kill the others as soon as possible .

With his order, dozens of Mind Power besieged 3 Budhas, and the situation was completely turned aside. The people in the area were suddenly torn apart, and like this, it took less than a minute, everyone Got dead light.

At this moment, a wave of mental energy came from a distant volley, and a blood hole appeared on the heads of a dozen robbers who were besieging the people, and fell to the ground on the spot.

Immediately after, a silhouette suddenly fell from the sky to the place where the person was.


Without seeing the slightest movement, the robbers flew backwards, freeing up the surrounding area several times.

That silhouette, however, is Luo who showed a faster speed than Sa Ling, so he came first.

The aura filled with thoughts suddenly radiated from Luo’s body, sweeping over the robbers with a population of more than 2.

For a moment, the robbers paused. When they looked towards Luo, their eyes flashed with fear, but the reaction was not deep. After all, these robbers were all tenacious minds, that is, evil spirits came to them. It is also a matter of beating down the sword.

The gas field did not exert much effect, but almost all the robbers noticed the existence of Luo.

Geralt looks at suddenly, and releases his mind, Luo, slightly slightly wrinkle, the characteristic appearance directly reminds him of the man who can control the quicksand described earlier.

“Is it the same person?”

Geralt frowned, with 7 8 points of affirmation.

He suddenly stomped the rocky ground beneath his feet, and was silently silenced.

If this is a desert, he really has to weigh the threat of Luo, but under this Imperial Capital, it is a hard rock layer, and even if Luo can control the quicksand, it cannot be used here.

Moreover, the people he brought were not just a few hundred.

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