Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 400

Miyagi didn’t know what kind of material it was built for, it has been over 1000 years ago, and it is still strong.

Luo and Sa Ling were sitting on the top of the palace. The dark clouds rolling over the sky seemed to be only a long distance away from their arms. From here they looked all around with a very wide view.

“He’s okay, you can see it for yourself.” Facing Saling’s emotional problems, Luo was Kaiduu.

Saling heard that, she looked up at the endless grassland and sighed, “If we can go out, we won’t stay here all the time.”

“What’s the reason?” Luo followed Salin’s gaze and looked towards the grassland, vaguely fitting his guess.

“There are countless ants hidden on the grassland. Anyone leaving from Royal Castle to the grassland will be eaten to the bones.” Sa Ling stared at the grassland with a deep expression.

“Ant?” Luo raised an eyebrow.

Salin said nodded, “In short, since you have come in, don’t leave rashly. How terrible the ants are, you will see them sooner or later.”

Luo heard nothing and said nothing. What ants can make Sa Ling trapped here for so many years. He didn’t go out. He saw that Sa Ling didn’t like to talk about this topic, so he didn’t ask.

However, no matter how terrifying the ant colony on the grassland, he must be going out from here.

“Going back to the first question, am I Old Brother okay?” After explaining the reason why she couldn’t get out, Saling continued to ask.

But Luo looked up and laughed at her, and said again, “Okay, you can see it for yourself.”

“I haven’t talked for a long time, do you want to try it?” Sa Ling said with a slight smile.

“I don’t want to,” Luo looked towards the grassland, determinedly, “I will go out from here.”

“I hope you can still be so confident when you see the ants.” Sa Ling teased slightly.

Luo chuckled, the topic of teleportation, pointing to the majestic building standing underneath, and asking, “Can I go to Treasury?”

Earlier, Saling said that there were many rare treasures in Royal Castle, and there was also a big treasure house, and Luo was already tickling.

“Follow me.” Saling glanced at him and got up and jumped from the top of the palace.

Seeing this, Luo quickly followed along.

Imperial Capital did not build a wall, but Royal Castle had a square wall that enclosed all the Royal Castle buildings.

The height of the wall is close to ten meters. The buildings outside the wall are not allowed to be higher than the wall, and the buildings inside the wall are higher than the height of the wall.

From this point of view only, Imperial Capital 1000 years ago had a very strict hierarchy.

Saling took Luo to the tallest palace in the shape of a tower, like a non-stop cake, and has a slight similarity to the pyramid. The whole does not look beautiful, as if it is for the highest height. Like built.

The steps of the white jade stone run up, covered in thick dust.

The height of this palace is also related to this stepped foundation.

On the left and right sides of the stairs, there are large stone carvings with eagles spreading their wings. Some have broken their wings and some have broken their heads. At a glance, there are no complete stone carvings.

Saling stepped up, Luo followed, and the two came to the open door in front of the palace, and then walked directly into the dimly lit palace.


Saling took out two fist-sized ore from the bag she carried, and knocked it a few times, and saw that the ore lit up like a light stick, but the light Power was not weak, and it showed a range of several meters. .


Saling gave Luo a luminous ore, and then went deep into the palace.

Luo took the ore and took a closer look. I felt that this type of ore that glows when you tap it is very convenient. Before going out from here, you can actually take a few pieces and stuff it into the black cat’s stomach for later use.

“DaDa …”

Footsteps rang through the quiet palace.

The unique green fluorescence of the ore shines on the stone pavement, showing a lot of Madara cuts with historical flavors, and a large number of decaying weapons scattered on the ground.

Known as the strongest empire in the history of the desert, it is not only geographically excellent, but also related to rich mineral resources. The equipment it can manufacture is a natural advantage that far exceeds other countries.

This large number of weapons must be made by the casting process 1000 years ago, and have high research value.

Luo thought that he wanted to go up layer by layer, but Saling took him to a stone ladder leading to the ground. Originally there was an institution, but Saling had already opened it. Like the gate of the palace outside, it did not close .

The two walked down the stairs, walked about 2-Layer, and came into the empty stone chamber.

Green fluorescence penetrated all around, and you can see 4 collapsed shelves, and the wreckage of items all over the ground, a bleak scene.

“The relatively intact things have been received in the residence.” Sa Ling explained, then said with a feeling of emotion: “If you like Gold, there is a room made of gold bricks in Royal Castle. You You can just pry. “

For adventurer, this 1000-year Imperial Capital is really rich and rich, and it contains more wealth than the tombs of countless aristocrats and nobles.

The reason for leaving that many wealth may be related to the reason that Imperial Capital suddenly collapsed and became a restricted area 1000 years ago. People who evacuated in time did not take much.

However, even if there is a pile of Gold jewels in Royal Castle, it is not as important as food to bring them out.

“I’m more interested in antiquities.”

Luo casually said that he gathered his eyes silently and swept toward the dark place. He didn’t see any unique white light, which was a pity.

There aren’t even half of the antiquities in mind, but after thinking about it, isn’t it also a treasure house? Furthermore, the Royal Castle is so big, sweeping around, you can definitely find a lot of good things.

After hearing Luo’s words, Sa Lingao gave him a glance. She is also a person who likes antiquities. Said with a smile: “The antiquities worthy of the eye are basically accepted by me in my place. If you like it, you can pick it out when you go back . “

“Really?” Luo’s eyes lit up sharply.

Sa Ling looks at Luo with bright eyes, and his face is slightly weird. He sighs, “You, this person, the mask is very lethal.”

The look of those eyes shining on the man’s leather mask was almost trivial.

When Luo heard it, it was quite awkward.

“Come here.” Saling went straight into the darkness ahead, and Luo saw that, and withdrew her eyes, she quickly followed Saling.

About 5 more than a hundred meters came out, which stopped at a metal gate with a height of about 6 meters and a width of 4 meters on one side.

“Is this the entrance to the treasure house?”

Luo lifted the ore, and the fluorescence shined on the metal gate, and many carved patterns could be seen.

There are pictures of the sun and the moon, pictures of 10000 people bowing their heads, pictures of people offering many treasures to the people on the throne, pictures of eagles soaring in the sky, and pictures of one person sitting on countless treasure mountains.

“The treasury is my guess, but ** is not inseparable from ten, but this treasury is locked. It cannot be opened without a key. If it is opened by violence, it will touch the treasury’s organs. As for what will happen, I am not sure. . “

Salin extended the hand to wipe the dust on the door, calmly said: “Ancient treasure house always has a kind of very ruthless strength, basically all of the organ type, and the result of the trigger is without exception the destruction of the inside by some method thing.”

“Can’t get through the main entrance, can’t you just get in by the side?” Luo asked.

Sa Ling retracted her hand and said, “You can build the emperor of the Gold House, do you think the building of the treasure house will be embarrassing? Take a look at it and you will understand.”

Luo heard that, walking along the wall next to the metal gate, and found that even the wall is also metal, and wanting to come to this treasure house is an oversized safe.

Raised my hand and knocked down the wall, making a dull beep. Its thickness cannot be estimated, but it must be very exaggerated. It may be that the thickness of the metal gate is the lowest, but the triggering conditions of the agency must be located at the gate.

Taking a step back, even if there is no mechanism at the gate, it is not easy to open it with violence.

Of course, in Luo’s view, with the power of the hand of God, it is not difficult to open this treasure house.

“What good stuff will there be?”

Luo whispered to himself, and suddenly, a faint bell sound came from the entrance.

At the sound of the bell, Saling’s face suddenly changed.

“What’s wrong?” Luo asked.

“It’s possible that the monster on the grassland came into Imperial Capital and followed me back to my place of residence,” said Saling.

“it is good.”

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