Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 383

This should be considered … escape marriage, right?

Seeing Fatima appearing here, Luo came to this judgment.

William was probably stunned by Fatima’s move, his eyes were cut to Fatima like a knife, and the momentum of the Killing Formation quietly overflowed.

Fatima is also an extraordinary woman. She was afraid of William’s momentum and threatened: “Bring me, or you can’t go anywhere. I think there are 50 soldiers stationed here at the North Gate. The only people you pass through in advance are A six-man squad at the door? “

Luo was surprised and looked towards Fatima. When he arrived, he saw William wearing a hat and mask, and the body was wearing ordinary clothes. Then he realized that William was clearly going to sneak out, and Fatima must know William 鈥檚 details, so he was here. Appears.

Perceiving Luo’s gaze, Fatima didn’t seem to see William as if the volcano was about to erupt, blinking at Luo with a charming smile.

Luo tilted her head and pretended not to see it.

Fatima’s threat apparently hit William’s underbelly, and the revealed momentum slowly converged. Even if it was covered by a mask, it was easy to make people angry.

“Out of this door, you can’t come back.” William said solemnly.

“So what? If you can’t be interested in that position, I can’t give up my existing position?” Fatima said with a raised eyebrow.

“You will regret this.”

At this point, William said inadvertently, and said coldly that he turned the body over the back of the armored cow, and his actions acquiesced to Fatima’s request.

When Fatima saw this, she turned one of the armored cows neatly, and then looked towards Luo and Bu Hayu, saying, “You two squeezed one.”

Having said that, I was driving the Katou cattle toward the city gate. The attitude was obviously different from that of 2 days ago. Perhaps it was determined to escape the marriage, and naturally, Luo could not be obtained.

“It’s wayward.”

Luo commented in his heart and put on the back of the armored cow with Bu Ha.

Hunter x Hunter World is big, there are many countries, most of them are monarchy.

William and Fatima were the first royals in Luo’s contact. He felt different from what he had imagined. In his opinion, the princesses should all have the first-class superiority, which is a long-term in the hierarchy. Developed values.

Luo didn’t know what the other prince Princess was like. In short, he didn’t hate William and Fatima.

4 people took 3 armored cows, carrying enough supplies, and passed the city gate towards the desert outside.

Luo came to William and whispered, “Do you really want to bring her?”

“Hey, I heard it.”

Ahead, Fatima turned back violently, and Maki’s nose was fiercely twisted, showing a very dissatisfied look.

William ignored Fatima and said coldly, “Leave her at Golow.”

“That’s good.” Luo nodded.

“Don’t even think about it!” Fatima yelled.

William chose to ignore it.

Luo pats armored cow, accelerated to catch Fatima, said curiously: “Are you a human skin mask?”

“Want to know?” There was a hint of slyness in Fatima’s beautiful eyes. Her face was not perfect, and the only sense of incongruity was that the overall appearance was flat, but the eyes did not change much.

Luo nodded. He is very interested in this. He also asked Kendall about human skin masks and other issues a long time ago. In his opinion, the disguise skill is usually used by killers. Didn’t expect Princess in a desert country. Such a skill.

“Please, me.” Fatima blinked.

“Please,” Luo said decisively.

Fatima stayed awake and stopped teasing Luo. He touched his face and took off the human skin, revealing his original appearance, saying, “See?”

Luo’s eyes lit up and he asked, “Did you make it yourself?”

“That’s natural.” Fatima put the human skin mask on her face carefully, and thanks to the stable pace of the armored cow, she was not affected by the bumps.

“Teach me, right?” Luo hehe said with a smile.

“That wouldn’t work, right, Old Brother.” William, Fatima looked towards, even changed his title.

William ignored her and stared ahead.

Fatima didn’t care, turned his head and looked towards Luo, explaining: “Passing from the inside to the outside, passing from the female to the male.”

“Also like this?” Luo was dumbfounded.

Fatima said with a slight smile: “Yes.”

“Break a case, I want to learn.” Luo said impatiently.

“Wishful thinking.” Fatima glanced at him, let the armored cow under him speed up, and rushed ahead.

Luo rubbed the temple, and was distressed for a moment. I don’t know how to learn Yirong technology from Fatima.

“Boss, what do you learn about this?” Asked Bhajan.

“It’s fun.” Luo Kaidou.

Abkhazia suddenly froze.

A group of people left from Elba and walked non-stop for 2 hours. They endured the high temperature and kept hydrating.

The armored cow has a strong early warning instinct and can avoid some potential threats. Therefore, in this dangerous desert, only the armored cow can become a means of transportation for humans. This is the fundamental reason that even camels cannot replace .

The two-hour trip was all right.

The crowd passed over a dune and suddenly heard the sound of killing from afar.

“It’s the robbers that are looting. We are bypassing them, but the burglars are not jealous, and the meat of the mosquito legs is not let go.” William looked up about a kilometer away, where the dust was flying and hundreds of people were fighting Into a ball.

“It’s the flag of the country of Golo.” Fatima held a small and delicate Telescope in front of her eyes.

“Give me.” Williams slightly wrinkle, reaching for Fatima.

Seeing that, Fatima threw the Telescope over.

William took the Telescope, raised his eyes for a moment, then put it down, his face hesitant.

“It should be Golo Sixth Prince’s team.” Fatima looks at William.

William Micro is lightly nodded, and the team that will appear here at this point in time, as expected, should be Sixth Prince, the Golow country who came to Albatros. Today, the pirates are getting more and more crazy, but they also have this confidence.

Is it a rescue or a bypass?

If you want to rescue, you have to take a lot of risk, and you may even get yourself in.

William thought for a while, but decided that one thing is worse than one thing, indifferently said: “Let’s go, detour.”

“Dead to death?” Fatima stared at William.

“Isn’t this just right? You can return to Elba now, because Sixth Prince will die, and you won’t have to marry.” William calmly met Fatima’s gaze of doubt.

“Sixth Prince is dead, and there will be Seventh Prince, 8th Prince.” Fatima took out a crossbow from somewhere, drew out a crossbow skillfully, and fed the unknown poison.

That posture was clearly about to rescue the so-called Sixth Prince.

“When exactly do you want to be unwilling?” William angered.

Fatima was silent and mounted the crossbow on the crossbow.

“Don’t fight, I’ll save it.” Luo took a deep look at Fatima, only to feel that this woman didn’t look like a Princess. “Buha, you stay here, the bandits have found us.”


Baha’i 2 said nothing to jump off the armored cow.

In the distance, more than a dozen silhouettes separated from the battle group and came towards their location.

After Bu Haji jumped down, Luo drove the armored cow to run down the sand dunes quickly, welcoming the dozen sand robbers who came.

“Hey, don’t go alone!”

Fatima was startled, and he was about to drive the mount to keep up, but saw that Buha was standing in front of her, blocking her.

“What?” Fatima stared.

“Boss will do it alone,” said Buha.

At this moment, William gazed at the silhouette of Luo greeted the robber, and then said to Bhajan: “Let her stay here honestly.”

After that, he drove down the sand dunes.

Suddenly, several hundred meters screamed from outside.

William, Fatima, and Baha 鍓?looked towards the front, but they saw the dozen or so robbers who had come aggressively.

“So fast !?” Fatima stayed.

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