Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 382

The Caravan’s armed strength is not weak, but the robbers have more and more combat power.

This is a survival battle on the desert, which is inevitable.

100 sand robbers rushed on, making sounds like a drum, without a moment, the caravan fell to the ground in a scream of screams, and the blood soaked the yellow sand.

In less than 5 minutes, no one was spared from the caravan. They were all dead souls. On the other hand, only a few people were injured.

The leader of Sand Pirate is the man with a braid, named Gerlot, with a dark complexion, eyes like eagle eyes, and a keen sense of ambition.

He drove his mount to the sand dunes, looking towards the direction of the Elba Oasis. Below the sand dunes, his men were searching for the spoils of war.

“Boss, what about the remaining armored cows?” A thick-haired man came to Geralt behind.

Gerald Indifferently said: “Slaughter, take out the pouch.”


The man heard the words and drove the bloody armored cow down the hill.

In addition to the stomach bag filled with water, the body of the armored cow can also be used as food. The pirates all understand this, but Geralt said that only the stomach bag was taken, so the pirates did not want to cut the meat.

People in the desert are striving for survival, and sand robbers are different, like locusts, wherever they go, barren.

After finishing the spoils of war with super fast efficiency, the 100-person robbers continued to swim around the oasis in an aimless manner. All the teams who want to go to the oasis or the teams coming out of the oasis are their targets.

Third Prince palace.

Fatima sat with her head down, and her ears were lightly red, like a flinching ostrich.

William expressed calm and composed, and he accepted Luo’s explanation because Fatima had no objection.

“Fatima, Imperial Father calls you.”

William looked towards Fatima.

“Here is Golo Sixth Prince?” Fatima looked up sharply.

“It should take another three days to arrive in Elba. The Imperial Father is calling you at this point, and it must be a decision.” William said.

Fatima complexion changed. The feet are like roots, there is no meaning to get up, and they don’t want to move in one step.

She didn’t want to marry outside, and she didn’t want to be the one of the seven Princesses who had bad luck.

“Being in the royal family, you have no choice.” William didn’t mind Luo being present, saying to Fatima.

“Then why can you?” Fatima suddenly slaps the table, the chair underneath falls back and makes a noise.

Fatima, looking excited, calmly said, “Because I’m not interested in that position.”

Fatima heard silence, her emotions gradually calmed down, she looked at William’s calm eyes for a while, and finally passed William and Luo toward the door without expressionless expression.

Until Fatima left, William never looked back at her.

“Laugh.” William looked sideways towards Luo.

“Uh, nothing.” Luo said.

William Nodded, straight to the point said, “I can leave in 2 days, and I will prepare the supplies.”

“I might take someone with me,” Luo said at this time.

“Mind Power?” William asked.

Luo nodded.

“Yes, I’ll send someone to inform you when I’m ready.” Hearing that it was Mind Power, William simply responded, going to the restricted area, and the people in the team would rather lack.

“Okay.” As Luo stood up and was about to leave, looking at William, he asked, “Why do you want to go to the restricted area?”

William looks at Luo, his eyes calmed, and said after a moment: “There is one person whose bones should not be left there, she must return here.”


Luo didn’t ask who she was and left the palace.

The Golo Oasis is must, and the restricted area is definitely a place to go.

Back at Sago’s house, Luo went to Lin Nie’s room and said, “I’m going to Golow.”

“Where you want to go is your freedom,” Lin Nie said.

“I have to tell you something.” Luo said with a smile.

Lin Nie stopped talking.

“How long will it take for your waist to recover? I’m waiting for you to learn from each other.” Luo asked.

Lin Nie coldly snorted and said, “I will naturally inform you when I am healed.”

“Ok, then I’m going to eat.” Luo Bibe gestured and turned to leave.

At this time, Lin Nie suddenly said: “The danger factor in the restricted area is not low, and 10000 things must be careful.”

Luo stopped, scratched his head, and said, “I can’t hide you, don’t worry, it’s definitely not as dangerous as the dark continent, and I will do what I can.”

As soon as the voice fell, he simply left.

Lin Nie looks at the door that was closed after opening, silent.

Outside the door, Sago leaned against the wall and looked at Luo coming out.

Seeing Sage, Luo was not surprised, his eyes paused for a while on Sage’s body, and then he headed straight for the stairs.

Sage followed, and the two of them went downstairs and came to the shop.

“You’re going to the restricted area?” Sago asked.

He was looking at the stall in front of the store, and suddenly saw Sage’s words.

“Well,” Luo responded.

“Countless people have died there in the past 100 years. There are many lessons learned from that. Are you blind or incapable?” Sage was excited, and he spit out several foams as he spoke.

Luo stepped back slightly, avoiding Sage’s mouthful, and seriously said, “How do you know the result without trying?”

“Need to try? You can’t even wear a sandstorm!” Sago chuckled.

Luo shrugged, suddenly said, “Is there anything that Saling can prove to her identity?”

“What do you mean?” Sago’s face stretched.

“If I can get in, I might be able to take her out when I come out.” Luo didn’t mention the word Bone directly, but the meaning expressed was inseparable.

“Who do you think you are?”

Suddenly, Sage’s face became very bad. After leaving a word, he rushed out of the shop.

Luo watched Sago go far and probably can guess why Sago had such a response.

He looked towards Buha, saying, “Come with me the day after tomorrow.”

“Okay.” Bu Haji responded directly.

That night, Sage returned drunk and fell directly in front of the shop. He was found by Buha and brought back to the room.

Two days later, at noon, William sent a person to tell Luo to go to the North Gate to meet now.

Since William said that he would have the supplies ready, Luo and Bu Hahao did not carry too much when traveling.

After Luo and Bu Hayi walked a distance, Sage, who was sitting on a low stool, suddenly said, “She has a pendant on her body, and there is a picture of me and her posing.”

Luo paused and looked back towards Sago, saying, “understood, take care of Lin Nie.”

After speaking, they left.

Thirty minutes later, Luo and Bu Hadai came to the North Gate. On the edge of the open space, there were three armored cows with many parcels hanging beside them. A burly man was standing beside him, wearing a hat and a mask.

Luo saw the tightly dressed man, recognized William at first sight, and walked directly to him, unexpectedly, “Are you alone?”

William pulled his mask down slightly, indifferently said, “Do you think there are others who want to go there?”

He tone barely fell, and a person suddenly ran out of the crowd, came to them and said, “Also me.”

It was a plain-looking woman, her body was wrapped in a wide robe, and she could not see the figure.

Luo and William looked towards the woman, raising their brows almost simultaneously.

“Go back!” William’s tone was angry.

Luo was quite helpless. The voice of the woman and the faint smell of perfume made him recognize Fatima, but it was not clear what method she used to change her appearance.

Luo can recognize it, and William can naturally recognize it.

“Don’t.” Fatima coldly snorted.

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