Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 376

It is said that fish and bear’s paw can’t have both. There are many people who understand this truth, but there are always people who want to have both.

Fast and slow are general substitute words, which are enough to express 2 different extremes, which are equivalent to the end points in 2 different directions.

One is on the left, the other is on the right. If you want to go to both ends, you will have to pay twice as much energy and time.

Regarding Luo’s two remarks, Lin Nie fluttered lightly: “You’re happy.”

“Uh …” Luo was suddenly speechless.

“The explanation in principle is temporarily suspended, let me formally explore your bottom.” Lin Nie retracted his hand and walked towards the side.

“Not good.”

Luo’s eyes moved with Lin Nie, and he felt that Lin Nie was getting old, and he didn’t know what the consequences would be after a blow.

Lin Nie stepped out of a dozen steps, suddenly stopped, and turned his back to Luo indifferently said: “Put away your unnecessary worry, or do you think that the old man applies the term to me?”

As soon as the words fell, the vigorous aura rose up in vain, ripples on the sand toward all around, and the countless fine sand slowly drifted upwards without weight.

This is a pure and non-malicious aura, which rages around Lin Nie’s body and forms an overwhelming momentum.

Lin Nie turned slowly, and when looking towards Luo, his eyelids were raised, so that the pair of muddy eyes were completely exposed.

“I’m wrong!”

Luo greeted Lin Nie’s gaze, honestly confessed his mistake, and his body also released the gas field, resisting the influence of Lin Nie’s gas field.

Lin Nie raised his right hand, calmly said: “You don’t need to bowering when you hit me. Although I use your best efforts, I am old, but I haven’t reached the level of weakness.”


Having said that, Luo could only pose himself, the fine holes opened to the maximum, and the surging thoughts shrank for a moment and then shrank onto the body surface, forming a hard protective film.

Seeing Luo’s solid [Jian], Lin Nie flashed a trace of bright light in his eyes, but he didn’t say a word of greeting, that was, across more than ten meters of sand, and immediately came to Luo’s body.

The skinny arm traced a semi-curved trajectory in the air, knocking silently at Luo’s chest.

It was obviously a slow speed, but when Luo noticed, the palm was about to fall on his chest.


There was no movement under Luo’s feet, and his body flashed several dozen meters backward in vain, avoiding Lin Nie’s attack.

oh? ”

Lin Niepo murmured unexpectedly, calmly said: “Emitter.”

When the words didn’t fall, I was walking on the sand again. Luo, who was walking backwards several dozen meters, attacked the past again, no matter how fast the speed of the palm was, the explosive power when the body moved alone couldn’t be underestimated.

Luo concentrated on looking at Lin Nie’s action, and once back with [Instant], it was a simple evasion without any counterattack.

The first time, and the second time, were forced to dodge, because Lin Nie ’s Speed ​​was really slow, so Luo could not make an attack when he dodged, but if Lin Nie took the third time …

“Do you continue the onslaught, or …”

Luo tries to slow the flow of mental energy on the body as much as possible to reduce the chance of being noticed by Lin Nie.

Suddenly, Lin Nie once again stepped on the sand.

Luo left a munition on the spot with a wave of his hand, and then backed away by [Instant] 20 meters away.

Lin Nie patted the air with a palm. The ammunition left by Luo was the same size as a basketball. It floated to the ground and exploded in vain. It turned into several blades with the power of the hand of God toward the front. Lin Nie shot.

Such a short distance is very difficult to prevent, but saw Lin Nie dancing his arms, wiping his palms towards the Nianli blade that came over.

I didn’t know what to do. The blade formed by the mind hit Lin Nie’s palm, and it melted like Haruyuki, and soon disappeared.

“what happend?”

While Luo was puzzled, he suddenly squatted down, pressing his right hand on the sand.

For the restriction that cannot directly cause damage, in exchange for the incomparable sharpness of the hand of God, usually only the hard body that gathers the whole body’s qi at a point can be defensive, or it must be directly avoided, but here at Lin Nie, actually It was easily eliminated.

In this way, the tactical value contained in the hand of God will be weakened to a minimum.

“Is Lin Nie’s idea?”

Suppressing the doubts at the bottom of his heart, Luo raised his right hand, pulled out a pile of sand, and then held the other end with his left hand. When he stood up, as if the magician was shuffling, double-handed pulled toward the side, the long sand Bars cross between double-handed.

No matter what environment you fight in, make use of everything you can.

Nianli is attached to the sand pillars, pushed out of thin air, and turned into countless formidable power diamond-shaped sand labels, heading towards Lin Nie.

There are a large number of diamond-shaped sand labels with a wide coverage, so formidable power is too weak to resist with [strong], but whether it is dodging or hard resistance, it can create a subsequent attack opportunity for Luo.

Lin Nie didn’t choose to evade. It should be seen that the sand mark’s formidable power is not strong, but it is to resist it. When she saw her body’s thoughts, she broke up.

At this moment, the thought of Luo body erupted, and it moved to 2 meters in front of Lin Nie in an instant, but there was no immediate attack, but a foot on the sand, a loud noise, and a dusty mist. Quickly spread, covering the eyes of both sides.

While shaking a lot of sand and fog, Luo immediately used [Hidden] to eliminate the breath of the body. With the help of memory, he walked around to where Lin Nie was located, raised his hand and chopped it forward.


The palm blade fell to the ground, and the strong wind generated during the collision shook the diffused sand mist to the four sides, exposing the bodies of Luo and Lin Nie.

That palm was blocked by Lin Nie’s left arm, and I also did not know how to eliminate the sharpness of the hand of God, or the thought of attaching the split second to the object.

After the sand mist subsided, Luo and Lin Nie moved at the same time.

Lin Nie waved his right hand, and printed a palm on Luo’s chest.

Luo did not resist this palm, but calmly and forcefully pushed Lin Nie’s left arm downwards, intent on destructing Lin Nie’s body balance. At the same time, the flame crest on the back of his hand was slightly brightened, and Allah appeared out of thin air.

The right hand turned the palm into a knife. The palm of the hand held inward, just holding the handle of Allah, and the pressed Strength not at all stopped, just like sawing a wood. Push down and pull back at the same time. Allah ’s The blade suddenly split into Lin Nie’s head.

Allah appears too suddenly, especially the short stagnation of the two when they move against each other, which is really difficult to prevent.

Lin Nie’s combat experience is rich. Even if people are old, thinking about explosive power is not weak, split second will identify the situation, and understand that if they do not accept the move, they will be stabbed by the general, which is a decisive pull, and at the same time they released the Luo right hand. Force, avoid to the right.

The blade fell to the ground and fell to the ground without shaking the sand, but quietly splitting a groove on the sand with a length of several meters.

This knife fell through, but saw Luo make an unexpected movement of Lin Nie. He actually let go of the knife handle, then bent his arm, and knocked his elbow to Lin Nie who was forced to avoid by the knife just now.

“Good boy.”

As soon as Lin Nie’s eyes were frozen, he had no time to defend, and he could only judge the fall point of his elbow, and then used the skilled [flow] to mobilize his mind to gather on the fall point.


This elbow struck Lin Nie’s abdomen, and the Strength with no difficulty created knocked her short body out.

After knocking on Fei Lin Nie, Luo quickly retracted his hands and fished down, holding Allah who was about to fall on the sand, then stepped out in the direction of Lin Nie flying out, but suddenly stopped.

This is not a battle against the enemy after all.

He closed it in time, but Lin Nie was unhappy.

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