Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 375

The death of Ze Wrath Master was assassinated for a long time after the assassination. Since the money of Ze Wrath Master body was missing, the nature of the case was determined as robbery and murder.

This incident was handled by Third Prince, and he acted responsibly. In order to dissipate Shadow Transformation, he did not pay attention to evidence at all. In 2 days, 5 killers were topped, his tongue was cut off, and finally he was executed in front of the people. case.

The five murderers were actually associates of Ze Wrath Master. One of them was the person who photographed the pot of strong desire, and the five people who black cat took away the antiquities.

Third Prince made a thorough investigation and took clues directly through these five people. As a result, he unexpectedly learned from these five people that Wrath Master was acting in recent years.

It may be that continuing to investigate is simply a waste of energy time, and Third Prince took the top five bags.

He closed the case fast enough, and the methods were extremely rude, but he could not change the fact that Ze Wrath was assassinated and killed in Elba. He still had to take a big law and order hat, and he was reprimanded by the king for this. pause.

Regarding this matter, Luo actually didn’t pay any attention to it, nor did he investigate the suicide of the black cat. After all, the other party has already taken out a sharp edge, obviously it is not easy to be good.

In a blink of an eye, it was the past ten days to come to Elba.

Luo learned about Saling and the deserted area through his diary, but did not rush to ask Sage or Lin Nie, and always felt that the topic of touching the dead was very inappropriate.

Since Bhajan ate up the worm pot in Sago’s shop on the first day, he spent most of his time looking at the shop.

During the day, Sage, who freed up time, became a professional tour guide, taking Lin Nie and Luo around in the city of Elba every day, tasting local specialties, and going to sell various spices one by one. Shop.

Luo used to rely on the white smoke font to know the origin of things, but after reading all of Lin Nie’s collections, even without using the white smoke font, many things can be seen at a glance.

The reason why Lin Nie took Luo to contact with various spices was on the one hand to acquire and on the other hand to evaluate Luo, and the results were naturally satisfactory.

When returning to the shop, the fat grandma who lived nearby was standing in front of the shop and chatting with Buha. The mood was really more enthusiastic than the sun in the sky.

Because the business in Sago’s shop was so cold, Bu Hayu couldn’t get away, and he was tangled up by a fat dad and kept chatting.

Seeing that Luo finally came back, Bu Haxi was relieved, leaving aside his chubby fat sister-in-law and striding to Luo, eagerly asking, “What did you bring today?”

“Roasted lizard legs.”

Luo handed a large bag of kraft paper to the lizard’s legs, which he picked up excitedly, and then took it apart and ate it on the spot.

Sage walked to the big fat cock and said lazily, “You Old Ox, don’t want to eat tender grass.”


The fat aunt gave him a sideways look, and lifted the packed wormpot and turned away.

Sage looks at the silhouette of Fat Dao, sighing faintly in his heart, he knows that the reason why Fat Dao is entangled in Bu Ha Lai is nothing more than that of her stupid son who goes to the restricted area and never returns.

Lin Nie slowly walked into the shop and ascended the stairs to the second floor.

Luo came to the side, picked up a rosy Sasori child, stuffed it into his mouth, and said, “Go in, I’ll see the shop.”

Sage was nodded, rushed into the store quickly, and wanted to go to Lin Nie, and Bu Hayu felt that it was too hot outside, and ran in with the newly opened lizard legs, leaving Luo to sit at the door of the store alone. .

Sago’s shop is located in a residential area. It is still a short distance from the lively streets, and there is very little traffic. It is also the reason for the lackluster business in his shop, but the worm pot he made is one of the very best in Elba. .

This house was bought by Sa Ling, and Sa Ge changed the first floor to a shop that sells worm pots, probably because Sa Ling likes to eat worm pots.

“The past few days, Vulture Street didn’t even have an antiquities with thoughts. It seems that the antiquities of the antiquities in the desert are not very good, after all, the risk factor is very high.” Luo squinted his cheeks and looked at the ground outside.

After tasting the sweetness on Vulture Street that day, he basically took the time to visit every day. However, except for the best harvest that day, it is difficult to see the antiquities carried in the back. The expansion has not produced new antiquities.

During the free time, in addition to going to Vulture Street, Luo also went to many bars to inquire about the deserted area. However, the locals seemed to regard this as a taboo, not only kept silent, but also warned Luo not to be curious. Sheng.

This phenomenon is different from that described in Sa Ling’s diary. It may be decades ago, and some things and attitudes have also changed.

At night, the full moon hangs high, and the city of Elba falls into a quiet atmosphere. Almost everyone enters dreamland. Only the soldiers responsible for law and order are based on their posts and patrolling the streets.

At night, two silhouettes, one tall and one short, hurried through the streets, avoiding Elba’s soldiers easily.

Those two figures are Luo and Lin Nie.

2 people came under the outer city wall, Luo opened a mouth with Mind Power, then left the city of Elba and headed towards the desert outside.

About 2 km from the city of Elba, Luo and Lin Nie stopped near a 6-meter-high stone.

Lin Nie took Luo to experience spices and specialties in person during the day, and taught Luo Mind Power in the evening, as well as her Sect skills.

Although there is no such thing as master and disciple, Lin Nie has fully implemented his responsibility as a master. This is Luo’s luck.

“Netero’s” fat “is the ultimate static rotation. Before initiating the mind, his mind was as calm as standing water, and after the initiation, it was lightning fast and it was invincible.”

Lin Nie stood on the sand, raised her hand, her mind was like a sleeping tiger, and wrapped around her arm motionlessly. As the last byte fell, she suddenly made a punch, sound of the wind suddenly Snoring!

The speed of that punch was quite fast, and the calming mental force also spewed out, which is a very high synchronization rate with the fist.

“Can you do it too?”

Luo looks at Lin Nie’s presentation, asked.

“Can you see the punch I just made?” Lin Nie asked.

“Yes.” Luo nodded.

“Netero’s boxing speed is several times faster than me. Not just.” Lin Nie said indifferently.

The implication is that she can’t do as much as Netero, and she also doesn’t say anything at all, that is, the speed of fist is one thing, and the flow of mental power to keep up with the speed is the most difficult.

Luo knew about Netero’s strengths, but he could only pretend not to know.

Lin Nie raised 3 hands and continued: “The realm of the Netero type can’t exceed this number in the world today, and I can’t do it, it’s not a realm that can only be achieved through hard training. Innate Skill also Extremely important. “

Pause, she stared at Luo, who was listening carefully, “but I think you can reach it later.”

Realm is not all about strength, it is the product of the long years of precipitation, but nothing is absolute, this World will always have geniuses that are difficult to describe, such as gold …

Hearing Lin Nie’s words, Luo stunned, didn’t expect Lin Nie’s evaluation of him so high.

Lin Nie waited for how Luo responded. He suddenly raised his hand and pressed it on the stone, but there was no obvious fluctuation in mental strength. However, a deep pit was trapped in vain on the stone, which was twice the area of ​​Lin Nie’s palm.

“Netero is fast, but I am slow. Which one do you choose?”

“Can I choose both?”

Luo looks at the deep pit caused by formidable power concentration.

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