Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 367

Along the way, the only greenness I can see is the cactus that dances and runs. Now that I’m in the oasis of Elba, I can finally see a tree pointing directly into the sky.

I thought that the living environment of the Kendia Desert is so cruel, the country’s population and economy should be very backward, but here, you can see the lively market of people coming, people going.

The architecture of Elba Oasis uses yellow as the main color. Each building has thick mud walls, rough and uneven appearance, and small and small windows. It is a building that sacrifices beauty and practicality.

This kind of building can reduce the introduction of solar heat during the day, and can prevent the heat from being lost quickly at night. It is most suitable for being built in the desert.

The yellow building on the periphery of the oasis is relatively scattered and gradually gathers inward. The more the building is taller and denser, the more central it is. In the center of the entire oasis, a palace stands, like a crane standing among chickens. .

There is a place in the Elba Oasis to foster armored cows for travelers and businessmen, but there is a certain fee for everyday all.

Luo kept the Katou cattle at the merchant’s house, paid a considerable deposit, and walked into the lively market with Lin Nie.

“Where to go next?” Luo looked at the past crowd, asking.

Lin Nie said, “Go and see an old friend.”

Luo nodded, no more questions.

The more you go inside, the narrower the streets between the buildings and more and more people. Near Street 2, there are almost all shops selling various items. Each shop will have a curtain on it to block the hot sun.

“Come and see, the red monkey buttocks are juicy and fleshy, and the summer heat is elected!”

“The dried wok pan is freshly baked. Sasori seeds, sand worms, ants, and sesame snakes are mixed and sold. One, two, only 2, only 998!”

“To heat and detoxify the rock turtle eggs, one only needs 10000 Jenny!”

Boss’s whine always echoes in their ears, weaving a prosperous street scene.

There are people stopping outside each shop. Some of these people are local residents, some are outsiders, and most of these outsiders are adventurers who come to rush for gold and businessmen who come to trade. Pure travelers such as Luo account for the most. few.

There are also various special foods and snacks sold in the desert, which are a little too unique, and many are snacks made with Insect.

Whenever passing through a snack stall, you can always smell the seductive aroma, which is the scent rendered by the local spices, which evokes the maggots of Bu Hayu, making him constantly moved towards the food probes on the shops or stalls.

The entire group walked through several streets, and finally stopped in front of a shop in Menco Luoque. The old man who was nearly 60-70 was watching the shop, and the body’s mentality covered the body surface smoothly.

The goods sold in the store are simply snacks made by things such as Sasori.

Sasori sons that are red in the dark, fatty sandworms, colored beetles with Madara maggots, 2-finger snakes …

These local specialties are basically sold similarly, and it ’s not too bad to think about how to do it, but the snacks sold in the old man store are different from those outside, which is the aroma.

The aroma of snacks from other homes is strong and heavy, and the aroma of snacks from old man’s is relatively weak, but the sales are better than a few points.

The old man was sitting on a low stool near the door, holding a leaf fan in his hand, his head bowed, as if he was snoring, and he was not afraid that the snacks on the stall would be taken away.

Lin Nie went to the old man, picked up the crutches he carried, and knocked on the ground. The muffled sound made the old man’s body shake slightly.

“Which damn cow is disturbing your grandpa’s dreams, isn’t he right?”

The old man woke up quietly, before he could see the person, he yelled.

Luo and Bu Hayi looked silent, and with this attitude, it is no wonder that this shop has no customers.

Lin Nie listened to the scolding of the old man, and still expressed expressionless on his face.

The old man then looked up and saw Lin Nie in front of him. Rin’s old face suddenly became dumbfounded.

“you are…”

The old man seemed to see something incredible, and his eyes widened Boss.

“It’s me.” Lin Nie calmly said.

The old man seemed to instantly confirm a certain fact, opened his mouth, his face looked as if he had overturned the 5 flavor bottle, 100 flavors, and thought of the swear words that came out just now, and it was as uncomfortable as eating a stool.

“Sister Nie, I, just now, that was an accident, absolutely an accident!”

Somehow the old man smiled embarrassingly and wept inexplicably, and finally showed a happy smile. The expression of the change between the rest of his life seemed to have changed in 50 years.

“Where is Saling?” Looks at old man Like a lost child, Lin Nie muddy’s old eyes appeared with nostalgia.


The old man drooped his eyelids and said in an unforgettable tone: “It’s gone.”

“Really …” Lin Nie whispered, “She eventually went to ‘there’.”

“Well, I can’t stop it, I really can’t stop it.” The old man stretched out his double-handed caressing his forehead, and the tears from his dry old eyes, I wonder if I am happy with Lin Nie’s arrival, or sad at the name Salin’s person.

Lin Nie was silent for a moment, and went directly to the topic of teleportation, saying, “I’ll take 2 juniors and stay here for a while. Is there enough room in your house?”

“Enough, sure enough!” The old man jumped from the low stool, and then eagerly asked, “Sister Nie, how long will you stay here?”

Lin Nie glanced back at Luo and Bu Hadai, differently said: “It’s been a long time.”

As soon as the words came down, she was noisy and walked into the shop.

old man 愣愣 looks at Lin Nie walked into the store with ease, and his mood was extremely complicated. He hadn’t seen it for decades. He could recognize Lin Nie at a glance, and Lin Nie could recognize him at a glance. But 2 people really have Great changes.

“Uncle, let’s go in too,” Luo said, looking at the store.

“What uncle? Call me so old? Call Sage!” The old man wiped his eyes at Kakuzu’s tears, and glared, let alone say, quite powerful.

Luo twitched Kakuzu and said again, “Sage, can we go in?”

“Come with me.” Sago’s satisfied nodded, then walked into the shop.

“Sage, can I eat these?” But Bhajan stayed there, pointing to the various roads on the stall.

Sage glanced back and said, “Sage is happy today, and you can eat whatever you want, so you are here to help me look at the booth.”

“Okay!” Buha snapped nodded.

Luo’s heart fluttered and said, “Isn’t this good?”

“My game, my turf, my rules.”

After Sage said, he walked inside without looking back. He had to clean the room for Lin Nie. As for Luo’s room, he would not wait.

Luo watched Sage walk up the stairs and looked back towards Baha 剌, saying, “Be careful.”

After speaking, follow Sage along the stairs.

Bu Ha 剌 at first just wanted to taste the taste. He just caught a red Sasori child in the dark and threw it into his mouth. This food couldn’t stop.

Sago’s house occupies a small area, but there are 3 floors, with shops underneath, and rooms on the 2nd and 3rd floors. He cleans the room for Lin Nie, while letting Luo go to the 3rd floor to clean his room.

Luo didn’t know the relationship between Sage and Lin Nie, but from Sage’s performance, Lin Nie should be a very important person for him.

To clean the room by himself, Luo would not complain. When he walked into the room full of debris on the third floor, the white smoke font suddenly responded.


Luo suddenly looked towards the debris piled on the stone bed. Is there a treasure in it?

Paused, he didn’t hesitate, and began to carry the debris piled up on the bed.

After half an hour, a rough female voice came from outside the house.

“Sa Laoer, you have a thief in your shop!”

Sage heard his voice and pleaded guilty to Lin Nie, so deng deng ran to the ground floor and saw that the snacks on the stall were completely empty, and he was dumbfounded.

Bu Ha 剌 sat on the ground with a satisfied face, while outside the shop stood a big ton with a ton to compete with Bu Ha 剌.

Sago looked suddenly towards Bhajan sitting on the ground and asked, “Don’t I let you look at?”

“I’m watching.” Bu Ha’s face looked puzzled.

Sago pointed to the empty booth and asked, “What about these? Sold out?”

Buha shook the head and said, “I’m done.”

“You’re all gone !?” Sago yelled.

On the third floor, Luo poked his head out of the small window and shouted at Bu Hayu: “Let you stay at ease, you really eaten up!”

He heard the sound, lifts the head looks at, grieved: “But Sago let me eat whatever I want.”

“…” Sago.


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