Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 366

Was it a waste of time …

After hearing Luo’s words, Kurapika didn’t speak, took a step forward with her right foot, pressed hard to the ground, double-handed clenched Wooden Sword, and put on an attackable and defensive gesture style.

After he found Luo, he carefully observed the surrounding environment, an open space, surrounded by the sea on three sides, facing the woods.

Whether to choose to overcome danger or to detour.

Kurapika chose the former, which was to challenge Luo directly and get 30% of the number plates from Luo.

Seeing Kurapika posing without a word, Luo was still sitting on the floor, not even moving.

The afterglow at sunset falls on the body of two people, and in the distance between them, there is a narrow shadow covering the ground, which runs across it from the middle, which is the elongated silhouette.

After a long time, Kurapika saw Luo still sitting on the floor, frowning slightly, said solemnly: “Stand up.”

Luo just glanced at him, silent.

Kurapika’s hand holding the knife was involuntarily exerted, and after taking a deep breath, she moved forward 2 more steps.

No matter what, he must pass the test, and then get a hunter license to do what must be done.

Already reminded you!

Kurapika stepped on his feet and rushed towards Luo.

Suddenly, the air seemed to be an insurmountable resistance, running across Kurapika’s body.

“Is this how it feels to make Leorio them disable to move even a little bit …!”

Kurapika stopped like a sharp express, and suddenly saw a ferocious shadow of Luo’s behind, roaring there.

I experienced it myself, and realized that it wasn’t because Leorio was too weak, but that the momentum from Luo was too unreasonable.

Rushan’s pressure rushed relentlessly, almost making Kurapika unable to support and kneeling on the ground.

However, he clenched his teeth, but he couldn’t even take a step, let alone offense.

“Do you understand? Now you can’t connect even near me.” Luo raised his hand, pointing to Greta lying on the ground, and said blandly: “This person is my target, and I was fainted. I can’t wake up in 7 days. “

“Do you know what this means?”

There was a lot of sweat on Kurapika’s face, and he couldn’t say a word.

“He’s out of the game completely, and you made a reckless choice.”

Luo put down his hands and looked at Kurapika with a pale face, calmly said: “The consequence may be the end of your hunter test, or it may be the end of your life here.”

Kurapika’s complexion changed, her body was driven hard, her teeth even bite blood, however, her body seemed to be unresponsive and made him realize the gap in despair.

Seeing Kurapika’s struggles fruitless, Luo continued: “Honestly, I didn’t expect you to be so irrational, so you, what are you going to do to get revenge on Phantom Troupe?”

There was only a ray of sunset light. Most of Heaven and Earth were dark, but there was still afterglow on the coast where the light was dim, as if it would disappear completely in the next second.

“Phantom Troupe …”

Hearing Luo’s words, Kurapika reacted violently.

His eyes stretched to the fullest, and the scarlet glow was like a flaming flame, and the split second filled his pupils.

Seeing these eyes up close, Luo really realized why there are so many people who spend a lot of money to seek red-eyed eyes, which is indeed the most beautiful collection for human collectors with special habit.

I don’t know if it is due to nightfall, it can be clearly seen that the scarlet light in Kurapika’s eyes looks like countless small bubbles in soft drinks, and in the middle of the pupils, waves slowly diffuse.

It’s a pure luminous body and has nothing to do with modern lamps.

Therefore, under the embellishment of the night, it is so natural and beautiful.

Luo understood the reason why some people sought red-eye in a short time, but thought of the red-eye that was placed in the liquid container, he was really disgusted.

Compared to the dead, this kind of eye is obviously the most beautiful posture only when the living body is.

Kurapika didn’t know what Luo was thinking at the moment. He stared at Luo, coldly said: “I don’t want to know who you are now, but what I want to know is that after breaking your teeth, little by little will let you speak out.”

Luo still sat on the floor, unresponsive to Kurapika’s harsh words.

Although flaming eyes can enhance the user’s ability in a short period of time, there are obvious disadvantages. Without special training, they will be like Kurapika’s current state, completely lose their reason, and be dominated by anger.

However, just referring to the words “Phantom Troupe” and “Revenge” is enough to make Kurapika dazzle, actually unexpectedly Luo’s surprise.

After all, Kurapika is still in a state of ignorance. When he comes into contact with Mind Power, he will definitely make great progress within six months, whether it is strength or temperament.

Well now …

Kurapika, as an ordinary person, forcibly broke away from the aura of deterrence emitted by Luo, and then waved Wooden Sword to cut to Luo sitting on the ground.

That Wooden Sword cut through the air, with a strong force, straight into Luo’s face.

However, when Wooden Sword hadn’t touched Luo’s body yet, it seemed to be chopped on a transparent iron plate, and suddenly broke into several pieces, and Kurapika was struck by the recoil force several steps away.

He was not injured and immediately got up after landing. Even if he couldn’t understand the scene in front of him, even if the weapon in his hand was broken, there was still no sign of shrinking, like a cheetah waiting for opportunity.

“Not only is spiritual not affected by the aura, even the movements have not begun to be affected.” Seeing Kurapika’s neat movements, Luo couldn’t help sighing for the specialness of the red eyes.

Thinking of this, Luo finally got up slowly.

When Kurapika saw this, his body was tightened to the extreme. Then, he found that he couldn’t move, and felt like he was covered with sea water.

He wanted to struggle, but not just in vain, also one after another. The obvious pressure on the body squeezed the double-handed and legs together to form a standing position like a twine.

That’s the effect of Luo’s open field.

Luo came to Kurapika, held out his right hand, palm facing the ground, sucked up a basin-sized stone, and then, under Kurapika’s gaze, rolled the stone floating into the air into a powder.

Seeing this up close, Kurapika was startled.

“I know everything you want to know the most.”

Luo let go of the realm, and then turned to walk towards the shore.

The stress that bound her body disappeared out of thin air, but Kurapika did not dare to attack Luo again.

Luo returned to his original position and sat on the floor again, looking at the scary Kurapika, calmly said: “If you want to get the information of Phantom Troupe from me, then find a way to get a license.”

“After that, I will give you a month.”

“If you can find me within the time limit, then I will tell you all information about Phantom Troupe without reservation.”

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