Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 362

The blizzard was rarely seen for 100 years, and lasted for 4 5 days.

In this kind of environment, Rao is a black cat with strong foraging ability and can’t find suitable prey in a short time. It only digs a pile of poisonous berries buried in the snow.

Rin In the winter season, only poisonous berries can survive. Other edible berries have long been cleaned by animals.

Anyway, with Luo’s Mind Power, detoxification is a trivial matter, and it can also remove the moisture on dry wood.

The black cat dropped the dried firewood and berries, then retracted into the fire emblem, he was not interested in these berries.

Luo used the hand of God to remove the moisture from the dried wood and put it in a simple stove built of a few stones. It didn’t take much time to start a fire.

The soft fire light filled the small cave all at once, which made Luo see clearly the appearance of a woman on a haystack, younger than expected, and a young girl estimated to be under 18 years old.

The girl’s body is wearing a yellow autumn dress with long golden shawl hair, a black ear hoop on her head, and a pink love pattern on each ear.

The girl’s bangs are frowning, her eyes are closed, she can’t see any pupil color, and her nose and mouth are very small, giving a weak sense of sight.

Luo picked up a plum-sized deep Purple berry, peeled the toxins out of it, crushed it a little, and put it on the girl’s lips, Kakuzu.

The girl’s consciousness is in a semi-fuzzy state. When she feels that the lips are moistened, she opens her mouth subconsciously.

Seeing this, Luo crushed the berries into a juice residue in an instant, avoiding the step of chewing, and then stuffed them into the girl’s mouth, Paulie.

With the first successful feeding, Luo went on to feed the second, the third …

The girl was hungry and thirsty. At this moment, she was like a traveler walking in the desert for many days, greedily absorbing the hard-won Water of Life.

The black cat brought back fifty-sixty berries. Luo stopped feeding after half feeding, and the girl seemed satisfied, and her eyes closed with a happy smile.

After feeding the girl, Luo went to the fire and sat down, picking up a berry and stuffing it into Paulie.

“It tastes pretty good.”

This poisonous berry has an unexpectedly good taste, with a little less juice.

Luo stunned dozens of them all at once, and there were only a dozen of them at eyes. At that time, he was not stunned. He picked up a stick and bored the fire.

The spark sounded oh la la, and it occasionally bounced off, scoring a ray of light in Luo black’s eyes.

The cave gradually warmed up, the snow and snow outside the cave were still roaring, and time passed by.

Luo tilted her head towards the woman lying on the haystack and constantly making nightmare sounds, thinking to you that you have enough energy to dream?

There are very few people in the area nearby. Luo has only seen Uncle’s mountain village with a small population. I don’t know where this woman’s courage came from, so she would dare to come to this kind of old mountain forest alone.

If it’s Mind Power, Luo doesn’t think there is anything, but this woman is undoubtedly an ordinary person, and her physical fitness is not outstanding, which is weaker than Sha Xia encountered in the jungle of Yamalo.

Should we say courage is commendable or stupid …

2 hours passed quietly, the young girl woke up quietly, suddenly straightened her upper body, her eyes fluttered looks at the front, like a female high school student awakened by an alarm clock in the early morning.

She blinked stupidly, then tilted her head slightly, and frowned slightly, as if trying to connect the fragments before and after waking up.

“Woke up?”

Luo tilted her head toward towards the girl sitting on the haystack.

Ahh! 鈥?/p>

When Leng Buding heard Luo’s words, the girl was shocked after she knew it, and suddenly looked towards Luo, with a shocked expression on her face, and she wanted to say something, but she couldn’t say it.

The girl’s sluggish performance made Luo couldn’t help sighing in her heart, explaining, “I came to this cave 3 hours ago, and saw you fainted with hunger and the heavy snowstorm outside, so I left it alone. . “

When she heard Luo’s words, the girl’s face turned red slightly, her belly was caressed, and she said to herself in a mosquito-like voice: “I thought it was a dream.”

“What?” Luo asked.

“No, nothing!”

The girl stretched out double-handed and asked, “Did you feed me food?”

She dreamed that someone was feeding her with delicious food, but it was not a dream.

“Well.” Luo nodded, said, “My name is Luo, how about you?”

The girl whispered, “My name is Sheila. Thank you for your help.”

“How come you went to such a deep forest alone?” Luo fiddled with firewood and asked curiously.

Sheila Kaidou: “Experience!”

“Experienced?” Luo wondered looks at Sheila.

“Well, I’m going to be a professional hunter, and for that I’m training everywhere!” Sheila said.

Luo stopped talking. He didn’t think that Sheila was going through training. Instead, she seemed to be dying. After all, if she wanted to come out to go through the training, she had to train her body.

Because it was strangers coming together by chance, Luo reminded him a few words, and was afraid to make Sheila unhappy, and she was silent.

“How about you, why are you here?” Sheila hugged her knees, looking at Luo against the firelight.

Luo casually Kaidou: “come to participate in this year’s hunter test, but was eliminated, and is preparing to go home.”

Sheila stunned and quickly comforted: “You will definitely pass the test next year.”

Luo slightly smiled, saying, “I borrow your good words.”

Even if we participate next year, it will not be approved.

This sentence will only be in my heart, and will not be said.

“This blizzard has been going on for many days, and most of them will not stop in a short time.” Luo looked towards the snowstorm outside the cave.


Sheila suddenly nodded, and said in shock: “The snowstorm came very suddenly and there were no signs. If I didn’t find this cave, the consequences would be disastrous.”

As Sheila said, this snowstorm came very suddenly, so even the villager uncle who experienced Old Daoist was not careful and did not know how wide the blizzard was. If ordinary people did not prepare in advance, they would be easily caught. The blizzard claimed the life.

Sheila had good luck. She could find a cave sheltering from snow and wind and met Luo.

“I’ll stay here for one night, and leave tomorrow morning.” Luo suddenly said, he had planned to spend only one night in the cave, not to mention that there is always an opposite sex, and there will always be many inconveniences.

“Ah? But what if the snowstorm doesn’t stop tomorrow morning?” Sheila asked.

Luo said with a slight smile: “This snowstorm can’t stop me.”

Sheila blinked, a slight smile on her looks at Luo’s face, and felt Luo’s unquestionable confidence.

After that, the two talked about the sky without any salt.

Luo felt that Sheila wanted to be a professional hunter in the future, so she took the test.

Sheila was very fascinated and talked about the fun things she experienced everywhere, such as getting lost, such as falling ten times a day …

After listening to Sheila 鈥檚 experience, I really wonder if she is a little confused and she is not lucky enough to be worth the full mark. In the case of someone else, she has died 1 times earlier!

He shook his head slightly, picked up a poisonous berry, and threw it to Sheila sitting on the haystack.

“Thank you.” Sheila caught the berry and didn’t see it. She took a bite, chewed it a few times, and her eyes flashed, saying, “It’s delicious!”

“Do you know this berry?” Luo asked at the sight.

Sheila shook her head and said honestly: “I don’t know.” Then she said that she took a bite again, completely unaware that she was picking a poisonous berry.

Luo heard a bitter smile and felt it necessary to explain this berry to Sheila.

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