Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 361

Let Netero make a special phone call, presumably because of the second test, you can avoid it.

Luo put away her phone and cast an apologetic smile on the father and daughter of the villagers, and then continued to attack the food on the table.

Oyama Village always has unforgettable cuisines, such as bacon on the table, a unique way of making, a slice of bacon’s fat clear and near-transparent, glowing red light.

“Luo, the snowstorm outside will not stop in a short time, let’s stay a few more days before leaving!” The uncle, who was almost middle-aged, advised.

“No, it has been interrupted for many days,” Luo urged.

“How come, if it weren’t for you, I would have been a frozen corpse in the mountains.” The uncle looked slightly excited.

Luo didn’t know what to answer, so he could only bury his head to eat, but there was no food in the bowl.

“Give me the bowl.”

Seeing this, the uncle’s daughter extended the hand towards Luo.

“Thank you.” Luo handed the empty bowl to the uncle’s daughter, and accidentally bumped into the hand of the uncle’s daughter, only to see the other person’s handsome face turned red, and quickly took it back when he got the bowl.

Looks at this scene, Luo thought that after eating this meal, he hurried away.

He left from the test point of Level 2 and came to a mountain forest. He didn’t want the snowstorm to come suddenly, and when he saw the uncle who twisted his feet to catch Suzuka on the mountain road, he rescued it and returned it to the mountain village. Home.

This blizzard came suddenly and violently, and it continued for many days. Not just, plus the uncle’s warm invitation, Luo stayed at the uncle’s house for a few days, and wanted to wait for the blizzard to stop a bit. As a result, the blizzard passed only one or two days later. The signs are getting stronger and stronger.

The sudden snowstorm even destroyed many houses in the mountain village, and the strong man in the whole village braved the snow to rescue the affected villagers. Luo was not idle. With his help, people were quickly rescued and helped the villagers. They shoveled the snow off the roof.

Rescue snow, Luo did not use Mind Power, after all, people in the mountain village did not know to read this kind of thing, rashly used it, I was afraid they would scare them.

It was also from that day onwards that the uncle’s attitude was clearly sublimated and he started to sell his daughter with very clear intentions.

Luo saw that the situation was far from good, and I was planning to leave today after dinner.

To be honest, the uncle’s daughter is very delicate and pretty. Although there are some pockmarks on the cheeks, the body has a simple temperament, which is a very suitable object for his wife. Unfortunately, the uncle encountered Luo.

After eating, Luo went towards the white front with uncle’s regretful gaze.

When he left, Luo could feel a sad look, and he felt helpless. He didn’t try to provoke his sister, but why did she like him.

The sky was filled with heavy clouds, and a strong cold wind screamed, fiercely slapping Bai’s body with Bai Xue.

Wherever you look, you can’t see things clearly, only the snow and wind that keeps passing from your eyes, weaving a white world.

This is enough to drown the ordinary person’s blizzard in ten minutes, but it has no effect on Luo.

“Tsk tsk, I found out that your kid’s fate is really good, and casually taking a meal makes her daughter fascinated.” The black cat came out of the back of Luo’s hand and crouched on Luo’s shoulder.

Luo stood on the top of a high slope, barely seeing the sloping downhill in front. If he didn’t pay attention when walking, as long as he fell down, he might not be able to roll down, it became a snowball.

He glanced at the black cat and said, “Become a snowboarder.”

“Get out!” The black cat’s hair flew up, and just came out to tease Luo, but in less than 2 seconds, he was surprised by Luo’s words and fled back to the fire emblem.

If it is life-threatening, the black cat will turn into a snowboard to facilitate Luo even if he does not want to, but he is not willing to turn into a snowboard for Luo to play.

Seeing that the black cat disagrees, Luo can only express his regret. If the black cat is not willful, he also thinks that the black cat may become a variety of high-impact transportation like Zoldyck ’s Tsubone. Think about it interesting.

Although the black cat did not turn into a skateboard, Luo still had a solution. He used God’s hand to transform a snow-covered tree into a light sled, and then slid down the slope on the sled to become a beautiful landscape in a snowstorm.

Mind Power is a weapon for mankind to fight against nature.

Luo was able to help, not afraid of blizzards, and hurried to play snow instead. Even on flat snow, you can still use nanny as fuel for propulsion, making the sleigh glide on the flat snow.

Until nightfall, Blizzard Power remained.

Luo happened to see a cave that had been dug out by hand, so he planned to rest for a night before walking.

The cave had obvious artificial traces and was cut on a 3-meter-high stone wall.

Luo jumped easily, jumped up, and walked into the cave, but unexpectedly found a person lying inside. Because of the weak light, he couldn’t see whether he was male or female, how old he was, but also a weak breath, indicating that he was a living person. .

“Hello there.”

Luo stood at the entrance. After all, he was a latecomer. He greeted him first.

However, the man lying on the haystack did not respond.

Seeing this, Luo greeted him again, but the other party still didn’t respond. If he could not hear the breathing, he would have thought that he was dead.

Realizing that the person in the cave might be in a coma, Luo thought of living here tonight, so he called out the black cat and said, “Go find some firewood and food.”

The black cat refused this time at not all, but as usual, don’t forget his conditions.

Compared to the conditions for killing, the conditions for eating are more acceptable, and Luo generally will not refuse.

As a result, the black cat flew into the blizzard and disappeared.

Luo stayed in the cave for a while, slowly adapted to the darkness, barely able to see the simple layout in the cave.

The cave is neither deep nor large. There is a simple cooktop made of a pile of hay and a few stones. It should be a person who has been working nearby for many years to transform the existing cave as a temporary rest site.

And looking towards the haystack is no longer a vague silhouette.


The man lying on the haystack leaned back to Luo, his clothes were not very clear, but his figure was very slender, and he seemed to be wearing an ear headband.

Luo lightened his pace and walked to the edge of the haystack. Instead of rushing to touch the woman, he shouted several times.

“Hungry … I’m hungry …”

The woman seemed to be awake, turned over, and whispered weakly and without strength. If it wasn’t for Luo’s good hearing, she might not understand.

“There will be food in a while, hold on.”

Luo glanced at the woman’s appearance, the light was still too dim, and it was not very clear, but the headband worn on his head was like Mickey Mouse’s ear.

After half an hour, the black cat brought the firewood and food back to the cave, knowing that the person staying in the cave was a woman, and immediately stared at Luo with weird eyes.

“Your boy’s femininity …”

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