Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 359

Each year, the Hunter test questions are produced by the examiner himself. As long as the examination rules are not violated, even if the examination questions are difficult as heavenly assaults lead to the annihilation of the candidates, the examination committee will obey the examiner’s judgment.

Adini’s test questions can be said to be very simple, except for this test question, from the very beginning, it is destined to eliminate half of the candidates, because only 300 people are prepared for the corresponding list of dishes on the dining table.

Some candidates recognize the dishes without relying on a la carte. Adini should be happy because the candidates who stood out from the explanation had the foundation to become food hunters, but this candidate actually reminded others.

This is destined to only pass the test of 300 people, which is faster than who is, but Luo has done so, the situation was originally completely different, and now they are all on the same starting line.

Adini’s gaze was undisguised, but Luo ignored it, peeling the crab meat and drizzling the mint sweet sauce, then eating a slice of Kaka Luo melon, then Yuri caviar, and then mint. Crab meat in sweet sauce, and finally Benedict eggs for dessert.

These dishes are exquisite, they are eaten in a few mouthfuls, and the taste is very good. It is indeed from the most famous local restaurant.

Luo finished eating 5 dishes in order, and then looked towards Adini, who was not judged to be eliminated, and he passed the first pass test.

“The first pass test is risk-free, and it looks like there is no way to add pages.”

Luo looked away and looked at other candidates who were looking for a la carte. These candidates were equivalent to potential book pages, allowing them to pass the first pass test, and maybe they could be turned into book pages in the second pass.

“Help them.”

After planning, Luo was ready to help the candidates pass the test. Later, he saw Tonpa standing in front of the dining table, sneaking and wondering what he was doing.

Luo walked over, patted one hand on Tonpa’s shoulder, and the latter jumped up in horror, turning around and looking at Luo, his face was unnatural.

“What about medicine?”

Luo asked in an intimate tone, his voice was very low.

“What?” Tonpa pretended not to understand.

“Take out the list.”

Luo didn’t bother to hold on and asked Tonpa to come up with the list.

Tonpa didn’t mean to disobey, and decisively took out the list.

Luo took the list, glanced at the dishes above, and asked: “Do you know these dishes?”

“I don’t know,” Tonpa answered honestly.

As soon as Luo heard it, he immediately understood that the old Tonpa churros did not even want to pass the first level test. Instead, he wanted to take medicine in the dish and drag others into the water while others were looking for some dishes.

Such a blatant move, the examiner can definitely find out, but did not stop Tonpa, and the obstacles that candidates want to create between each other are also one of the content of the test question.

“I help you.” Luo said with a smile.

Somehow, when Luo showed kindness, Tonpa felt a chill rising from his spine, and he couldn’t help shaking a little.

The buffet-style dining table is a hollow circular ring with a large space inside.

Luo easily crossed the dining table, jumped to the middle, and then picked up Tonpa’s list. Loudly said: “Do you want me to help you with your meal? No problem. The advantage of this person is that I am too kind and kind to help you, let me say here. I know all the dishes, there is no difficulty at all. “

Tonpa stood in front of the dining table, opened his mouth to look at Luo, who was standing inside, and didn’t understand what Luo wanted to do.

The a la carte book is limited in the restaurant, and there are not many candidates found first, so after Luo completed the test questions, the candidates were caught in a rush atmosphere. In order to get the a la carte book, it might cause a scuffle.

The test questions for the first pass test are elaborating a truth from beginning to end, that is: there are more porridges and fewer monks, and whoever comes faster.

Just as the scramble for a la carte was about to rise, the words of Luo deliberately raising his voice came and touched the delicate situation again.

Candidates who were paying attention to ordering the book suddenly looked towards the buffet table, and saw that Luo quickly picked up 5 dishes for Tonpa and told Tonpa the order of meals.

Tonpa is having unspeakable bitter suffering. Before Luo’s ridiculous expression, he could only cooperate with Luo and follow Luo’s prompts to finish the delicate dishes in the plate.

On the side, Adini’s forehead was shaking, and Luo, who was pinching in the dining table, was like a thorn, fiercely stabbed in his eyes, but he couldn’t pull it off.

This kid is dedicated to doing things?

Adini couldn’t hide his anger, but didn’t stop Luo’s move.

The core of the test question is to assess observation and action, and the shell that wraps the core is to steal resources, so candidates’ disputes must exist, and naturally they will not limit mutual help or cooperation.

Anger accompanied the aura and floated towards Luo.

This gas field is not intended by Adini and does not have the intention of active attack, so the effect is very weak, but it will also have a certain impact on the ordinary person.

Realizing that the leaked gas field was covering Luo, Adini was angry and angry, and still restrained the gas field in time, but that gas field still covered Luo 2 for 3 seconds.


Adini retracted the gas field, but found that Luo was not affected at all, and immediately gathered his eyes looking towards Luo, and found that Luo, like the ordinary person, was slowly passing away.

So, how is Luo, who is not Mind Power, able to resist his aura? Even if there is something superior in the will, it should be a little reactionary.

While Adini was thinking about this problem, some weak candidates had already tried to pass the list to Luo, who moved the list on the list very quickly to the second crab-eating person and informed the order of the meal.

The second candidate took the courage to follow suit, and then looked nervously towards Adini, and found that the other party did not announce that he was eliminated, and his face was full of joy.

With the first and second crab eaters, there is naturally a third. Soon, those candidates who are not confident in snatching a la carte flocked to the buffet table and waved the list.

“Oh, don’t squeeze, I come first!”

“Brother, help me!”

“Get away, I’m here first!”

For a while, the restaurant became like the market, seeing Adini face full of black lines.

“Honestly line up.”

Luo seems to be a professional food clerk. After scanning the list, he can find and serve dishes in seconds, and the efficiency is terrible.

After a good test, Luo’s mess turned into an employee cafeteria for meals.

Tonpa looked silly at busy Luo. While he couldn’t understand why Luo was doing this, his heart suffered 10000 critical hits.

Born Luo He Shengba!

Why is it so cruel to take away my interest!

Candidates who got a la carte do n’t need Luo to get their own meals, and honestly lined up candidates can also get their meals with the help of Luo. When the time reaches 90%, 300 passers are fresh. Come out.

Only 300 servings of the correct dish were prepared, so regardless of the process, only 300 candidates passed the test, which is one of the reasons why Adini did not stop Luo.

Most passers who passed the first pass test would like to express their sincere thanks to Luo.

“The qualified person will pick up the number plate, and after 5 minutes, the examiner for the second test will come to pick you up.”

Adini glared at Luo angrily, then went back into the kitchen without looking back, leaving a staff member responsible for issuing number plates.

at first Do not issue number plates, wait until the test results come out, because Adini prepared only 300 number plates from the very beginning, which shows that Adini’s one-sided code of conduct.

Adini walked through the back kitchen, returned to his exclusive office, and picked up his phone to report the process to the review board.

The head of the review committee is Netero. Every year of testing, he has to wait and see in secret, and it is naturally his object that Adini reports.

Netero laughed when he heard about the test over the phone.

Listening to Netero’s laughter, Adini said that he was completely confused. The result should be that someone was upset instead of smiling so happy?

In the restaurant, Luo controlled the passing air, covering the body surface to form a tangle. Before the air flow passed away, it was just a camouflage.

Luo stepped in front of Tonpa, smiling to extend the hand pats Tonpa’s shoulder, and said, “Tonpa, see you next year.”

He patted Tonpa’s shoulder while driving the previously drawn laxative into Tonpa’s within the body.


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