Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 358

Eat up the food on the list in ten minutes. This is the content of the first test.

“Is this too easy?”

Most of the candidates who took the seat came up with this phrase in their hearts.

The hunter test has always been accompanied by risks. This test is not only simple in content, but also has no risk to life. It is the friendliest test!

After Adini finished the content of the test, the amazingly efficient waiters had put all the dishes in order.

Santa Maria Restaurant is not a buffet restaurant. For the first test, it was temporarily transformed into a buffet-style dining table.

The food on Luo Lie’s list is basically from the menu of Santa Maria’s restaurant. There are 621 candidates in the venue. Each person has a list. The five kinds of food on Luo Lie above are 5. Kind of food.

Can a restaurant have this amount of dishes? Obviously, if the possibility of non-overlapping is ruled out, there are not many servings on the buffet-style dining table. If there are several people getting the same food list, how can we solve the lack of servings?

The question of weight alone is to wash away half of the candidates who are not just in advance. How easy is it?

Adini took out a timer and said, “The test is starting.”

Just after describing the content of the test question, the announcement was started, and the information provided was pathetic, and candidates could only rely on the list exchanged for coins.

Candidates who had been quietly listening rioted in vain, plucked up the plates on the table, and rushed away with a variety of food on the buffet towards the buffet-style dining table.

The buffet-style dining table is a hollow ring structure. All the dishes are placed on the edge of the dining table, so that most candidates come to the dining table and surround a circle.

The group of candidates around the dining table didn’t rush into the assortment of dishes because they didn’t know it!

Only the name of the dish was written on the paper, and no picture was put on them. They don’t know enough about this, how can they recognize the correct dish?

After the appearance of Adini, the narrative was very short and it was announced suddenly. The test started, just like the firing gun before the race, so that most candidates had no time to think, showing the current state of body faster than their head.

As a result, they are now pushing around the dining table, and a small number of candidates rush out of the list to look.

That list not only gave Luo Lie the name of the dish, but also gave 2 important tips. If they violate these 2 tips, they may be eliminated on the spot.

Most people act at once, and a small number of people focus their attention elsewhere, such as a la carte, and you may find pictures of dishes in the a la carte.

Luo didn’t go for the order book, he got up and went directly to the crowded buffet-style dining table. He didn’t have to look at the example pictures to find the dishes in the list. After all, a few months of books are not for nothing.

Tonpa looks at Luo, ready to pick up food, and got up, cautiously followed Luo behind, I don’t know what to plan.

It took less than ten seconds to start the test, but the candidate’s direction is already completely different.

Adini stood not far away, expressionless looks at the exam in progress.

Of the 621 candidates, only two of them did not take direct action. The rest rushed to the buffet-style dining table, but no one took the dishes.

The prompts on the list are indeed not children’s play. After the violation, they are eliminated on the spot. Because of this, candidates have concerns and are afraid to act rashly.

In other words, you have to pick the right dish. This is one of them. You need to get the right portion. This is the second. The order of the meal is right. This is the third.

“How can you make delicious food without preparing in advance?”

Adini first glanced at the candidates around the buffet-style dining table, and then looked towards a small number of candidates who were looking for a la carte.

In the previous reminder, candidates were required to come to the restaurant at 4 pm. Basically all candidates came to the restaurant in advance, while candidates who stepped on the spot were almost zero.

Whether it is a reminder or a list exchanged for coins, it reveals the information of the first test. Those candidates who came in early did not observe the environment of the restaurant and did not use the limited time to understand the list. Food.

What kind of self-confidence makes this group do nothing at all?

“This year’s candidates are at this level.”

Adini shook his head slightly before he noticed Luo and Tonpa’s actions.

After Luo came to the crowded people, he felt awkward. At this time, releasing the gas field was the most rude and simple style, but it was inevitably too arrogant.

The time limit for the exam is ten minutes, which can be described as a race against time. Now more than 20 seconds have passed. The first group of people to move around did not move around the dining table and did not take meals.

“There are actually pictures and plans on the a la carte! This time I finally know the dishes corresponding to the names!” Luo suddenly opened his throat and shouted.

Candidates around the dining table froze, and a small number of candidates who were looking for a la carte were stiffened, and while watching the side of Adini’s mouth Kakuzu twitched a few times, the slightly noisy restaurant suddenly calmed down.

The next second, many candidates around the dining table fled with a tacit understanding, and all went to find a la carte.

With a hint to dismiss the candidates around the dining table, Luo Shi Shiran walked over and took a spoonful of mint sweet sauce, a spoonful of Yuri caviar, 2 salted crab claws, and a slice of kaka Luo Melon, a Benedict egg.

The whole meal-taking process took less than ten seconds. Because Luo could recognize the dishes, the goal was clear and it didn’t take much time.

Seemingly simple, it is difficult.

For example, people who are unfamiliar with this sauce will only think of mint, and then think of the color of mint, and then guess that mint sauce is green.

In fact, mint sauce is translucent, and in the area where the sauce is placed, there are a total of six seasonings, of which 7 are green, which can be misleading.

Unless you are familiar with this condiment, you will have to rely on the a la carte that Adini placed in the restaurant in advance, which has a full explanation.

Leaving aside the mint sweet sauce, there are Gundam thirty two different types of fish eggs in the area where Yuri caviar is located, including Kaka Luo honey melon and Benedict eggs. It is equivalent to sending a sub-question.

Therefore, without relying on the a la carte prepared by Special, you can find the correct target from that many dishes, and the weight is considered in place, which is a very bright performance compared to other candidates.

It’s just … this kid can make a lot of money in silence, but he has to throw a reminder.

The crossroads where Adini’s violent forehead had not yet disappeared, staring at Luo who was the first to take a meal among many candidates.

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