Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 296

Five Demon Beasts flew back to prison to take the people from the island to the shore, while the remaining five were left to restrain Luo, a clear division of labor.

The five scale lizards that stayed on the shore walked at a low altitude, carrying a forward momentum, and rushed towards Luo’s behind.

Demon Beast’s advantage is reflected in this brief moment. The speed of the scale lizard is quite fast, and it catches up with Luo in a few minutes.


The scale lizard that came first stepped into position, the bone spurs above the wing skeleton straightly facing Luo’s back, and swept across like that.

Luo is like having eyes behind her, jumping towards the air in front of her, avoiding the wings of this lizard, sweeping slightly sideways, and in mid-air, her foot fiercely twining her mind and stepping on the lizard’s Back.

The powerful force was transmitted to the body of the scale lizard through the soles of the feet, and with a loud muffled sound, Luo stepped the scale lizard toward the ground with one foot, and the entire ground split open like a spider web towards all around at once.

At this time, the second head of the scaled lizard swept in the same way, and Luo was exhausted, and could only make a leap to escape the attack of the second head of the scaled head, followed by the third head and the fourth head …

The gap between the offenses was almost zero, and it came continuously, giving Luo no breathing space at all.

However, Luo easily escaped the continuous offensive of the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th head lizards. When facing the 5th head lizard, he kicked it in the front of the lizard’s chest. Above, kick it into the air.

It only took more than a second until the end of the process. The 3 headed lizards that passed Luo turned their heads in the air and turned back to attack the dragon again. The dragon lizard that had been stepped on by Luo immediately stood up.

Seeing that the scale lizard, who had been struggling with his feet, seemed to be harmless, Luo could not help but frown.

On that kick, he outputted 50% of his mental power instantly, but he could get up immediately. Is it that his back has a strong defense?

However, the contact of that foot should have transmitted the virus to the body of that lizard, and even if it cannot be defeated by one foot, it does not matter in a sense.

Luo thought to himself that he was welcoming three scale lizards from the front.

After close contact, he realized that the scale lizards have different defense capabilities. Although they use mental force, the disadvantage is that they do not know how to retract easily.

The mind that always outputs with the maximum Power is like the bright lights in the night. Even if you don’t need to see with your eyes, you can capture the movement of the scale lizard.

With this in mind, Luo faced the three embarrassing scale lizards. Even holding Sambica, he still easily avoided and headed towards the dense forest.

Once again, the three scale lizards turned around quickly turned around, and when the first scale lizard chased Luo, it suddenly fell from the mid-air to the ground, rolled out for a long distance, and then stood up steadily. .

It’s a Zambia virus.

Luo, holding Sambica, also needs to devote part of his energy to deal with the virus, so he cannot use his full strength to attack the scale lizard, but the virus that suppresses Luo has become a useful weapon instead. The lizard fell down.

Despite this, Luo’s defense still made Luo very concerned.

At this time, the black cat finally came over from the side.

Luo’s face stained with dark green was slightly biased, looked towards the black cat, and said coldly: “The knife.”

The black cat knew, vomited Allah from his mouth, and gave it to Luo.

“Protecting Sambica, if she lost a little hair …”

Luo hugged Sambica in one hand, held the knife in one hand, and stared at the black cat coldly, his eyes terrifying.

The black cat’s body shook slightly, and he also wanted to become stronger, so he took advantage of this rare opportunity. After so long, he finally increased his mental inventory by 5 times.

Is it easy for me …!

The black cat shouted in his heart!

However, he is also very clear that the initiative is always in the hands of Luo. Even if he secretly engages in things, he cannot do too much. Otherwise, Luo may at the same time discard Mind Power and kill him.

He originally thought that the strength of the prison was just that, even if Luo had 70% less mental power, it would not be difficult to retreat from the whole body, but the weird Demon Beast that popped up suddenly made the prison very unusual.

Right now he can’t be naughty anymore, whether it is Luo or Sambica, he has to take good care of it, just don’t know how much mental energy will be consumed in the process of implementation, it is difficult to accumulate.

“Rest assured, if something goes wrong with this chick, I will be buried with him.”

He knew that the income was almost the same, and the black cat did not dare to mess with it. He immediately made a positive statement, and not only spoke well, he printed a silver flame pattern on his forehead, which was his vow.

As said, if Sambika dies under his protection, his soul will also be buried with him, almost self-destructing.

Luo didn’t say anything, handed the closed-minded Sambica to the black cat, and then stepped forward a distance, looking at the three headed lizards coming in.

During the confrontation just now, Luo hit 2 head scale lizards, and those two attacks were not weak, although they did not hit the scale head lizard, but with the help of Zambia’s virus, the two head scale lizards have been made. Lose battle strength.

Now, there are 3 Lepidoptera left.

The 5 headed lizards flying to the island are basically designed to connect the enemy on the island to the shore. Before the opponent succeeds, the 3 headed lizards in front of them must be resolved in the fastest time, and then get out. .

Luo’s right hand arm slashed towards the side, the blade of covered in rust and other stains sags, and the tip of the blade gently touches the ground.

The bright intellect seemed to cover the virus’s dark green, slowly flowing on Luo’s body, and then undulating above Allah, so that the rusty blade was stained with dark green.

He stared at the scale lizard, expressionless.

The lizard flutters its wings without hissing, only the sound of its wings breaking.

It is also a Speed ​​flying at a low altitude, and it is also a wing sweep, but this time comes at the same time, forming a pinch trend in three directions: left, center, and right.

Luo’s eyes were slightly congealed, and his body rushed forward, passing through the gap left by the three-headed lizard pinch. When passing by wrongly, his knife moved.

Three dark green Blade Auras rushed past the body of the three scale lizards, appearing suddenly and disappearing quickly.

Silently and silently, the 3 scale lizards that crossed Luo were instantly cut into two halves in the air, and then landed heavily.

There was no blood, no hissing, and the scale lizard that was broken by a knife fell to the ground and struggled, and its life strength was still abundant.

Although these 3 knives can’t cause substantial damage to the scale lizard, they can also destroy the movement of the scale lizard. At this time, the Zambia virus is added, and it won’t take long for these 3 scale lizards to be infected by the virus Died of infection.

Luo withdrew his sword. Instead of looking at the three scaled lizards behind, he looked at the distant islands. With his eyesight, he could clearly see the Demon Beast gradually coming out of the prison. The number was about 3.

After just a few glances, Luo coldly snorted with a glance, then he retracted his eyes and turned to run towards the black cat and Sambica.

Find a place for Sambica to covertly heal your wounds, and tell Netero what you found.

2 people and a cat disappeared into the jungle.

At this point, the remaining 5 Lizards flew only halfway through the lake.

On the island, the pigeon dropped the Telescope, and the expression was quite ugly.

“Damn guy.”

He whispered.

But I have to admit that the guy is not only weak, but also terrifying.

In the state of being poisoned, the scale lizard can be dropped instantly.

The bottom line of the 100 artificial soldiers is clear, not to mention Attack Power, the defense power formed by the Demon Beast’s body plus the increase in mental strength is just a battle against the first-class Mind Power. force.

As a result, it was solved so easily.

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