Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 295

Demon Beast’s slightly swollen body was torn into the air, falling to the ground with a lot of blood.

Luo did not see how the Demon Beast dragon was killed by the ten flying species, and absolutely didn’t expect the prison side to have ten flying species Demon Beast, which could kill the Demon Beast dragon from a distant sky .

There is no apron or spaceship in the prison. Originally, as long as Luo crossed the lake and reached the other side of the shore, the Demon Beast dragon could immediately come down to pick them up, and then escape with no difficulty.

From a time perspective, the error will not be too big. When Luo came out of the water, the Demon Beast dragon almost came to the sky.

However, Demon Beast, a ten-headed flying species that appeared without warning, not only surprised Luo, but also destroyed his plan.

When I was in the jail, I didn’t see the flying Demon Beasts from beginning to end. Luo really didn’t know where these Demon Beasts came from, and what made him even more surprised was that the prison people could actually control them. that many heads Demon Beast?

You know, Demon Beast has a human-like intelligent. It is not a race that is easy to train successfully. Great clans such as Zoldyck have a lot of time and energy to train a Demon Beast dragon dedicated to transportation. Do it.

In addition, the ten flying Demon Beasts are obviously unusual, because the Demon Beast’s body is actually a human skull. Not only that, the ten Demon Beast bodies are entangled with thoughts?

Split second, Luo thought of Chimera Ants, but there are obvious differences between the two.

This flying species Demon Beast with a human skull looks nondescript, while the Chimera Ants fused human genes are relatively natural.

Unable to think too much for a short time, Luo rushed into the jungle holding Sambica.

When finding Sambica, Luo was full of thoughts to take Sambica back for treatment at the fastest speed, but Demon Beast died, and now he can only find a place to hide first, and then deal with Sambica first. Injury.

Ten flying Demon Beasts flew at high altitudes. After killing the Demon Beast dragons in a siege style, they just noticed Luo coming out of the lake. They immediately identified the target and dived in. The Speed ​​was quite fast. It is a lot faster than the speed of Demon Beast Dragon.

The rushing figure seemed to be able to clearly see the air flow around him.

Carrying intent mental swings, approaching quickly from high up.

Feeling that kind of thought, Luo expression grave, although the ten weird Demon Beasts are not weak, he is not afraid at all, but he has more Sambica on his hand and can’t let go to deal with it.

In such a place, if no one was protecting it, even if Zambia’s virus exclusion zone could still maintain a one-meter range, Luo would not dare to let her go anywhere.

After all, there are many kinds of creatures on the island, and there will always be sudden reckless attacks without knowing the danger. Only when the black cat comes over to protect it can Luo let go of these flying species Demon Beast.

Shua shua !

Ten Demon Beasts descended from the sky and rushed to Luo’s back.

Luo didn’t have to look back to determine the position based on the fluctuations in the flying Demon Beast ’s mental power. The mental power erupted at his feet and suddenly crossed several dozen meters.

Bang bang!

Luo’s sudden explosion speeded up, causing the flying Demon Beast’s dive attack to fail. His bodies, like javelins, plunged straight into the ground, making a loud noise, and the entire ground even shook.

“Good Strength! Why can Demon Beast also use mental power? Is it artificial?”

Luo looked back and saw a large slump of the ground on the ground. Even the rising smoke and dust could not cover the shattered ground.

Although there are flying blessings, the volume is only 5 times to 7 times that of humans. When landing, such a range of ground can be destructed, which is inseparable from the strong Strength.

These ten Demon Beasts … what exactly?

Before he came, Luo got some secret information from Kerot Prison from Netero, but the poor information was not related to the Demon Beast of these human heads and beasts.

It stands to reason that Demon Beast’s body does not have human pores, and it is difficult to imagine what makes them capable of mental power.

“The use of mental power does not seem flexible enough.”

Luo pressed the doubts to the bottom of her heart for a while, suddenly stopped, and turned to look at the diffused smoke. She could not see the shadow of the ten Demon Beast at all, but the undisguised mental fluctuations completely exposed the position. .

“In the case of obstructed vision, the mental fluctuations have not yet been converged. Are you reminding me to use you as targets?”

Luo stared coldly at the smoke and dust, vacated his hand, took the virus from the body of Zambia into his hands, compressed it into a virus ball, and then bounced into the smoke and dust.

Five rosary enveloped with virus flew into the dust like lightning.


Luo frowned suddenly, although he couldn’t see the situation in the smoke, but through the fluctuation of his mind, he concluded that 5 thoughts had been avoided.


Luo whispered to himself, while the smoke and dust were still scattered, he compressed five virus-filled munitions again, and then used [Hidden] to eliminate the fluctuations of munitions as much as possible, but he could not eliminate the fluctuations of Zambia’s virulence virus.

When he was ready, Luo once again popped 5 munitions.

Looks at the thought bullets rushing into the dust, Luo flashed with surprise in Luo’s eyes, and then without the slightest hesitation ran towards the dense forest.

The second 2 bullets were still hidden.

not simple…

Just by evading his munitions under zero sight, we can see that these ten Demon Beasts cannot be taken for granted.

When Luo started to move again, he saw that the diffuse smoke and dust was scattered by the strong wind rising in place, revealing the true nature of the flying Demon Beast.

The wings are like bats, but the protruding parts of the wings’ skeleton are three bone spurs that are thicker than an adult arm. At first glance, the sense of deterrence is full.

The erect and standing body is covered with shallow yellow scales, which are similar in appearance to the lizard. Above the neck, there is a human head full of sense of contradiction.

Demon Beast, a ten-headed flying species, has the same shape as the lower body except for human faces.

The scale lizard is the name of this Demon Beast. Compared with most flying species Demon Beast, the scale lizard has a reasonable size, but the scale lizard has the advantage of easily killing the large flying species Demon Beast, which is biological poison.

When it hunts the prey, it will deliver the neurotoxic biological poison to the target’s within the body through the bone spurs on the wings and the claws on the feet, and it can easily kill the prey.

In addition to the tricky biological poison, the slow flying speed and unusual alertness are also the difficulties of scale lizards.

Many hunters have tried to use a firearm and bow and arrow to snake a scale lizard from the dark, but like a compound eye with a fly, the scale lizard often avoids the sneak attack from the dark.

Human mentality, coupled with the body of a scale lizard, is an artificially assembled monster of this kind.

Luo didn’t want to fight, he just rushed into the jungle as soon as possible to find a suitable healing place for Sambica.

The ten scale lizards with human heads were suddenly divided into 2 batches, 5 moved towards the prison in the middle of the lake, flying at a very fast speed. A long water wave was drawn above the lake, and the other 5 chased Luo.

At the same time, the black cat rushed to Luo’s location at the fastest speed.

The ten deformed flying beast Demon Beast did not to be trifled with at first sight, he had to protect Luo’s safety.

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