Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 292

Seeing the fluctuation of mental power emitted by the pigeon, the black cat ran away without the slightest hesitation. His mental power is a little bit less. How could it be wasted in the Mind Power body that looks weak?

Not to mention he is unwilling, even if Luo orders him to kill the pigeon, he will not obey the order.

Although he killed more than 500 prison guards and prisoners today, and made Luo’s book pages more than 500 pages black, his mentality has not yet increased because he has to return to Luo to get “remuneration”.

“That chick looks bad, and the guy in the white coat is not to be trifled with.”

The black cat went straight to the position where moved towards Luo was located. One of the benefits of decentralized search between him and Luo is that they can sense each other’s position at any time.

Just a hasty glance just now, the black cat roughly saw Sambika’s situation, and the fluctuation of mental power was like a candle remaining in the wind, and the mask was stained with dark blood on the block.

“More than 500 pages, I can get 80% of my reading power from Luo this time.”

“You can’t blame me. The rules are absolute. Of course, if I don’t approach you, actually, I can temporarily stop asking for help.”

“However, if you are not allowed to come here as soon as possible, that chick will be dangerous.”

“This is the situation, and you can’t blame me if you want to come.”

The black cat was talking to itself while moving at a high speed, and the dark cat’s face showed a human nature smirk.

If his current level is lv1, then after gaining 80% mental power from Luo body, his level can be improved to at least lv5, which can also be understood as a 5x improvement.

In less than 5 minutes, the black cat came to Luo.

This is a workshop-like room. The lobby on the first floor is very spacious. The 2-Layer is a steel corridor, which is built against the wall and then crosses in the air.

This is an indoor room where prisoners can move freely, and the steel corridor above them is the post of a prison guard.

Luo stood underneath, and the guards occupied the high place, forming an inescapable net-like siege to Luo, but the firearm did not pose any threat to Luo, and his actions were useless.

The sound of gunfire, screams, the sound of the body falling to the ground.

The prison guards mobilized were almost the remaining Strength in the prison, but they became more than 2 corpses here.

Generally speaking, in the face of hard stubble that can’t stand how hard, fighting intent will gradually lose, and then retreat, but these prison guards show no sign of backing out, but the more fights the more brave is.

Unfortunately, they can’t hurt Luo at all, and they will be shot by Bullets strikes to kill.

“Bang bang …!”

Another group of corpses fell from the steel hallway and threw them on the ground.

In the whole factory building, corpses were everywhere, blood flowing into a river, and the air smelled of acrid blood.


Neat footsteps came from the passageway at a high place, and the jail guard with a plain look of each and everyone ran out from inside, once again lifting up various formidable power huge firearms.

The black cat glanced at nearly 30 prison guards who ran quickly from the steel bridge. After coldly smilingd, they burst into a volley and rushed to this group of prison guards.

With a wave of claws, like cutting melon and vegetables, the 30 prison guards were immediately destroyed, and then Shi Shiran returned to Luo’s side.

“I found her and she is still alive, but the situation is not good.” The black cat stared at Rin, Luo, in the cold breath, and there was a surprise in his eyes and a deep smile.

He saw Luo’s amazing killing intent, and seemed to realize why Luo was willing to stay in one place, waiting for the other party to come to him.

Do you want to kill everyone in the prison?

Hum, that’s right!

Hearing the words of the black cat, Luo expression moved slightly, and the icy breath emanating from the body converged most of the time.

Zambia was alive … the short-haired woman really wanted to provoke him before he died, and then disturbed his emotions.

Originally, I wanted to clear the block first, and then turned this place to the bottom. Now it is no longer needed.

“take me to.”

He first glanced coldly at the corpse, and then looked at the passageway at a high place. He knew there were at least has 20 Mind Power men waiting for the opportunity. He also knew what the other party was driving ordinary prison guards to surround him. .

It doesn’t matter if you want to consume his mental power, then consume it. If you want to know his mental intelligence, take it. In any case, the person in front of him will not be polite.

The black cat raised its paw, said with a slight smile: “No problem, but before that, I have to act according to the rules.”

Tone barely fell, and Luo’s eyes were slightly cold. He noticed that his thinking power within the body flew uncontrollably to the black cat’s paw, quickly condensing a mighty ball of thought.

But it ’s a split second thing, and with less than 30% of the mind full of energy.

Book pages …

Luo suddenly understood the reason, looks at the black cat swallowed the ball in his stomach, but still calm.

At this moment, the black cat ’s mental ability was swallowed up to 70% by the black cat, which is not good for him to rescue Sambika. However, he can still use the characteristics of living and living together to drive the black cat to help him eliminate the threat .

However, at this moment, the black cat chooses the time to devour his thoughts, which always makes him a little upset.

“Had the way.” Luo stared at the black cat calmly.

“… “

The black cat was very satisfied after swallowing the meditation. He thought Luo would jump straight with anger, but it was so calm.

Luo’s calm attitude and tone suddenly turned into a thorn stuck in the heart of the black cat.

It’s unscientific. Luo should be very angry at this time. For example, blame him for taking food in this situation. Although he can justify Rin’s answer that this is a rule, most of the time he can’t convince Luo.

The black cat thought he was going to be sprayed with a few mouthfuls of foam, but the situation in front of him made him feel uneasy.

“The hidden guys don’t care?” The black cat cautiously glanced at the calm Luo, and flew towards the exit.

Luo just followed him, without saying a word, the quiet gesture made Tú tú even more uncomfortable for the black cat.

Ah, what’s the situation with this guy?

The black cat thought.

Two people ignored the next batch of prison guards running out, and the Mind Power guys who were secretly ready to go, so they ran away in their front of one’s eyes.

At first, killing intent was decided, it was a rigid attitude, but now I suddenly ran away.

Hidden in the dark waiting for the opportunity, the members of the Qing Rin team’s remnant party suddenly took a look, and they could not stand still, and chased after Luo and Black Cat.

After this chase, I found that the speed of Luo and the black cat is very fast, not that they can catch up, they can only bite their tails.

Led by the black cat, Luo quickly arrived in the old cell area where Sambica was located.

In that long and wide hallway, he saw pigeons in white coats and Sambica in a glass cell.

At the moment of contact, Luo took the lead. He seemed to ignore the existence of the pigeon and went straight to the place where Sambica was.

The pigeon looked coldly at Luo, his mind was surging, and lightning came to Luo’s side and punched him in the past.

In the face of this fist, Luo didn’t even look at it, and even showed no signs of using [flow]. Just in front of the pigeon, he shook the glass out of a gap for people to pass through.

“Courting death.” The pigeon thought indifferently.


The black cat with Luo yelled in his heart, and he finally knew what Luo was doing!

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