Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 291

Compared with Luo, who met two quite capable Mind Power players, the black cat was much easier. He entered the building with a sway, and one Mind Power player did not meet. On the contrary, he attracted many prison guards in the form of beasts. .

Ordinary Bullets’ threat to the black cat is equal to zero. In the face of the jailer who came to destroy him, he was killed with a polite claw.

Passing along the road, leaving only corpses on the ground.

With the authorization of Luo, how could the black cat miss this opportunity, no matter 3 7 21, it is killing to meet people!

Less than half an hour into the building, the black cat made the black pages of Luo’s book break through 2 100 pages.

Killing is killing, the black cat still fulfills Luo’s request, while killing, looking for Sambica’s position, but there is only a little bit of passive work.

In this half an hour, Sambica was not found, and the prison guards actually killed a lot.

Killing all the way, he stumbled to the cell area where the prisoners were held.


looks at the crowd of prisoners held in the cell, the black cat stuck out his tongue and licked, the cold light in the silver eyes.

These wicked prisoners are in his eyes like little turkeys just waiting to be slaughtered

The area where Sambika is located is an abandoned cell, still in a small space separated by transparent glass. Sambika curled up on the knees at the place of Kakuzu. The dark forbidden zone of life has shrunk to less than 2 Meter.

Pigeon picked up the phone, put it in his ear and asked, “What happened?”

“Bear and shark are dead.” A voice reporting the situation came from the phone.

Pigeon froze, solemnly asked: “Identity? Number of people?”

“The enemy is unknown, there is only one person, and also a black leopard that may be Demon Beast.”

There is no need to say that the other party is Mind Power, because the person who can kill the bear and shark is obviously not an ordinary person.

The pigeon glanced at Sambica in the glass cell and said: “The voyage is temporarily stranded, first settle the enemy, remember to report to me at any time.


The pigeon put down the phone, his face gradually cooled down, and his head was slightly lowered. He whispered an unknown text in a weird tone, which was a condolences to the dead bear and shark.

There was a hint of guilt in his heart. If it wasn’t for his insistence on getting Sambika’s abilities, the team would have sailed long ago, and it wouldn’t be dragged to the present. Sharks and bears would not die.

This trace of guilt appeared fast and went fast.

For the same goal, sacrifice is inevitable. To subvert a country, more than 100 artificial soldiers are not enough. They also need various tricky biochemical weapons!

The arrival of Sambica is simply an unexpected joy, which can greatly make up for the weakness of the biochemical weapon. This unexpected joy has become a very important piece in the plan.

In order to wait until the moment when the walking mushrooms are implanted in the Sambica, no greater sacrifice is worth it!

Although the identity of the Incursio is unknown, the pigeon knows that this Incursio is definitely related to the Hunters Association.

On that day, although the shark smashed the mobile phone that Sambica snatched from the body member of the organization in time, it now seems that the short message should still be sent, otherwise the other party’s action is impossible so fast.

“Hmph, on the surface, the application was issued step by step, but secretly sent someone to bypass the International Security Organization directly. What is the difference from the previous Qing Rin team? It is also to ignore the rules in order to achieve the mission!”

“It’s you who dismissed the Rin team by default, and it’s you who continue the Rin team practice today.”

“Issac. Netero, you are so hypocritical.”

The pigeon murmured coldly, and after staring, he stared at Sambica in the glass room.

Hurry up, hurry up.

All the companions who escaped from the disaster can’t wait.

Yeah, the people are plunged into an abyss of misery. What they want is the destruction of a country. What they want to see is 10000 1000 souls struggling to die in sorrow.

Realizing that the Incursio is a powerful Kakuzu who cannot be underestimated, the Rin party of the Qing Rin team will not rush to siege Luo, but will mobilize the remaining guards in the prison to drive them all to deal with Luo.

As for the Black Panther, when the disabled party saw that the other party was slaughtering the prisoner in the cell, they abandoned it and focused on the Luo body.

For a moment, this secret prison, which was hiding various secrets, began to emit an increasingly thick bloody smell.

The massacre really kicked off.

The black cat was killing many inmates without any resistance, and Luo, because of the safety of Sambica, had no intention of keeping a watch on the prison guards who surrounded him.

What kind of consequences this incident will have, what kind of impact it will have, and whether it will be hostile to the country are not considered by Luo.

Driven by the disabled party of the Qing Rin team, the prison guards did not have a brain, but they were fighting in batches. They had a sense of wheel warfare. However, the purpose of the prisoners was to use the life of the prison guards to pile up Luo’s ability information.

Their plan worked, and it did measure a part of Luo’s Mind Power, which was to stop all around Bullets, and then bounce back.

On the other side, hundreds of prisoners in the cell area were slaughtered by black cats with super-efficiency. Although this group of prisoners should be immediately sent to the scaffold, the motive for killing them was not to purify their sins.

Leaving the corpse on the ground, the black cat left the cell area contentedly, and then he found that there were no more prison guards coming to trouble him.

“You can’t be too lazy.”

The black cat thought that he had already taken advantage of hundreds of people, and it was time to be satisfied. If he was too greedy, he would be in trouble.

Thinking of it, he turned into black smoke and began to seriously fulfill Luo’s order.

Under the smoky state, his Speed 鈥嬧€媔s quite fast, but where there are gaps, he can penetrate into it, so the search efficiency is also improved.

Twelve years ago, Gundam had more than 70000 inmates in Klott prison. Today, the number of inmates has fallen sharply to less than 1000.

From 70000 to 1000, the difference between the numbers is alive. It is by no means the phenomenon of birth, old age, sickness, and death that can be filled in. In this number, most of them die by fate. Most of them die in experiments or become Demon Beast rations.

Given the high cost of transporting prisoners to Kloter Prison, fewer and fewer prisoners have been transported in recent years, which is why there are fewer than 1000 prisoners.

Although the number of prisoners has decreased rapidly, the number of prison guards has not changed much. This group of veterans retired from the battlefield has been completely left here, and they can be considered to spend the rest of their lives in the style of old-age care.

Now, the arrival of the Incursio gives them a chance to fight and gives them a reason to die.

When Luo was entangled by the prison guards who came around in batches, the black cat found Sambica.

After the number of prisoners has dropped sharply, a large part of the cells will be abandoned, while Sambika is in the abandoned cell area, and the black cat is in the cell area in use.

The two places are in the same large area. The black cat walks through the smoke. I originally wanted to search the abandoned cell area and left. Didn’t expect to find Sambika in the abandoned cell area.

The black cat changed from a smoky state to a leopard shape, landed steadily, and stood in the corridor and looked at the pigeon in a white coat.

“It turned out to be a beast.”

Pigeon looks at the black cat in the form of a leopard, a whisper.

Not Demon Beast.

After seeing the black cat, the pigeons made preparations for battle and covered their minds.

However, he had just released his mind within the body, but saw this black panther-shaped beast turned his head and ran, very decisively.

“… “

Looks at the beast that can’t be seen as soon as it goes, the pigeon wind is messy.


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