Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 274

This gas field formed by many parties did not prepare in advance, but suddenly appeared.

The aura is not malicious, but it is even more terrifying than malicious. It is an almost deadly emotion. To describe it in a more appropriate word, disregarding the word 2 may be more suitable.

The reason why Machi’s reaction is so exaggerated is not that she is too sensitive, but that she has never experienced such a terrible aura, so that the body reacted one step before the consciousness accepted the discrimination.

The first bearers are Machi and Luo, and the Doubian people are as if they were immune bodies of the gas field. They are not affected in the slightest. Machi, who looks backwards, and Luo, who looks dignified, express a question mark.

In addition, many members of the Twelve Earthly Branches were in the building. When they noticed this aura, they were all confused.

The 3 old people who have walked from the old times until now, their Mind Power skills and spirituality may have already entered a deep realm, just like this aura, after a long period of precipitation, it is a kind of hard to describe death.

Facing this aura, Luo only felt as if he was trapped in a quagmire, and an invisible wall of air stood in front of him, making it difficult for him to make a half-step.

It is an invisible pressure from spiritual, and the unsound person will restrain his limbs.

However, Luo knew that there was no danger after this aura, and now that he knew it, he was fearless.

“Luo” Machi’s body was tight to the extreme, and she had already entered the state of preparation. Her back at looks at Luo had the urge to run away immediately with Luo.

“Can it stand?”

Luo was undressed, looking at the door at the end of the straight corridor.

“I don’t know.” Machi’s tone was a bit strenuous and heavy. After all, her level was still a lot worse than Luo’s. In the face of the 3 Old Man’s aura, she could bear more weight than Luo.

“What’s wrong with you two?” Doumian couldn’t seem to feel the Qi field and wouldn’t be affected by the Qi field. He turned and looked at 2 people and asked in confusion.

Luo ignored Doudou Noodles and said to Machi, “If you can’t hold on, just step back.”

“What about you?” Machi gritted his teeth slightly.

“Me?” Luo sighed and said, “I’m sure to go in.”

I knew that the Netero President had specially invited him to come, and there would be no good, even if it was delicious, there must be some obstacles.

Thinking of this, Luo stepped forward, facing the air field full of surroundings, walking towards the room at the end of the passage.

Machi looks at Luo’s back, gnashing his teeth.

She couldn’t keep pace, but didn’t want to step back, so she suffered spiritual baptism from 3 Old Man.

Doudou people who are out of the office really don’t know what happened, but from the reaction of Machi and Luo, it must be that the President is doing something again.

“President is really” Doumian people are helpless, and it is no wonder that when they said that they would invite Luo to come, they would have that kind of excitement.

In the quiet room, the three elderly people did not need to expand the circle, and the Sensor could walk to Luo toward the room, and each step seemed firm and calm, as if the gas field they released was a decoration.

In fact, their aura is not malicious in itself, it is purely spiritual oppression, as long as it is clearly understood that their actions are not harmful, it is not difficult to overcome this obstacle.

That being said, it is not so easy to do this step.

For two examples, a monk who has cultivated his mind for many years but does not know Mind Power, and a person who has mastered Mind Power for many years but has impatience.

If these two kinds of people are facing Netero 2’s aura at the same time, then the former can calm and composed, while the latter will be forced back.

Of course, the reason Machi couldn’t get over this obstacle of the aura was not because her temperament was impetuous, but because she couldn’t believe that the aura was harmless, which was related to her birth environment.

“Walk calmly, close it?” Maha’s eyes narrowed into a slit, and she seemed too lazy to open her eyelids. After realizing that the gas field had little effect on Luo, she felt that it was meaningless to continue.

So he proposed to take the gas field away.

Lin Nie didn’t say anything. The old eyes of muddy looked towards Netero with a beard and a smile, waiting to be answered.

“Wait until he comes in.” Netero said with a smile.

Maha heard the news, and didn’t say much, and continued to release the aura, and Lin Nie did the same.

In the 30-meter promenade, Luo took 27 steps to reach the wooden door that looked like a zephyr, and Doumen followed him, and opened the door for him.

“Let me drive.”

Suddenly Luo said.

Doudou people heard the words for a moment, and saw Luo staring at the recessed handle on the edge of the door, obeying Luo’s words and letting go.

There was a gleam of light in Luo’s eyes, which was the phenomenon of qi gathering in his eyes.

As long as you use ‘Ning’, you can see a solid mass of gas gathering at the handles along the door.

The gas field was the first, and now the hands are playing on the door.

If it weren’t for something delicious, Luo really didn’t want to come.

With a sigh in his heart, Luo stretched out his bandaged hand, and when he reached the handle, he used the power of God’s hand to peel off the air mass gathered above it, and then slowly opened the door.

Inside the door was a quiet quiet room without much furnishings. It was just a large ‘heart’ hanging on the wall. The floor seemed to be made of tatami.

On the right after getting started, there is a platform half a meter from Gundam. Netero and two other elderly people sit around a low table. The seating positions of three people are different.

Luo walked in, and silently looked at the two old men, one male and one female, both of whom were 2 years old and extremely old.

The man was short, with a wrinkle-like wrinkle on his face, his eyes pursed, his mouth was big, his arms tight, and his appearance was like an alien.

His eyes narrowed into a slit, barely able to see the color of black pupils, and he was casually dressed, just like the Boss grandfather running in the morning, a white undershirt accompanied by an earth-colored 4 Kakuzu pants.

This person is Maha Zoldyck, the grandfather of Zeno, and the oldest person in Zoldyck.

He is the same age as Netero, and he can be described as an old eccentric who rarely shows up. He lives to his current age and stays in the country. If he travels, he basically takes the commission of assassination. In other words, the people who see him are basically Can’t live.

The other woman, who is also of short stature, is as old as Maha. She has deep wrinkles on her face, her cheeks are enlarged and drooping, and her lips are covered with fine lines that erected. Her eyes are open. God.

However, she looks so old, but her golden-yellow hair looks very young, and has a high similarity to the hair of Bisji, who has not transformed.

That old look with such young blond hair always feels full of conflict, and the old muddy eyes are like a camera lens that has lost focus, but Luo can always detect the sight of the old man.

Two old men, Luo recognized one, was Lin Nie, because when he asked Sambica to check the food contest, he had seen Lin Nie’s photo.

His eyes quickly moved away from the two elderly bodies and looked towards the low table.

A small dish of dried radishes, a small dish of white jade-like bean sprouts, a bowl of white rice, a bowl of clear soup with a little oil froth floating on it, and a small dish with a fragrant flavor.

apart from this, no more.

Is this delicious?

Luo’s eyes fell on the dishes on the low table, and the ambience covering the dishes, felt that he was still pitted by Netero President.

When he looks at meals, the Netero 3 people look at him.

The three old people who have come from the old days to the present are now gathered together, and it is not something others can see.

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